Study Eliminate Bad Breath Naturally - 6 Ways to Be Free From Bad Breath much more

How to eliminate bad breath is one of the most common concerns by millions of people as bad breath or halitosis affects millions of people worldwide and it can remain undetected by the affected person himself. Although one may experience having bad breath occasionally, some may also have this as a persistent problem. It would be helpful though to ask someone close to you to find out if you have one so that you can start to find ways to find remedies and treatment. Even if you don't have any, it is always wise to maintain a fresh-smelling breath everyday.
The ways to avoid and eliminate bad breath may be simple but these are also the most neglected. Lack of dental hygiene for example is often a major cause of bad breath. Food particles that are stuck in between the teeth and are hard to be eliminated by brushing alone can continue to rot and gives off the foul smell - and this can usually result to bacterial infection that gives off a more foul odor. Cavities and gum infections may cause the problem as well.
For natural means to eliminate bad breath, here are some suggestions you might want to start with.
(1) Clean your tongue. The tongue is one of the major culprits in causing bad breath as bacteria can hide in the grooves of the tongue. You can use a tongue cleaner or a brush to clean especially near the base of the tongue.
(2) Practice good dental hygiene. Brushing the teeth every after meal may not be enough. Flossing should be done everyday and preferably before going to bed. Oral rinsing may also help. If you have cavities, tartar, gum problems and plaques, visit the dentist as soon as possible. These also make your breath smell bad. Do not also forget your regular dental cleaning twice a year - this will definitely help you maintain a healthier teeth and mouth and allow you to eliminate bad breath even at its milder stage.
(3) Hydrate. Drink enough water and fluids everyday. This will not only flush the tongue but it can also keep the mouth hydrated. A dry mouth often is a good place for bacteria to grow. When exercising, jogging or enjoying a sport, prevent yourself from dehydration as it can also cause the mouth to smell bad. If you frequently experience dry mouth, chewing on a sugarless gum would help stimulate your salivary glands and thus hydrating your mouth.
(4) Thoroughly clean your dentures at before putting it into use. You can also soak them in antiseptic solutions overnight. To make sure it is not introducing bacteria in your mouth.
(5) Herb wonders - Parsley, basil, mint, raw guava and cilantro are also good to freshen up the mouth. You can chew on them to maintain fresh breath. Sweet fennel and alfalfa are also among the many beneficial herbs that may help you eliminate bad breath. Chewing on fresh guava leaves also makes wonders not only for your breath but for teeth and gum health as well.
(6) Gargling with water and salt will also help get rid of bacteria from the back of the throat that also cause bad breath.
As mentioned earlier, you most of the time cannot detect if you have bad breath, thus you should not wait to be embarrassed and do not wait for it to affect your business and social life - find prevention before it gets too late.

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Eliminate Bad Breath Naturally - 6 Ways to Be Free From Bad Breath

Read Natural Bad Breath Cure much more

Bad Breath Cures

A natural bad breath cure is something most of us could use. If there isn't less attractive then a person with bad breath? Nobody wants to kiss a person who smells like they just licked the bottom of the garbage can. There are a few ways to cure bad breath like brushing your teeth more often, chewing gum, and using mouthwash but those are really natural bad breath cures. This problem can stem form an unclean mouth so go to the dentist if you have to make sure there are not more serious dental problems.

Some of the natural bad breath cures would include yogurt, mint leaves, baking soda with warm water, tea, parsley, fenugreek seeds, cloves, fennel, guava, cardamom, and fresh fruits. So there are plenty of natural choices to help you get rid of bad breath. I prefer the fesh herbs when it comes to keeping my fresh breath in tact. Guava is also good not just for your problem but your overall health because it contain many essential vitamins and minerals they we should have to become and stay healthy.

You can find these items at a health food store and even some regular grocery store should have these herbs so I recommend you start searching for them if you do have this problem. Obviously how a person looks make them attractive but smells of a person also play a role in making a person even more attractive to another. If your body and breath smell good you become even more appealing to the opposite sex so getting a natural bad breath cure if you do suffer from it is very easy.

For the best Natural Bad Breath Cure online CLICK HERE

Natural Bad Breath Cure

Bad Breath Cures

Examine Chronic Bad Breath Cure - Follow This Five-Step Sequence extra

Bad Breath Cure

Chronic bad breath is scientifically known as halitosis. This is an embarrassing condition that many individuals suffer from a majority of the time. You are probably seeking a chronic malodorous breath cure if you find it difficult to participate in some standard social situations due to your condition that turns people away from you. For the best chronic bad breath cure, follow this sequence of five steps.

· Discover the cause of your halitosis. There is more than one reason why you could be a sufferer of chronic smelly breath. The most common reasons are poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, air passage or mouth diseases, or other conditions throughout your body that lead to halitosis. Your situation could be caused by one or a combination of these causes.

· Begin to make changes in your life. Based on the cause you determine to be the problem, you can alter your lifestyle a little. For example, improving oral hygiene could make a huge difference. Also, if you smoke and your habit has led to the development of throat disease, you can cure your breath issues and improve your overall health if you choose to quit smoking.

· Determine what chronic bad breath cure is the most effective for you. With multiple causes, there could be multiple cures, but some may be more effective than others. Some cures are temporary, but the best are those that are more permanent. Returning to the smoking example, you will find that quitting your habit and seeking medical attention for your disease will prove to be a highly effective cure for your halitosis.

· Weigh the costs of the cure. Some cures are more worth it than others because they cost you less monetarily and in terms of effort. These costs vary from buying a new toothbrush and mouthwash to undergoing throat surgery and discontinuing a habit that can be incredibly hard to drop. It is up to you to decide what is worth it to get rid of your halitosis and improve your overall health.

· Understand what must be done to prevent your odorous breath from reemerging. Most of the time a chronic halitosis cure will require you to make a continual change rather than a onetime effort. Once your smelly breath is cured, it could easily return unless you know what to do to keep it at bay for many years into the future.

JP Ray runs the informational website Bad--Breath.Net as an online resource for those who want a proactive solution to bad breath. You can get rid of bad breath -- check out the site to learn more about bad breath cures now!

Chronic Bad Breath Cure - Follow This Five-Step Sequence

Bad Breath Cure

Go through How to Cure Bad Breath or Halitosis extra

Bad Breath, or halitosis as it is officially known as, is one of those conditions that the sufferers rarely know they have. Not only that, but it is extremely offensive to others.

If you suffer from bad breath the signs should be obvious to you, even if you cannot smell your own breath. Have you ever noticed anyone taking a step or two back from you when your are speaking? Have you ever tried to kiss a girl or a boy, and noticed them reluctant? This may not be due to them not liking you, but more to the smell of your breath.

Halitosis can be extremely damaging both to your opportunity for romance, and for employment in a position that involves speaking to others. The problem with bad breath is that if you have it, you don't know it unless somebody tells you. You can't smell it yourself and your friends are not doing you a favour by not mentioning it. However, how do tell a friend that they have bad breath? Have you every tried it? It's even more difficult than telling them they have body odour.

Let's assume that you have cottoned on the fact that people tend to stand well back when you talk to them. That in itself may not always be a clue, but if they are standing close to you when you open your mouth, then take a few paces back, you should realize that it is not just to able to see you better. It's because your breath stinks. That's right - it stinks! There's no other word for it, so do something about it.

Before you can sure that you are able to eliminate it you need to understand the cause. Cleaning your teeth won't stop bad breath. It will help, but not stop it. I deliberately do not use the word 'cure', since bad breath is rarely a medical condition. It may be sometimes, but generally is a matter of oral hygiene. Note the word 'oral'. Not 'dental' but 'oral'. This is because halitosis arises from the mouth and throat, not the teeth - unless yours are rotten, in which case it can contribute.

Bad breath comes from bacteria that are lodged in your gums, tongue and cheeks. There are several types of such bacteria, but all emit gases that produce the bad breath that everybody can smell when you talk. These gases are normally sulfur compounds, and the bacteria that produce them are very difficult to dislodge. Mouthwashes are not always effective against them, since they need physically removed.

Vigorous brushing of the teeth will remove bacteria from the spaces between them, but gums, cheeks and your tongue also need brushing. Your tongue is best cleaned using a tongue scraper, which is a ribbed spatula that you pull down over your tongue, preferably coated with a paste containing anti-bacteriological ingredients. Two or three pulls down your tongue will be enough to clean it.

The same applies to your cheeks, though a soft toothbrush will do. Soft brushing with anti-bacteriological paste will clean your cheeks, and you can also use the soft brush on your tongue. A mouthwash can help if it is not too alkaline, since bacteria can take up residence at the back of the tongue, and farther down.

If you have halitosis or bad breath - there is no difference - good oral hygiene will help. However, if you use properly formulated anti-bacteriological pastes on a spatula designed to scrape your tongues and cheeks, you will not find it difficult to cure your halitosis problem. If you are unsure how to cure bad breath try it out and you will be delighted with the results. No longer will your girlfriend or boyfriend draw away from you when you try kissing them.

Bad Breath Cure

Peter is interested in many aspects of personal fitness and health, and you can find more information on this anti-social condition called halitosis, or bad breath, on his webpage

This condition is easily controllable given the proper treatment and advice. You can also find advice on other problems and health issues in general on

How to Cure Bad Breath or Halitosis

Bad Breath Cure

Read Causes of Bad Breath and How to Cure Smelly Breath additional

Curing Bad Breath

Bad Breath is one of the most unpleasant things that people suffer from, most of the time the reason that people suffer from Bad Breath is due to negligence rather than a medical condition.

Have you ever been talking to someone when all of a sudden you get a whiff of their smelly breath? It's enough to make you take a step back isn't it? Bad Breath is a very embarrassing thing to suffer from and the worst part is that most people who have it don't even realize that they do.

There are many different ways of Curing Bad Breath and they are a lot easier than you may think, in this article we will tell you about some of the ways in which you can freshen up your breath and save yourself from unnecessary embarrassment.

1. Brush Your Teeth Properly

Now this might seem like a no brainer but you might be surprised to know that some people do not even know how to brush their teeth properly. You need to be brushing you teeth for at lest 2 mins in order to get them nice and clean

2. Floss you teeth

You have probably heard about this technique as well, it's not exactly a well kept secret and its pretty much common sense, if you Floss daily then you will improve your oral hygiene and will probably notice the difference straight away

3. Use Mouthwash

Again this is another very easy way to improve your oral hygiene and get rid of your smelly breath, remember to use the correct mouthwash for what you are trying to achieve.

4. Buy and use a Tongue Scraper

This is probably the most overlooked method in people's daily oral hygiene routine, if you buy a Tongue Scraper you will instantly notice the difference it makes and you will feel much better for making the decision to buy one.

5. Visit your dentist regularly

Lots of people will try this solution last because they simply do not like the dentist so that's why we are mentioning it last, we didn't want to scare you away. If you go for regular checkups you can get your teeth cleaned by the hygienist themselves using professional tools.

Going to see your dentist every 6 months like they advise is a good idea as it may a medical condition causing your smelly breath that no amount of mouthwash and floss can cure, it's really essential to go.

These are not the only ways in which you can cure bad breath but if you implement these techniques and you still have bad breath then you really do need to go and see a specialist about it.

Bad Breath Cure

For more great information about Curing Bad Breath visit Tongue Scrapers

Causes of Bad Breath and How to Cure Smelly Breath

Read Home Remedies for Bad Breath additional

Bad Breath Cures

If you find yourself afflicted with halitosis, or otherwise known as bad breath, you are not alone. You and some hundreds of thousands of people suffer daily from this sometimes uncontrollable, and often embarrassing circumstance. If you are searching for a home remedy for bad breath, there are more than a few available for free on the internet, but not all of them will actually work. By exhausting all options available, home remedy for bad breath being one of them, you are actually narrowing down all of your options to the very best and workable ones.

Finding a successful home remedy for bad breath is not as difficult or impossible as most people may believe. There are, of course, the usual suspects that pass as a home remedy for bad breath, such as baking soda gargles, or scraping your tongue, but although they have been tried, they have been largely unsuccessful in handling the problem of halitosis. This do-it-yourself solution does not have to be intricate or complicated, and depending on your personal issue, may be something as simple as brushing your teeth one or more times in addition to the advised three times daily. Your dentist is the person you should consult for more information. He or she may recommend a very simple solution, though it should be known that there are hundreds of reasons that a person may be experiencing halitosis, and oral hygiene is only one of them.

When looking for a home remedy, pay special attention to the ingredients to determine what they are for. Certain items, like parsley and mint, will cure the bad breath in your mouth, while others, like cayenne pepper, are more useful for curing the bad breath which originates in your digestive system, particularly in your stomach. If additional oral hygiene doesn't work well, then you may have to deal with the problem at it's source, and changing your diet or balancing the types of foods you eat is often the easiest solution.

Gargling with baking soda and water is one of the easier home remedy for bad breath. The baking soda assists in neutralizing the bacteria in your mouth and often is successful when used occasionally. Mouth wash is another quick and easy fix. Whether it is store bought mouth wash, or by means of a herbal concoction you find in a magazine, it is a good home remedy for halitosis. The most important way to rid yourself of halitosis, is to increase the number of times you brush and floss your teeth in a day. Flossing is very important, since it rids the teeth of plaque that builds up, resulting in halitosis.

A simple program you can use as a home remedy for bad breath could begin with paying attention to the foods you eat, and when you suffer bad breath. It could be a result of ingesting certain foods that either react negatively with your body, or are simply foods that cause bad breath. As a home remedy for bad breath, research spices that both combat bad breath, while encouraging good health. Many herbs are also used as a home remedy for bad breath. Getting information on these herbs and spices could help rid you of bad breath.

Richard Wilkins, owner and webmaster of Halitosis Solutions is a man who has suffered from symptoms of halitosis, or chronic bad breath, his entire life. After finally having gotten this disease under control, he has since made it his mission in life to spread the knowledge of halitosis treatment methods to everyone who suffers from this disease, no matter the severity. Visit his Halitosis Solutions website for more ideas and information about how to cure severe cases of halitosis

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Understand Bad Breath Cure - How to Naturally Treat Halitosis more

Bad Breath Cures

Looking to cure your smelly breath?

Look no further. Below we have outlined what causes foul breath and five at home bad breath cures that will ensure you are confident about your minty fresh breath throughout the day.

Smelly breaths usually comes from sulphur-producing bacteria called Halitosis. These little bacteria hide in your mouth and produce volatile sulphur compounds, or VSC, which is the reason for the bad smell.

However, halitosis can also come from certain foods and drinks, infections, acid indigestion and poor oral hygiene. Cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, onions, garlic and leeks can all warrant halitosis.

The best bad breath cure out there is simply to brush, floss and use mouthwash on a daily basis. However, even those who do practice good oral hygiene may still suffer from bad breath. So opt for some of these tried-and-tested home remedies proven to cure bad breath.

1. Dip into the herb cabinet and look for fennel, thyme, parsley, cinnamon and mint. Instead of chewing gum (or smoking a cigarette), chew on a piece of one of these natural herbs.

2. Avocado is another secret cure for bad breath. Some spread some on your sandwich or mix up some guacamole.

3. Baking soda is a common ingredient in toothpaste; however, if you're toothpaste is baking-soda free, you can still benefit from this bad breath cure. Add a small amount of water and baking soda to your toothbrush and scrub that halitosis away.

4. Another effective way to kiss your foul breath goodbye is with lemon juice. Lemon juice is a standard household item. You can opt for lemon squeeze or a real lemon. Add either to warm water and gargle your way to a citrusy mouth.

5. A final at-home halitosis cure is tea tree oil. This versatile essential oil works for soothing and relieving aches and also for curing bad breath. Add a pinch into your mouth wash and stay fresh for much longer.

There are enough stresses during the day without worrying about your breath. Finding a bad breath cure that works for you is the first step in gaining confidence in all aspects of your life. So focus on what's important and kick your halitosis to the curb.

Please visit our website for more information on how to Naturally Prevent and Cure Bad Breath.

Anna Watson is the author for Tonsil Stones Remedies, after suffering Halitosis and Tonsil Stones for 7 years. She reveals the secret to permanently getting rid of bad breath and tonsil stones simple home remedies. Please visit this website:

Bad Breath Cure - How to Naturally Treat Halitosis

Understand Bad Breath - Dental Problems Often Cause Bad Breath more

Bad Breath

There is a direct link between bacterial plaque, bad breath and dental problems.

Bad breath or halitosis, dental decay, periodontal disease and gingivitis are all caused by the anaerobic bacteria that live in the mouth. Anaerobic means living in the absence of air. These types of bacteria are mostly pathological.

· Bad breath is the odor produced by bacteria living off food particles, each other and dying tissue. Bad breath can also be caused by other more serious health issues. An example of this is diabetes that can cause acidosis which in turn causes bad breath.

· Dental decay is actually caused by the acidic excrement from the bacteria. The tooth is literally being dissolved by chronically being bathed in this acid.

· Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums caused by your own body trying to fight off the invasion of the bacteria.

· Periodontal disease (perio = around, and dontal = tooth) is the loss of bone and tissue attachment around the tooth. It is caused by a microbial invasion around the tooth by anaerobic bacteria.

Odors and acids are produced in the film of plaque that resides between teeth, along the gum line and on the surface of the tongue. The plaque is produced by the bacteria. Poor oral hygiene can not keep the population of bacteria under control, resulting in bad breath. Cleaning teeth twice daily is the minimum requirement for reducing the population of bacteria. However, meticulous cleaning is difficult. Tooth brushing does not access in between teeth and often causes ridges and grooves along the gum line. Oral irrigating does not cut through the sticky greasy barrier the plaque produces.

Infections from dental decay, gingivitis, or periodontal disease also cause bad breath. Again, poor oral hygiene is the biggest factor in these infections. Improper flossing will take an infection from one part of the mouth and inoculate a health part. The infections also produce dead tissue, which add to the smorgasbord feeding the bacteria. The gasses given off is what you smell.

There are other factors that feed the bacteria besides food and infection. Smoking, mouth breathing, alcohol based mouth washes and certain medications also increase dry mouth. Reduced saliva does not allow your mouth to remove the bacteria that cause the odor.

Finally, the bad breath odor may be from sources other than the oral cavity. Some medical conditions cause bad breath. Infections in the lungs, nasal cavity or sinuses can cause odor that is associated with bad breath. Bad breath in diabetics is a rather common occurrence. And finally, less likely, but still possible, bad breath can be associated with certain conditions related to malfunctioning kidneys and some cancers.

Want to learn more on how to reduce bad breath, have a white, healthy smile and manage periodontal disease? I have designed and developed a home dental cleaning system that uses the technology of the professional Prophy-Jet to power wash between your teeth and around the gum line.

I invite you to sign up for my articles at

From P., Piero DDS a practicing dentist and inventor of Dental Air Force® and "Baci The Dental Dog".

Follow ppierodds on Twitter at

Bad Breath - Dental Problems Often Cause Bad Breath

Understand Bad Breath - Seven Tips to Help Eliminate It far more

Up to 90 percent of all bad breath is believed to originate within the mouth. The intensity or how bad it can be can vary during the day depending on the dryness of the mouth, the foods eaten, smoking and consumption of alcohol.

By some estimates chronic bad breath also known as halitosis, can affect up to 25 percent of the population. It can affect our personal, social, and professional relationships. Perhaps the only relationship it will not affect is that with our dog or cat.

It can lead to embarrassment, stress, and even self esteem problems.

Some types of bad breath are from the food consumed such as garlic, onions, and alcohol.

The cause is in many cases the result of the metabolic activity of some types of oral bacteria as they work on proteins that fail to leave the mouth on completion of a meal. That means the bad breath solution or halitosis cure is within the reach of many afflicted with this problem.

Here are Six Tips to avoid bad breath and work toward better breath.

Eat The Right Foods

When it comes to bad breath, there are two types of food culprits. Foods that help eliminate bad breath and those that contribute to bad breath.

Good food choices would include rough foods that would clean the tongue. Top of the breath freshening list would be apples. An apple is perhaps the simplest bad breath cure when brushing is not possible.

Foods to avoid would include garlic, onions, meats, fish, and cheeses. Protein rich foods are one of the big culprits and if you will be in front of people it might be best to avoid them.

Clean the Tongue

Clean the tongue with a tongue scraper or tongue brush. Use it gently.

Increase Salivation Naturally

Increase salivation by chewing sugarless gum. Saliva has antibacterial properties so the more you create the more you suppress the bacterial growth.

Home remedies include fennel seeds, cinnamon sticks, mastic gum and fresh parsley.

Choose Mouth Wash Carefully

Gargling can reduce morning breath but with a bad side effect. Mouthwashes containing alcohol tend to dry out the mouth which means less saliva. Less saliva promotes bad breath.

Hydrogen peroxide is a common home remedy. It can be dangerous if incorrectly mixed. Be warned that mistaken mixes can cause internal bleeding if swallowed. It can destroy beneficial bacteria and is an irritant to both the eyes, lungs and mucous membranes.

Mouthwashes include both chemical and natural types with varying benefits and risks. Some even include oils that have been found to be effective.

Maintain Proper Hydration

Drink several glasses of water a day to maintain proper hydration. A squeeze of raw lemon juice will help the taste and the body.

Oral Hygiene

Maintain proper oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing is basic. If it is not convenient to brush, an apple can work as an instant breath freshener. There are some products that can be used in the absence of brushing.

Follow any or all of these suggestions for the best breath you can have.

The Seventh Way to Eliminate Bad Breath

How do you eliminate bad breath when it is a coworker or dear friend?

One suggestion that has survived the test of time is to print an article such as this and discreetly leave it for the offender. Perhaps even fold it and type on the words, "From a Friend."

Before you leave it anonymously however, think how you would feel if someone did the same to you about some problem. Kindness could mean to be courageous and give it to them personally.

To soften the embarrassment, include a compliment about some outstanding quality or what they do to contribute to everyone's benefit.

If the person is not aware, they will probably be grateful to know. Be warned, there will be those who will be very embarrassed by the revelation. Use sensitivity before you take this step.

Finally the most important reason for the seventh step. It could save someone their life. Remember the 10% of bad breath that is not from the mouth. Well, it could result from serious health problems.

Your attention to this could potentially save a life.

Bad Breath Cures

Jonathan Steele, RN is an artist, webmaster, public speaking coach and teaches public speaking to nurses and doctors.

If you would like to learn more about a related subject, how he remained ten years sore throat free and how you can too then go to the Public Speakers Sore Throat Treatment

A second related topic, on Public Speaking Health can be found at, your public speaking resource.

This article is (c) 2007 Jonathan Steele

Bad Breath - Seven Tips to Help Eliminate It

Bad Breath Cures

Examine Bad Breath Remedies - Tips to Cure Bad Breath a lot more

Bad Breath Remedies - Tips to Cure Bad Breath

Bad Breath Cures

Bad breath or Halitosis is a common problem and more than 45 percent of the entire population have this problem. Many people are disgusted and embarrassed with halitosis problems. People who found to have this problem are most desperately looking for good bad breath remedies.

It is almost impossible to eliminate all the bacteria inside our mouth. The bacteria that feed on the leftover food particles are likely to cause bad breath and the white coating on our tongue is most likely to be the accumulated bacteria. However, we can reduce the bacteria through proper oral care. One of the tips to cure bad breath is brush and floss your teeth every time after food. Make it a habit to use a tongue scraper because it can be quite effective to reduce the bacteria found on the tongue.

Many people may have heard of bad breath remedies such as using mouthwashes or even kerosene to rinse their mouth. Such remedies are very unlikely to cure this problem because alcohol mouthwashes will only dry our mouth, making it worse. As for kerosene, it already does not smell pleasant and not to think about gargling inside your mouth.

Another tips to cure bad breath would be watching out your diet. Cut down on sugar and avoid eating highly acidic food or drinks. Food that can make your mouth smell bad like garlic or onions can also make it worse. Drink enough of water because a dry mouth can make the bacteria reproduce faster and hence making your breath smell bad.

Bad breath can be an embarrassing problem, if you have been vexing with this problem recently, why not take this chance to get some instructions on the real and effective Bad Breath Remedies.

Start now to learn how to Get Rid Of Your Bad Breath within 1 day.

Study Chronic Bad Breath Remedies - How to Get Rid of Bad Breath much more

Bad Breath

For many people, bad breath is a serious problem. It is an issue that they live with everyday. It can be discomforting, especially when you think it is incurable. The truth is, there are several ways to fight this odorous problem. First, you should know what are the causes of breath breath.

What Causes Halitosis?

Many people think that the food they eat is the main cause of bad breath. However, this is only partially true. One of the causes of fetor exore are the anaerobic, sulfur causing bacteria that amass underneath the surface of the tongue as well as the throat. This organism helps to produce VSCs or volatile sulphur compounds. These compounds can have a disgusting odor much like garbage or smelly socks. These compounds can also cause a distasteful sensation in your mouth.

Some of the primary triggers of this bad odor are lack of moisture in the mouth, mucus from sinuses in addition to a few strong foods. A dry mouth is generally the likeliest cause of halitosis. This microorganism is anaerobic, which implies they flourish when there is a lack of oxygen. Saliva is full of high amounts of oxygen, which helps to slow down the optimum production of VSCs.

Some types of foods that you ingest, including onions and garlic among others, also contain several sulfur compounds that can make your breath worse. The use of a dental product that has a combination of ingredients that are formulated that prevent the mouth from becoming dry will effectively keep mouth odor away.

Best Way to Get Rid of Bad Breath

How to get rid of offensive mouth odor. Research has shown one proven way to eliminate bad breath. You should alter your oral atmosphere in order to make it more difficult for the bacteria to create and maintain VSCs or volatile sulphur compounds. You will find liberation from this worrisome condition by making it a habit to use products that are specially formulated. These products contain ingredients that help create an optimum oral environment that will inhibit the production of volatile sulphur compounds, thereby helping to reduce this worrisome condition.

There are several remedies now easily available for persistent halitosis. Some are temporary measures whereas others offer a long term remedy. You should make it a point to get one that is made of oxygenating compounds that can control your halitosis for at least twenty four hours. By keeping the levels of oxygen high inside your mouth, the bacteria that cause mouth odor will perish. You can find a wide range of products available everywhere that are specially formulated with oxygenating compounds.

Fresh Breath for a Fresher You

Chronic bad breath, medically referred to as halitosis, should not destroy your life. Get your freedom back and enjoy your socializing without worrying about whether anybody is put off because they can smell your breath. You can have breath that always smells fresh when you choose the correct treatment. Look for a make that offers an entire line of halitosis treatment products that provide the results you want.

Bad breath [ ] cannot be avoided entirely. However, you can find treatment options that can help you eliminate this embarrassment. You will enjoy a sense of freedom when you learn all about how to get rid of bad breath [ ]

Chronic Bad Breath Remedies - How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read through Bad Breath - The Kiss of Death a lot more

While talking to someone you are trying to impress, you have no idea there is a foul odor others can smell from your breath. No one has ever told you this, and therefore, as far as you're concerned, you don't have bad breath. To say the least, bad breath, (halitosis) can be very embarrassing and sometimes even offensive.

First you need to find out if you have bad breath. The sure way is to ask someone you love or trust to tell you. The other tests such as breathing into your hand and smelling it, just will not work.

There are indeed many causes for bad breath, but the majority is caused by local factors in the mouth. The malodor is composed of volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) released from microbial metabolism. The VSCs in the mouth are much higher if you have gum disease.

What else causes bad breath?

Not brushing and flossing often enough or properly are obvious causes for bad breath. You may be surprised to know tongue jewelry can also cause bad breath by harboring bacteria.

Not cleaning dentures properly can be another problem. Food can stay under the denture causing the foul odor. Cavities, abscessed tooth, old fillings that need to be replaced should be added to the list as well.

Dry mouth from any cause including medications such as anti-histamines, anti-anxiety drugs, anti-depressants, decongestants, pain medication, diuretics for high blood pressure and many other drugs, can provide a perfect environment for bacterial growth. We all know smoking and chewing tobacco can cause bad breath as well as oral cancer.

Throat infections and even prolonged speaking can dry mouth, causing bad breath. There are also systemic or non-oral causes. For example, drastic changing in diet, or fasting can cause bad breath. Other causes include hormonal changes, such as menstrual cycle, menopause or pregnancy.

Bad breath will be noticed with a cold, flu, or sinus infection with postnasal drip. We all also know the effect of certain high volatile foods on our breath such as garlic, onions,, alcoholic drinks and coffee.

Systemic diseases linked to bad breath include diabetes, oral cancer, renal or hepatic failure, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Sleeping can cause morning breath. Keeping a bottle of water by your bedside and thoroughly brushing and flossing before going to bed can help prevent dehydration and the awful bad taste and breath on waking.

Many people think they can hide bad breath with mouthwash. Most commercial mouthwash contain nothing more than alcohol and artificial flavors and colors. Studies report mouthwash may mask the malodor for about two hours. The alcohol may actually dry the mouth and eventually cause more bad breath and even tissue damage.

If bad breath is due to gum disease, it can be a sign of a serious illness, since we now know that with gum disease there is a higher risk for heart disease and stroke.

Dr. Flora Stay is the founder of Cleure (fusion of Clean & Pure) , the most trusted company for chemically safe personal care and cosmetic products. For a limited time you can receive a FREE e-book "Product Labels, A Cautionary Tale" to help you recognize the products that are right for you in order to avoid allergies and sensitivities. Just go to right now and download this e-book.

Bad Breath - The Kiss of Death

Bad Breath

Go through 3 Natural Cures For Bad Breath You Can Try Today a lot more

Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth which in turn produce hydrogen sulfide which smells like rotten eggs, Bacteria love to live in warm damp environments and the mouth is their perfect breeding ground.

The following three natural cures for bad breath aim to eliminate or at least control the bacteria and therefore get rid of your bad breath.

Natural Bad breath cure number 1 - Natural yogurt

Eating one 8oz tub of natural unsweetened live yogurt every day for three to six weeks, can significantly reduce the amount of hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria in your mouth, leading to the elimination of bad breath.

This works because natural yogurt is a live product containing bacteria. This bacteria does not produce hydrogen sulfide and drowns out the other bacteria in the mouth over time. Be sure that the yogurt you are using contains live cultures , it will state this on the lable.

Natural bad breath cure number 2 - Clean our tongue as well as your teeth

It may sound simple but when you clean your teeth make sure you pay the same attention to your tongue. Most of the odor producing bacteria in the mouth live on your tongue, and you can remove them by careful cleaning either by buying a tongue scraper or a toothbrush which incorporates one, or by simply brushing your tongue at the same time as you brush your teeth.

Natural bad breath cure number 3 - Tea tree oil

This essential oil is a natural antibiotic and therefore helps to eliminate the bacteria in the same way as yogurt does, just add a few drops to your tooth brush before brushing as normal.

There you have three natural and easy ways to cure bad breath without the use of chemicals and mouthwash. The next time you find yourself in a close social situation you can have the confidence that you breath smells sweet and unoffensive.

There are many other natural cures for bad breath that you can try. You can find them all at,

You should never have to worry about dragon breath again and save a fortune on breath sprays and mints into the bargain.

3 Natural Cures For Bad Breath You Can Try Today

Bad Breath Cures

Study Bad Breath Cures Tip more

Bad Breath Cure

There are many bad breath cures out there but most of it does not work or are only myths. Depending on the cause of your bad mouth breath or also known as halitosis, a different approach have to be made although most bad breath cause comes from the mouth. Major causes of halitosis are because of plaque, cavities or gum diseases.

Even though bad mouth breath does not bring any major harm to your body, sufferers have to deal with lower self esteem (it's hard to feel confident all the time when you are constantly worried about people taking a notice of your breath) and lower sexual activity (bad mouth breath are't a sexy thing. People suffering from this tend to have fewer mates and less sex) too.

Whether you have suffered from halitosis for a few months or even years, you are still able to break free from this embarrassment. Here are a few tips that you can take as your bad breath cures:

Mouth Hygiene. Ensure that your mouth is always clean. Brush at least twice a day and at least for 2 minutes each session. Floss regularly too as there are often foods that are stuck between your teeth which can cause your breath to smell.

Tongue Hygiene. Brushing and flossing doesn't always eliminate bad breath. This is because there are the odor causing bacteria which will hide deep inside the tongue. Cleaning your tongue with a tongue cleaner can eliminate these bacteria.

Water. Drinking plenty of water can help killing the anaerobic bacteria which produces the sulphur compounds that causes the odor. In addition to that, water will dilute the concentration of sulphur and cause the odor to be mild.

Chewing gum. Although chewing gums are not meant to cure bad breath, they are a good alternatives in covering up the breath temporarily. It is useful when you are on the go and don't have enough time to clean up.

Foods. Apple, cucumber, celery, carrots are foods that can help to fight plague. The particles between the teeth can be removed with the foods and is also beneficial for your health.

Having bad mouth breath should not be a concern of your social life. Although there are no quick bad breath cures, it is an achievable task and doesn't require much determination to accomplish.

For more information about bad mouth breath and bad breath cures [], feel free to check out: []

Bad Breath Cures Tip

Bad Breath Cure

Study Preventing Bad Breath - How to Prevent Bad Breath much more

In order to be able to prevent bad breath (also called Halitosis) from ruining your life, you need to be aware of what causes it so that you can be able to avoid the things that create the problem or contribute to it. Scientific research from different sources shows that this is caused by bacteria in the mouth that is part of the digestive system. Everybody has these bacteria because they are essential for the normal functioning of the body.

These anaerobic bacteria break down left over food particles creating odorous sulphur compounds that result in foul breath. Certain medical conditions can also contribute such as gum disease, throat infections and tooth decay. Some foods such as garlic and onion can also contribute to bad breath but this type of halitosis is usually temporary. Prevention can be done by doing things that reduce the number of odor causing bacteria in the mouth such as proper flossing, brushing and cleaning of the tongue. Generally, good dental hygiene can help many people prevent or even eliminate this problem. People with chronic bad breath tend to have higher levels of the anaerobic bacteria.

Good dental hygiene involving daily brushing and flossing can help prevent bad breath. Also, since the bacteria that cause this are anaerobic, doing anything that increases saliva in the mouth will help prevent foul breath. One of the best ways to do this is to drink lots of water and fluids throughout the day. Some dentists recommend chewing sugar fee gum to encourage production of saliva. Saliva is important in the fight against it because it releases oxygen which suppresses the anaerobic bacteria. It follows therefore that anything that reduces the production of saliva, such as smoking, stress, alcohol, anti-anxiety drugs, and medications such as decongestants and diuretics, allow the micro-organisms to increase and spread.

Avoiding certain foods can also help in the prevention of bad breath. When you eat high protein foods such as milk, fish and meat, it is important that you brush and floss your teeth immediately. This will prevent the levels of bacteria in your mouth from increasing and contributing to the problem. You also need to be aware of foods like garlic and onions that are widely known to contribute to the problem of halitosis.

Here is a short list of some things that you can do for yourself to prevent the problem.

- Clean your tongue daily using a tongue cleaner and cleaning right to the back of the tongue.

- Brush and floss your teeth daily especially after every meal, in the morning and before sleeping. Maintain a high level of oral and dental hygiene.

- Drink plenty of fluids but avoid too much coffee.

- Chew sugar-free gum, especially if your mouth feels dry.

- Eat lots of fresh, fibrous vegetables.

- Clean your mouth immediately after eating milk products, meat and fish.

Since bad breath is usually a problem in the mouth, it is helpful to visit a dentist regularly and have your teeth professionally cleaned and your oral health checked.

Bad Breath

Click here [] for a comprehensive list of websites where you can find out how to stop bad breath (Halitosis) permanently.

© Katie Johnson: []

Preventing Bad Breath - How to Prevent Bad Breath

Go through Canine Bad Breath extra

Canine Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Canine bad breath will take the fun out of holding your pet and getting those doggie kisses. This can also get so bad that nobody wants your pet around him or her. Of course this is embarrassing for you and hard on them because of the rejection they will receive. Nobody wants a stinky dog around them. But worse of all it can mean health problems for you pet.

We have all heard of "doggy breath" but truthfully a healthy dog does not have bad breath. There are many causes of this problem but the most common cause is the teeth and gums. Any cause of foul smelling breath or halitosis should be checked into as to the reason for this.

Canine dental care:

Periodontal disease can become very serious if not treated. Inflammation of the gums means infection of the tissue. If not treated this can predispose your pet to heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, arthritis and possibly other chronic diseases.

Plaque is caused from the acid in saliva and bacteria that sticks to the teeth. Calculus is the yellow brown material that sticks to the plaque. These cause an irritant and the beginning of periodontal disease.

Canine dentistry:

Canine bad breath is not something your dog should have. OK they don't have a sweet minty breath but it should in no way smell foul. His gums should be pink and healthy, his teeth white and firm.

Pet oral care:

Chewing is the natural way for a dog to clean their teeth. In the wild they would rip raw meat from the bone. Naturally the domesticated dog does not do this. So we must furnish our pets with chews that help clean their teeth.

Chew items can be bones (you must be careful as to what kind and they must be raw) rawhides and chew toys. Biscuits can make them fat if given too many so they are not much good for cleaning teeth.

Bones need to be raw and you must be careful as to what type you give them. Do not use cooked bones, poultry bones and pork bones as they can splinter and cause a number of problems and even death. So be very careful if you decide to give your pet a bone.

Chew toys are a great choice because they are made to encourage chewing. They are made up to endure the chewing and help to clean the teeth. A rawhide is fine once in awhile but you don't want to give your dog a steady diet of them. These also could cause them to gain weight and have problems if given too many.

Canine bad breath is not normal so please take care when this happens. Chances are it is his teeth but no matter what is causing it you want it treated. This is not only for your relief but for his comfort even more so than yours.

Linda is the successful publisher of the site Canine-Kids. She provides valuable information and help for you the pet owner and your dog. If you have found these tips useful then you may also find Canine-Kids helpful.

Go through Home Remedies for Bad Breath far more

Bad Breath Cures

If you find yourself afflicted with halitosis, or otherwise known as bad breath, you are not alone. You and some hundreds of thousands of people suffer daily from this sometimes uncontrollable, and often embarrassing circumstance. If you are searching for a home remedy for bad breath, there are more than a few available for free on the internet, but not all of them will actually work. By exhausting all options available, home remedy for bad breath being one of them, you are actually narrowing down all of your options to the very best and workable ones.

Finding a successful home remedy for bad breath is not as difficult or impossible as most people may believe. There are, of course, the usual suspects that pass as a home remedy for bad breath, such as baking soda gargles, or scraping your tongue, but although they have been tried, they have been largely unsuccessful in handling the problem of halitosis. This do-it-yourself solution does not have to be intricate or complicated, and depending on your personal issue, may be something as simple as brushing your teeth one or more times in addition to the advised three times daily. Your dentist is the person you should consult for more information. He or she may recommend a very simple solution, though it should be known that there are hundreds of reasons that a person may be experiencing halitosis, and oral hygiene is only one of them.

When looking for a home remedy, pay special attention to the ingredients to determine what they are for. Certain items, like parsley and mint, will cure the bad breath in your mouth, while others, like cayenne pepper, are more useful for curing the bad breath which originates in your digestive system, particularly in your stomach. If additional oral hygiene doesn't work well, then you may have to deal with the problem at it's source, and changing your diet or balancing the types of foods you eat is often the easiest solution.

Gargling with baking soda and water is one of the easier home remedy for bad breath. The baking soda assists in neutralizing the bacteria in your mouth and often is successful when used occasionally. Mouth wash is another quick and easy fix. Whether it is store bought mouth wash, or by means of a herbal concoction you find in a magazine, it is a good home remedy for halitosis. The most important way to rid yourself of halitosis, is to increase the number of times you brush and floss your teeth in a day. Flossing is very important, since it rids the teeth of plaque that builds up, resulting in halitosis.

A simple program you can use as a home remedy for bad breath could begin with paying attention to the foods you eat, and when you suffer bad breath. It could be a result of ingesting certain foods that either react negatively with your body, or are simply foods that cause bad breath. As a home remedy for bad breath, research spices that both combat bad breath, while encouraging good health. Many herbs are also used as a home remedy for bad breath. Getting information on these herbs and spices could help rid you of bad breath.

Richard Wilkins, owner and webmaster of Halitosis Solutions is a man who has suffered from symptoms of halitosis, or chronic bad breath, his entire life. After finally having gotten this disease under control, he has since made it his mission in life to spread the knowledge of halitosis treatment methods to everyone who suffers from this disease, no matter the severity. Visit his Halitosis Solutions website for more ideas and information about how to cure severe cases of halitosis

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Bad Breath Cures

Read through Free Cure For Bad Breath more

Why go out and spend all your hard earned dollars on unproven or mysterious solutions? There are dozens of remedies for bad breath, and the best place to start is the cheapest remedies possible. Of course, you can't beat free and that's exactly what this article will discuss. See if you can find a free bad breath cure that beats all the expensive ones out there!

One free ingredient that you can find in almost every house is baking soda. The main problem in most mouths that have breath issues is the bacteria that builds up. Bacteria can be dealt with in a variety of ways, but baking soda fights it on a molecular level. Introducing baking soda to the mouth changes the fundamental pH levels in the area, and this works counter to the bacteria's plan to proliferate.

The most common place to find baking soda is as an ingredient already in tooth paste. Watch any commercial or scan the aisles of your local supermarket and you can find toothpaste with baking soda as an ingredient. This is an easy way to get the benefits of baking soda without having to change your regular activities.

If you are interested in making your own baking soda remedy, you can form a paste out of baking soda and water and brush with that. Another option is to dilute the mixture with more water and gargle it. No matter how you add baking soda to your dental regimen, it will help hold back bacteria formation.

The best and simplest free cure for having fresh and healthy breath is to take good care of your oral hygiene. Visit your dentist and you will receive the best possible advice on how you should proceed to cure your bad breath. The best part about receiving advice from your dentist is that any guidelines your hear will be personal to your particular body and situation.

Some general guidelines that you may hear from your dentist include the proper ways to brush and floss. Flossing is essential to breaking away the loose food from the teeth and aids in brushing. Despite the importance of flossing, only a small percentage of the population floss on a regular basis. Most people do not know how to correctly brush their teeth. In fact, most brushers do not spend nearly enough time brushing. You should spend at least five minutes brushing your teeth, and do so after flossing to get the best results.

The advice given above is for breath conditions that are not considered long term or serious. Though many factors affect breath, there are some situations where your breath is a result of illnesses or other more serious conditions. In these situations, it is better to defer to an expert and find the best course of action to take.

The best resource for finding additional free cures of course is the internet. There are many sites that provide completely free information, or more in depth information if you are willing to pay a small amount. Follow the advice in this article and you should be well on your way to beating bad breath.

Bad Breath Cures
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Free Cure For Bad Breath

Read Bad Breath Cures: More Than Just Breath Mints more

Conversing with someone can be hard at times, especially if you have Halitosis. Halitosis or smelly breath isn't a deadly disease, but it isn't something that you should be proud of either.

And whether we deny the fact that it does occur to us, it can be quite embarrassing to one day find yourself having rancid odor coming out of your mouth, yet you can't do anything about it. Negligence to provide your oral cavity with the proper cleaning that it needs can result in long periods of shame and a loss of self-confidence.

And this can really be devastating. So in light of this, there are still ways that you can follow to remove that bad stench coming out of your mouth. Yes, there are cures for bad breath.

For some individuals, they only recognize smelly breath or halitosis as a problem regarding oral hygiene. The consensus is that a lot of times, smelly breath can be attributed to such. Without the proper cleaning attention, your mouth can be a miniature compost pit.

Imagine all the food stuffs and residue that have not been removed from your mouth. Through time, they will rot in your mouth and thus, create that foul smell that can now be described as smelly breath.

In other cases, the cause of smelly breath can be from lower levels of saliva due to some medicine that you take. While in other instances, it can be attributed to your current medical condition.

Cures for bad breath vary in different ways. Some works, while some don't. And there are a lot cures for bad breath that does not have any proper basis for working. One of which, breath mints can alleviate your halitosis problems.

Well, for one thing, they can get rid of the foul odor, but that's only in a short period of time. The truth is it will only mask the odor and it isn't really recommendable that you take some. This is because of the sugars possessed in each of these can further promote that bad smell in your mouth.

With that in mind, this pretty much means that going for mentholated cigarettes will not in any way remove the odor. So if you really want the right cures for bad breath, try these ones out:

Change Your Diet and Avoid the Vices

It is a fact that certain food residue will get stuck in your mouth. But which types can really make a mess in your mouth anyway? Meat products, specifically those from cows, chickens and pigs can be one of the main causes why you may experience rancid breath.

This is because these food stuffs tend to rot faster and smell a lot worse than others. Also, foods like onion and garlic can also mess up your breath. They are naturally smelly and are also acidic. If you're thinking about cures for bad breath, indulging in such is definitely not a good start.

So what can be the types of food that you can avail as cures for bad breath? Fruits and vegetables for one thing, can help you with your smelly breath. Aside from being a good source of vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables can also eliminate the growth of smelly breath in your mouth.

In short, they're your natural breath fresheners! Along with that, a healthy heap of yogurt can also be one of those cures for bad breath since the good bacteria in yogurt can fend off the bad bacteria in your mouth.

Brush Your teeth and More!

It is the most basic of all the cures for bad breath, and it's quite disheartening to see the negligence of a lot of people. It really shouldn't be emphasized how valuable it is for you to have good good oral hygiene.

It has to already be your obligation to provide your mouth with the right amount of hygiene care just like any other part of your body. Keep in mind that the mouth might be the dirtiest part of your body.

A lot of food passes through it, as well a few other unnecessary things. Since a lot of people these days do not practice proper oral hygiene, smelly breath has become a growing issue.

Make it a habit to properly brush your teeth after every meal. Have enough time to properly clean every crevice in your mouth. Yes, even the tongue, the cheeks and the bottom of you oral cavity need to be cleaned out. Pour in enough time to clean your teeth. At least two minutes with the toothbrush in your mouth will do.

When it comes to the cures for bad breath, there are a lot more that you can possibly do. For your breath and for your confidence, give your mouth the care that it deserves.

Bad Breath Cures
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Bad Breath Cures: More Than Just Breath Mints

Go through Bad Breath Cure - How to Naturally Treat Halitosis more

Looking to cure your smelly breath?

Look no further. Below we have outlined what causes foul breath and five at home bad breath cures that will ensure you are confident about your minty fresh breath throughout the day.

Smelly breaths usually comes from sulphur-producing bacteria called Halitosis. These little bacteria hide in your mouth and produce volatile sulphur compounds, or VSC, which is the reason for the bad smell.

However, halitosis can also come from certain foods and drinks, infections, acid indigestion and poor oral hygiene. Cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, onions, garlic and leeks can all warrant halitosis.

The best bad breath cure out there is simply to brush, floss and use mouthwash on a daily basis. However, even those who do practice good oral hygiene may still suffer from bad breath. So opt for some of these tried-and-tested home remedies proven to cure bad breath.

1. Dip into the herb cabinet and look for fennel, thyme, parsley, cinnamon and mint. Instead of chewing gum (or smoking a cigarette), chew on a piece of one of these natural herbs.

2. Avocado is another secret cure for bad breath. Some spread some on your sandwich or mix up some guacamole.

3. Baking soda is a common ingredient in toothpaste; however, if you're toothpaste is baking-soda free, you can still benefit from this bad breath cure. Add a small amount of water and baking soda to your toothbrush and scrub that halitosis away.

4. Another effective way to kiss your foul breath goodbye is with lemon juice. Lemon juice is a standard household item. You can opt for lemon squeeze or a real lemon. Add either to warm water and gargle your way to a citrusy mouth.

5. A final at-home halitosis cure is tea tree oil. This versatile essential oil works for soothing and relieving aches and also for curing bad breath. Add a pinch into your mouth wash and stay fresh for much longer.

There are enough stresses during the day without worrying about your breath. Finding a bad breath cure that works for you is the first step in gaining confidence in all aspects of your life. So focus on what's important and kick your halitosis to the curb.

Bad Breath Cures

Please visit our website for more information on how to Naturally Prevent and Cure Bad Breath.

Anna Watson is the author for Tonsil Stones Remedies, after suffering Halitosis and Tonsil Stones for 7 years. She reveals the secret to permanently getting rid of bad breath and tonsil stones simple home remedies. Please visit this website:

Bad Breath Cure - How to Naturally Treat Halitosis

Study Tips to Curing Bad Breath a lot more

Bad Breath Cure

Bad breath isn't simply bad breath. When it is chronic, the medical guys call it Halitosis. If you eat garlic or onions, you will suffer from this problem almost immediately. For those with halitosis, however, it sometimes becomes a lifelong battle. Do you know that in the United States alone, over 80 million people suffer from bad breath?

You can find a lot of bad breath cures on the internet. There are a lot of advertisements about products that can take your bad breath away - pun intended. You will see a lot of medications, sprays and other devices. But do you really need all these? Does bad breath, which isn't really an ailment, have to make you resort to paying up big bucks to cure? Or, is it simply about getting the right information so you can find the best cure for you?

All over the internet, it's always about improving oral hygiene routines - and they are actually right. There are some people, however, who can't cure foul breath with just that. People with halitosis usually have to brush their teeth five times a day - failure to do so will guarantee the victory in beating this problem. Good oral hygiene isn't just about brushing the teeth, it's about cleaning the mouth. You may have heard of the old saying that the dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's. Didn't believe it? The saying is actually true. While dogs don't brush their own teeth, we humans carry more bacteria in our mouths than they do. If a human bites you, you're more likely to get an infection than if a dog does. Brushing, flossing, and gum, tongue and cheek cleaning are all essential parts of maintaining good oral hygiene. There are some parts of our mouth that just can't be reached with a toothbrush - places that harbor bacteria. These bacteria will feed on the leftover food particles in your mouth. The yellow film on your teeth is the byproduct of these bacteria - a substance known as plaque. Taking the plaque off is just not enough.

If you did everything you needed to do but the halitosis won't go away, you're going to need to see your dentist. Surveys have it that the third most common reason that people go to the dentist is to cure bad breath. Two other reasons for this breath problem are bad sinuses and digestive problems. You'll need to go to the dentist for the most accurate diagnosis.

If you feel you need to pull out some cash for those bad breath cure products that may or may not work, reconsider. Turn to someone reliable to give you advice. Go to your dentist and learn how to really get rid of foul breath for the rest of your life. It can be complicated, but just do what is asked of you by your dentist and you'll be fine.

Dorothy J. Nichols is a health enthusiast like millions of others suffers from bad breath. Feeling the embarrassment and social isolation from her condition has led her to developing both traditional and conventional remedies for halitosis. You can read more about her bad breath remedies at

Tips to Curing Bad Breath

Bad Breath Cure

Understand Learn About Free Bad Breath Cures much more

Are you looking for free bad breath cures for getting rid of the problem? If so, then this article intends to give you an important insight into how affordable home made methods can help you cope with the problem. The graveness of bad breath can indeed be so overwhelming in some cases that clinically it is referred to as halitosis. Halitosis is perhaps the commonest problem worldwide and perhaps also the most misjudged one.

There is a primary reason for misjudging it-the reason is the person with halitosis does not himself realize that he smells so awfully bad every time he is saying something. That means he can understand he is stinking bad, but he cannot understand the full intensity of it because his own nose refuses to pick up this awful smell coming from an interior region of the mouth. Fortunately, there are some very effective free bad breath cures to help you out of this smelly mess.

The first free step is to give yourself more time while you are brushing your teeth in the morning. By the by, try brushing at least twice during a day-once after you get up from a sleep and again before you go to sleep. This is necessary because sleeping, although blissful, yet it dries the mouth considerably. A dry mouth means lessened action of the salivary enzymes on the bacteria and as a result the bacteria thrive uninhibited. Spending extra time on brushing is not the same as spending more money in a dentist's chamber. Just remember to brush the teeth with a gentle up and down massaging action instead of a here and there haphazard brushing.

When you are spending more time on brushing it simply means you are giving special individual attention to every tooth. After done brushing, use a dental floss to clean the gaps between the teeth to clear off any trapped food tit bit. Also important hereby is to take care of the cleanliness of the tongue. You may have not noticed it, but the grayish coating at the back region of the tongue is the actual hiding space for the oral bacteria. Use the gentle scrubbing motion of a tongue scrubber to get rid of this grime. Use mouthwashes, but strictly avoid those with alcohol and dye.

Alcohol is actually a real cause of halitosis. The sugar present in alcohol and also soft drinks make the mouth environment more and more vulnerable to bacterial attack. You do not want the bacteria to over populate inside your mouth because these bacteria actually release mild sulfur fumes that causes the awful smell. Switch over to a more greener and less carbohydrate diet. Simple beverages like the lemon syrups and the unsweetened green tea can work wonders in case of halitosis. Cutting down on alcohols and excessive smoking is indeed a real free bad breath cure (just think of the money that you will be spared from spending). Eating after meal yogurt continuously for five to seven weeks will also help you greatly in coping with the halitosis problem. Natural mouth-fresheners like mint leaves and sunflower seeds also help in keeping the mouth free from halitosis.

However, in your quest for free bad breath cures it is important to remember that halitosis can also be a symptom of certain physiological ailments like the gastric ulcer or the bronchial infection. Sinus discharges are also known to give out halitosis. A starving stomach is also a halitosis causing source, precisely by a body metabolism process called ketoacidosis. If such are your complaints, then it is worthwhile to pay the dentist or doctor a visit or two.

Sarah Short is an expert on curing bad breath. For more great information on Free Bad Breath Cure, visit

Learn About Free Bad Breath Cures

Bad Breath Cures

Read Smelly Breath Cures - Get Rid of Bad Breath for Good a lot more

If your bad breath is already interfering with your social life and your professional success, then these smelly breath cures will get you back on track. They can get rid of all your fears and limitations while you are relating to other people. With these effective home remedies, you can say goodbye to all those mints and chewing gums for good.

What causes bad breath?

Before learning some home remedies for halitosis, you must first become familiar with its causes. This way, you can directly address the root of the problem and maintain a minty fresh breath forever.

Thousands of people across the globe suffer from bad breath. It embarrasses them and is the cause of their shying away from their friends and family. In some cases, halitosis can also be seen as a potential cause for severe depression.

The anaerobic bacteria thriving on the surface of the throat and tongue cause bad breath. When these bacteria are exposed to proteins, they produce smelly sulfuric compounds that lead to bad breath.

Various kinds of smelly breath cures are perfect for particular situations. Some remedies are best for those who have bad dental hygiene, tooth decay, or gum disease. Other treatments can help in reducing plaque on the tongue, oral bacteria, and throat infections. Whatever remedy you wish to use, just make sure that it can fight against the root of your smelly breath.

How can it be cured?

Different home remedies can be used to ease the symptoms of halitosis. Here are some of the most effective treatments that you can try at home.

Firstly, keep your mouth clean at all times. Brush twice a day and floss on a regular basis. Make sure that each brushing session lasts for at least two minutes. Proper dental hygiene will always be one of the most effective smelly breath cures because it can help eliminate the bacteria in your mouth. By regularly brushing and flossing your teeth, you can get rid of all the bacteria and food scraps trapped between your gum line and teeth.

Next, keep in mind that your gums and teeth are not the only ones that need cleaning. Your tongue needs some cleaning too. The bacteria left on the fissures of your tongue can contribute to foul breath. Always brush or scrape your tongue after brushing your teeth.

It is also important to keep your mouth wet with saliva. It has a natural antibacterial action that can keep your mouth free from bacteria. It can also wash away the food particles that have clinging to your teeth and gums. After all, the awful morning breath you get every day is the result of inadequate saliva flow while you are sleeping.

As the most widely known smelly breath cures, herbs can also do wonders to your foul-smelling breath. After eating your meals, munch on spearmint or parsley. The juice and smell of the herbs temporarily cover up the bad odor coming from your mouth.

Frequent mouth rinsing can also help you decrease the effects of halitosis. After eating, rinse your mouth with plain water and let the water swish around your mouth. This can reduce the food particles inside your mouth, prevent bad breath, and keep you feeling fresh all throughout the day.

Contrary to popular belief, the excessive use of alcohol-based mouthwash is not advisable for smelly breath. You have the liberty to use any mouthwash you prefer as long as you only use it twice or thrice a day.

Finally, eating food that can fight plaque is also included in the list of effective smelly breath cures. Peanuts, celery, carrots, and low-fat cheese can destroy the excessive growth of plaque inside your mouth. By replacing sweet treats and other junk food with these healthy snacks, you can fight plaque while keeping your breath fresh at the same time.

With these smelly breath cures, you can keep your breath fresh and regain the confidence you have lost due to chronic bad breath.

Bad Breath Cure

For the absolute best information on smelly breath cures [] and how to remedy it, tips tricks and best techniques for having the sweetest smelling breath around visit Marc The Smelly Breath Cure Guy's website at []. Here you will discover the finest facts on having the best breath around

Smelly Breath Cures - Get Rid of Bad Breath for Good

Bad Breath Cure

Read through Bad Breath Symptoms additional

Bad Breath Symptoms

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad breath is caused by the oral bacteria that are present in your mouth. Common bad breath symptoms that Halitosis sufferers experienced, include a white or yellow film on the tongue, dry mouth, bitter/sour/metallic tastes, post nasal drainage, white nodules on the tonsils, brushing and dental flossing have no effect.

People with bad breath usually observe a white or yellow film on the tongue. This is caused by the accumulation of bacteria and nasal mucous and tends to be heaviest in the later areas of the tongue. For most patients, simply removing this film does not completely eliminate bad breath. The anaerobic bacteria that are responsible for the odorous smell of your mouth are found throughout the entire mouth and in the saliva.

Dry mouth is a common bad breath symptom and is the main causes of halitosis. Chronic dry mouth or xerostomia causes several changes to occur in the mouth. For one, the bacteria become more concentrated in the saliva and tend to evaporate sooner into the air. If this happens, bad breath becomes stronger and more obvious at greater distance. The drying of the mouth alters the pH or acid/base balance of the mouth providing an environment conducive to the oral bacterial growth. Dry mouth usually results in a metallic taste or bitter taste in the mouth.

It is common for people with bad breath to complain bad tastes in their mouths. Familiar descriptions are sour tastes, bitter or metallic taste. These tastes are usually the result of drainage from the sinus, medications being taken, dry mouth conditions, dental infections, leaking dental restorations, and certain oral bacteria. The reduction of salivary flow can result in bad breath condition.

Post nasal drainage is frequently a result of sinus conditions and allergies. It is a thick mucous that drips in the posterior region of the throat from the sinus regions, resulting to a frequent clearing of throat for people with bad breath condition. A person may not be aware that mild form of allergies can result in a mild drainage of mucous. Mucous typically contains large amount of bacteria and proteins from the sinus. These proteins are broken down to amino acids that anaerobic bacteria feed upon and in turn produce foul smelling wastes.

White nodules that are secreted from the tonsils are one of bad breath symptom. Usually, most people do not know about these because they are swallowed not knowingly. Due to the bad odor of these nodules, they tend to assumed as the reasons of their bad breaths.

If brushing and dental flossing your teeth make no difference in reducing halitosis, this can be a sigh of bad breath condition. Loss of self confidence and self esteem can also be a sign that you have bad breath. Most of the patients complained about their insecurities due to their halitosis condition.

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of Bad Breath Blog. Visit now to find out all you wanted to know about Bad Breath - and much more.

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Bad Breath Products - Does Over-the-Counter Mouthwash Really Work to Stop Bad Breath?

Bad Breath

If you take a stroll down the aisle at your local drug store, you can find many options of products that supposedly stop bad breath. If you are looking for a great mouthwash for this, you may find a large assortment, including Listerine, Scope and other mouthwashes designed to fight gum disease, plaque AND bad breath. While these products may work on your plaque and gum disease, they are definitely not helping with your BREATH. These products are only covering up the odor temporarily. There are some lucky people in the world who always have fresh breath. They can eat as much garlic and onions they please and not have smelly breath. Some people may have it for a short time after eating really potent food, but it goes away after they swish around some over-the-counter mouthwash. Then, there are some folks who are not that lucky! No matter what you do, you have nasty breath in the morning, afternoon and night.

If you have really bad breath (chronic halitosis), you are probably constantly using a mouthwash product in the hopes of helping. You may be actually doing more harm than good. Your successful bad breath product must stop the production of sulfur compounds present in the mouth. Over-the-counter mouthwashes to not contain the necessary ingredient for this. Instead, they may contain some or all of the following ingredients that can actually make matters worse: alcohol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, saccharin, Sodium Chlorate, and Benzalkonium Chloride. One example of how they may make your bad breath worse is "dry mouth" Sodium Lauryl Sulfate can cause your mouth to be dry, which can in turn cause your breath to be worse. Check the ingredients on the mouthwashes and other products you currently use -- you'll be surprised!

Mouthwash for the chronic, bad breath sufferer must contain different ingredients found in over-the-counter products. The main ingredient is Sodium Chlorite (not to be confused with Sodium Chlorate listed above). This is a chemical used in the purification of water. This powerful ingredient allows the bacteria in the mouth to be "oxygenated." This means the bacteria present in the mouth, causing the problems, are exposed to oxygen to then be eliminated. Bacteria in the mouth produces Hydrogen Sulphide, which causes the odor others smell. These bacteria live in areas of the mouth that are unreachable by oxygen. These areas are between the teeth, the BACK of the throat and tongue, the tonsils and periodontal pockets. When a mouthwash containing Sodium Chlorite is used regularly, the odor is eliminated.

If you are intrigued to learn more about how you can stop your bad breath, please do more research yourself. Take a look at Bad Breath Products That Stop Bad Breath

Approximately 9 years ago I developed really bad breath. My husband and kids would always complain about it and it was sometimes very embarrassing when my kids were not discreet about it. I was determined to find a way to stop my bad breath. I tried several different products, which included over-the-counter toothpastes, mouthwashes and gum/mints. Then, I tried Breath Assure (went off the market) and ProFresh (bought online). None of these products worked for my bad breath. The gum and mints just covered up the problem shortly. ProFresh was expensive and it did not work at all. Breath Assure worked sometimes, but was inconsistent. Plus, it went off the market. I attempted to develop a routine suggested by my dentist which consisted of flossing, brushing with Sonicare and rinsing with a bacteria-fighting mouthwash. That did not work either. Plus, I was religious about all of the steps in the routine. I began taking vitamins and probiotics thinking they would help, but to no avail. I almost quit the search to Stop My Bad Breath until I discovered a product line that I decided to try. The product worked so well and so quickly. My husband noticed right away and could not believe it either. The products are safe, reasonably priced and simple to use. Accompanying the products is a wealth of information about bad breath and what the active ingredients are that eliminate the causes of bad breath. If you want to solve your bad breath problem, please learn more at MyBadBreathSolution []. You won't be sorry!