Study Dog Bad Breath Remedies - Cure Your Dog's Bad Breath Problems a lot more

It is quite common for dogs to develop bad breath problems no matter how big or small they are. Fortunately, it is a usually a problem that can easily be cured. However, your initial step is to determine the cause of the problem so that you can apply an appropriate solution. Ideally, you will want to administer an all natural treatment but if your dog's breath issue stems from something more serious, intervention from a vet and medications may be required.

Bad breath in dogs can be caused by any number or things including periodontal or gum disease, intestinal or digestive problems, or even a poor diet. Before selecting a remedy, consider a natural solution so as to maintain your pet's health over the long-term. Too many medications or the long-term use of them can be detrimental to your dog. Having said this, it's recommended that you take your dog to the vet to first determine the exact cause of the problem. And, if it turns our that it's gum disease, you should schedule a teeth cleaning with your vet so that you can more easily maintain his or her oral health at home.

After your visit to the vet to determine that your dog's breath problem isn't because of a serious health issue that requires medical attention, you can safely investigate the natural cures that are available to you. As discussed above, it's always preferable to select an over the counter or home remedy due to the potential side effects of some prescribed medications.

One effective solution to your dog's bad breath is lemon juice. Fresh squeezed lemon juice is best or you can try the bottled kind as long as it doesn't contain any sugars or preservatives. Just as with humans, sugar on a dog's teeth can cause decay and won't help the breath problem. So, with the lemon juice, all you need to do is add a couple of teaspoons to your dog's water dish.

Changing your dog's food may be one of the simplest and most effective remedies. A dog's bad breath is often due to the type of food they eat. Dry dog food is the best choice because it helps to brush their teeth while they chew and the wet kind leaves a residue. If you're already feeding your pet a dry food, consider changing brands. And, if you're currently feeding your dog a store bought brand, check out what's available at the pet store. Although often more expensive, the benefits to your dog's health and fewer visits to the vet will make the switch worthwhile.

One last suggestion is to brush your dog's teeth. If your dog will let you do it, then you'll only need to spend a minute or two each day keeping your pet's teeth clean and his breath is sure to begin smelling a lot better. If your dog is like mine and won't let you near him when you've got a toothbrush in your hand, see if your local groomer can do it for you on a weekly or monthly basis. Often, they will only charge a small fee to do it.

Bad Breath Cure

Are you looking to find the best dog bad breath remedies? Then visit Natural Remedies for Dogs where you'll find advice and treatments on many common ailments faced by dogs and their owners.

Dog Bad Breath Remedies - Cure Your Dog's Bad Breath Problems

Bad Breath Cure