Read through Food That Can Neutralize Bad Breath additional

Bad breath affects millions of people around the globe and it's not very uncommon anymore that you will encounter one or two people with this condition every single day. While poor hygienic habits can often be blamed, there are some factors too that can contribute to bad breath like the food that we eat. We all know that garlic and onions give us that nasty dragon breath so if you are on a date, avoid ordering foods with a lot of garlic or onions otherwise there's no chance that you will get a smooch from your special someone.

Aside from breath mints, there are foods that can help neutralize bad breath and one of which is yogurt. Yogurt contains probiotics that are effective in balancing the bacteria in both the stomach and the mouth. Recent studies confirm that a serving of yogurt a day reduces the level of odor-causing hydrogen sulfide in the mouth. Make sure to get the kind of yogurt with active cultures and steer clear from those with too much sugars and flavorings. You'll learn to like it trust me!

Parsley is probably the most popular herb that you can chew on to combat dragon breath but recently people developed a liking on other herbs like tarragon, spearmint, coriander, rosemary, cardamom and eucalyptus (herb used in Vick's). These are all wonderful in having instant relief from bad breath. You can either chew on a fresh herb or make a tea out of it.

You can also choose foods which have the tendency to increase the saliva production in the mouth like apple, celery or carrot. If you want to suck on some breath mints, make sure it does not contain any sugar because sugar can worsen bad breath. It will help temporarily mask the odor but it cannot eliminate it at all. Don't you hate the smell of sugary mint and dragon breath? Yes that's how it smells like if you keep on sucking on sugary mints. If your bad breath is accompanied by bleeding gums then it's time for you to pack on Vitamin-C rich fruits like berries, oranges, melons, grapes and other citrus fruits. Aside from being beneficial to our health, they also help minimize odor-causing bacteria in our mouth.

Bad Breath
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Food That Can Neutralize Bad Breath