Examine Effective Bad Breath Remedies to Help Cure Chronic Halitosis more

If you are embarrassed about your halitosis, you would most likely want to learn about bad breath remedies that have been proven to be effective. However, even before you start trying to find out how to keep halitosis at bay, it is essential that you should learn as much as you can about what causes halitosis. Besides knowing the reasons, you should also make it a point to learn effective measures for offensive mouth odor prevention.

How To Do The Bad Breath Test

It is easy to do a halitosis test at home by using a clean cotton swab and gently wiping it on the top surface of the tongue.

If you are suffering from halitosis the cotton will have a bad odor and in addition you will see a stain. Halitosis is also confirmed by running dental floss between your hind teeth and then checking if it has a bad odor.

What Are The Causes Of Chronic Halitosis?

There are several different reasons why this may have occurred. Some of these reasons for halitosis could be your food habits or certain medications. Strong smelling foods such as garlic and onions that are factors that cause halitosis.

Having said that however, halitosis that is given off by foods and medication is not exactly a chronic problem. Other causes of chronic bad smell from the mouth are usually bad dental hygiene habits in addition to smoking or gum disease. The foul odor that is emitted is mainly caused because of the bacteria that build up on the tongue's upper surface.

Measures To Prevent Halitosis

Clinical studies show that the best way to prevent foul breath is to keep away from foods that are known to cause halitosis. Try not to eat too much garlic and onion and in its place, you should eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Another valuable halitosis prevention step is to practice good oral hygiene. Brush and floss your teeth after you've had something to eat to remove the bits of food in between the teeth followed by a specially formulated mouthwash. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water everyday and chewing on parsley or mint leaves can be just as effective. Mint leaves are a great natural breath freshener.

Cut out foods that are sugary and sweet as they create an atmosphere that helps the bacteria to keep increasing in the mouth, and after a while this will give rise to bad smelling breath.

Contrary to popular notion, mints and chewing gum are not the right solution. These work only to give a solution that is only temporary and essentially just work to cover the real problem. They do not treat the halitosis.

Curing Mouth Odor The Right Way

It's not all that bad however. You should know that it is possible to learn how to cure mouth odor. The first thing you will have to do is to verify what are the causative factors of your mouth odor. If it is the foods you are eating that is triggering off the mouth odor, it is absolutely necessary that you stop consuming these food items immediately. Regular brushing followed by flossing are essential to killing halitosis permanently.

Regular visits to your dentist is another basic step in your quest for a mouth odor treatment that works. If you have any kind of inherent problem that makes you more prone to bad breath, your regular dentist can give you the best tips on the most effective way to get rid of bad breath and also how to keep it away for good.

If you know that people stay away from you because of your bad breath, it is crucial that you start looking for bad breath prevention [ http://www.halitosisguide.com/halitosis-bad-breath/bad-breath-prevention-15/ ] measures without delaying any longer. Halitosis treatment [ http://www.halitosisguide.com/halitosis-bad-breath/how-to-treat-bad-breath-22/ ] helps to get rid of bacteria buildup, which is often the main cause of bad breath.

Effective Bad Breath Remedies to Help Cure Chronic Halitosis

Bad Breath Cure

Understand Breath Mints, Sugar, and Bad Breath far more

Breath Mints, Sugar, and Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

The idea of taking a mint to freshen your breath seems pretty convenient to many people. The mint tastes good, usually sweet, and it makes your mouth smell good.

What these people don't know is that many breath mints contain sugar, thus making your breath smell even worse after a certain period of time, more precisely when bacteria starts forming in your mouth.

As we all know bad breath is usually caused by bacteria in your mouth that feed upon the things you eat, and produce wastes. These wastes are the source of your bad breath. By eating mints, you may temporarily cover up the smell of your breath, but after a while it will return because of the sugar contained in the mints.

Breath mints work because they make you think that your breath smells nice, using the fresh smell that they produce when you put them in your mouth. After eating breath mints, people don't worry about their breath anymore, thinking that the product did it's job. People also have this opinion about sweet foods such as chocolate, cookies, cake or whatever. It's not about how good the food smells, it's about the sugar and the fact that it helps form that nasty bacteria in your mouth.

Clinical quality mints like TriOral or BreathRx, are made without sugar. These type of mints are sweetened with xylitol, a non-sugar sweetener, so they really do what they are supposed to do. Most chewing gum these days is also sugar free, and all the manufacturers specify that.


Understand Eight Bad Breath Cures - Curing Bad Breath With These Home Remedies far more

Eight Bad Breath Cures - Curing Bad Breath With These Home Remedies

Bad Breath Cures

Bad Breath Cures

You brush your teeth twice a day, floss well and rinse with a minty mouth wash. But your breath is so stinky it can knock someone down with a single hello. Chronic bad breath is an embarrassing health problem. But you don't need to suffer from smelly breath forever. Here are eight popular and effective bad breath cures you can try at home.

1. Create your own toothpaste from baking soda and water: mix a little baking soda and water to create a paste. If you want it to taste better, you can add a little good quality natural toothpaste. Baking soda alters the pH mix in your mouth making it harder for bacteria to thrive. Don't use the familiar commercial toothpastes as they contain lots of chemicals including artificial colorants. Give your teeth a good brush as you would normally. Don't forget to brush the tongue too.

2. Drink Unsweetened Brewed Green Tea: it is said that the polyphenols in tea act as a natural antioxidant which can slow the growth of bacteria. Drink a couple of times a day.

3. Gargle with warm water with a little salt. Salt is a well known natural disinfectant.

4. Munch a raw apple or guava after meals

5. Change your toothbrush. Bacteria can build up on your toothbrush so if you're using an old germ-ridden toothbrush, you're potentially putting back bacteria between your teeth just as you're supposed to be cleaning them.

6. Chew fresh parsley. The chlorophyll kills the bad bacteria that can thrive in the mouth especially on the surfaces of your teeth.

7. Lemons can offer a quick solution for bad breath. Sprinkle a lemon wedge with some salt and then suck it.

8. Drink more water. And drink less coffee, sugary drinks and alcohol. It might sound overly simple but it's more effective than you think

Bad breath can be caused by internal problems such as tonsil stones, bacteria in your gut, indigestion, acid reflux...if problems persist go see your doctor and/or dentist.

Raja Tebben is a health writer/researcher on the subject of bad breath solutions.

You can find more bad breath remedies including a long term solution solution made up of ingredients that are probably in your home right now at http://www.badbreathcuresnow.net

Examine Natural Cures For Halitosis Or Bad Breath additional

Bad breath or halitosis is caused by various reasons. It is likely caused by bacteria on the surface of the tongue due to poor oral hygiene, stress or mouth infections. On a more severe note, It may be caused by health complications such as diabetes, respiratory tract infection or gastrointestinal infection. The intake of certain protein-based food, beverage or chemical may also induce bad breath. They include cigarette smoke, coffee, garlic, onion and cheese. Bad breath is a problem that plagues many. It indirectly affects a person's social standing and self esteem. To overcome this problem, some remedies are listed below for your reference.

Oral hygiene is of utmost importance. The decayed food particles act as a breeding ground for bacteria, which in turn leads to periodontal disease. A thorough brushing of teeth, flossing and cleaning of gums will prevent bacteria buildup. You can try using powdered myrrh or cloves to brush your tongue and gum. Occasionally soak your toothbrush in an antibacterial solution to kill germs. Some people used to brush their teeth each time after their meal to avoid bacteria accumulation as well as bad breath. For a better solution, you should also gargle with plain water after every meal to dislodge food particles that may remain in your mouth.

Dietary wise, you should avoid certain foods to identify the cause of your problem. These include meat and dairy products. Beverages such as coffee and tea are highly acidic. Try to reduce their intake and observe the difference to your breath. You are also advised to increase your fruit intake, especially pineapple, kiwi and papaya as they contain digestive enzymes. Other helpful foods include alfalfa and herbs such as mint and basil help to eliminate bad breath as well.

You can also chew hazelnut to aid the absorption of foul odor. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar just before each meal also helps to promote better digestion. Besides that, the combination of water and salt can be used as mouth gargle to remove bacteria and mucus that resides on the back of your throat.

You are advised to have a dental checkup every six months to fill those cavities and eliminate existing dental problems. These natural cures and bad breath remedies are simple but functional. Most importantly, they are really effective and don't cost much!

Bad Breath Cures

Here is a site that is devoted to helping you help yourself with natural home remedies. Come see our natural cures home remedies health guide for bad breath health guide. Help is just a click away at http://best-natural-cures-health-guide.com.

Natural Cures For Halitosis Or Bad Breath

Bad Breath Cures

Go through Bad Breath Out Of Nose far more

Bad breath is usually associated with a smell from the mouth, but occasionally it may appear to come from the nose. This can be difficult to discern, as the nose and mouth are so close together, particularly if the problem is found in children. However, if this is the case, there are some possibilities and pointers to the particular causes that may be to blame.

In the particular case of very young children, exploring their environment may involve playing with poking small items into any available crevice. This may result in small parts or food being lodged in the nose, where it can gradually deteriorate and cause malodorous smells. If this is suspected, it is probably best to check with your physician, as the piece will be difficult to remove. An indicator of this being the problem would be a discharge from the nose, and this should be reported to your doctor.

Another cause of smelly breath seeming to come from the nose is that an interior nasal discharge or post nasal-drip can fuel the bacteria in the mouth that are associated with the production of the smell. The bacteria tend to be towards the back of the mouth, which means that the nasal drip will fall on the microorganisms which would exacerbate the problem. The contents of the nasal drip contain proteins, which are directly available to form smelly compounds - this is the reason for the "sick smell" associated with infections.

While all the above can cause nasal smells, odors that come totally from the nose are the exception. Usually there is a smell from the mouth as well as the nasal odor. When found, these cases are usually the result of physical abnormalities or particular infections.

Although bacteria in the mouth are the common cause of bad breath, bad breath can also be caused by something that is eaten, such as garlic or onions. While these foods can directly react with the bacteria in the mouth to cause the smell, they are also absorbed in the stomach and then spread through the body in the bloodstream. The lungs will absorb the smell from the blood, and exhale it. If the mouth is closed, then this smell will appear to come only from the nose.

If you have a problem with bad breath, and particularly if it seems to be coming from the nose, it would be wise to consult your physician.

Bad Breath
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Bad Breath Out Of Nose

Examine Quick Easy Ways to Cure Your Bad Breath a lot more

Bad breath can be an embarrassing problem, especially if you are someone who is concerned about your own personal hygiene. It can impact you socially and mentally, so it is important to take action to cure your bad breath so that it does not impact your life.

As you may know, bad breath is usually caused by a buildup of bacteria in the mouth. They are able to multiply as they feed on the leftover from the foods that we eat, typically foods that have high protein content. One of the easiest ways to help eliminate and control your breath condition is to limit the amount of protein-rich foods that you eat. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, and cut back on the red meats and dairy products.

Brushing your teeth after each meal, whenever possible, will also help prevent smelly breath, as it does not give odor-causing bacteria time to build up on your teeth, gums, and tongue, causing bad breath. If brushing is not always an option, carry a small bottle of mouthwash with you, or even chew sugar-free gum, which will help remove leftover food particles, again, preventing bacteria buildup.

Brushing and rinsing often are not enough, especially if you already have some dental problems. Flossing is an essential part of your dental hygiene routine, doubly so if you are trying to prevent halitosis. Ideally, you should floss after every meal, but at least twice a day to help remove and lodged food particles that left behind, could breed bacteria.

Seeing your dentist regularly is also a good bad breath remedy. Your dentist can share with you the best advice on how to clean and care for your oral hygiene, as well as the latest and greatest products to use. Your dentist will also thoroughly clean your teeth, removing any buildup, which will make your brushing and flossing efforts more effective. Your dentist can also look for any signs of periodontal disease, which can also cause your breath condition, or any other underlying dental or medical conditions that could also be contributing to the problem.

Your dentist may also recommend that you schedule an appointment with your regular medical doctor, just for a routine checkup. If no dental cause is found for your smelly breath, there could possibly be a hidden medical cause, so medical evaluation may be the next necessary step.

Modifying your diet, beefing up your dental hygiene efforts, seeing your dentist, and talking with your medical doctor should have you well on your way to clean, and healthy breath. So what are you waiting for, apply these quick easy ways to cure your bad breath today!

Bad Breath Cures

Learn what are the signs of bad breath and how you can prevent bad breath with our bad breath remedies

About other causes of bad breath and bad breath remedies at our comprehensive resource site. Find out if popular Zantac is effective against bad breath.

Quick Easy Ways to Cure Your Bad Breath

Bad Breath Cures

Go through Dog Bad Breath additional

Dog Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad dog breath can be a bad problem for your dog and you, at times their breath an be unbearable and make bonding with them a chore you'd rather avoid at all costs. This may not be due them and more down to the care you have not realized that your dog should have. Dog's bad breath like most other dog symptoms can be the cause of many different issues separately or together, this makes the cause hard to diagnose without a proper examination from a professional dog carer or vet.

Common causes of dog bad breathe -

Maybe your dog is finding it hard to eat or swallow which can lead to dog's bad breath and other illnesses that are related. Saliva drooling from your dog's mouth may also be a cause of bad breath, as more saliva gets built up in their mouth is makes it easier for bacteria to breed resulting in bad breath.

The last and most common form of bacteria build up is from not cleaning or not properly cleaning your dog's teeth, this enables tartar to form and make the bad odour you are forced to smell day in day out. Many believe that food choice and what you feed them is a problem when dog breath is concerned, as this may be true to an extent this is more of a temporary short term problem and the reason above is more likely to be the problem cause.

There are plenty of dental hygiene products available in pet shops and online, some work better than others on different ones but you best bet is to clean your dog's teeth regularly to stop the bacteria build up, this is where the problem begins and where you should target your efforts. If you fear the problem has got too far to recover or damage or the gums and teeth is visible you should contact your vet as soon as possible for help and a proper diagnosis of your pet.

For more information on Dog Behavior Training take a look at Dog-Behavior-Training.co.uk

Go through Bad Breath - Seven Tips to Help Eliminate It much more

Up to 90 percent of all bad breath is believed to originate within the mouth. The intensity or how bad it can be can vary during the day depending on the dryness of the mouth, the foods eaten, smoking and consumption of alcohol.

By some estimates chronic bad breath also known as halitosis, can affect up to 25 percent of the population. It can affect our personal, social, and professional relationships. Perhaps the only relationship it will not affect is that with our dog or cat.

It can lead to embarrassment, stress, and even self esteem problems.

Some types of bad breath are from the food consumed such as garlic, onions, and alcohol.

The cause is in many cases the result of the metabolic activity of some types of oral bacteria as they work on proteins that fail to leave the mouth on completion of a meal. That means the bad breath solution or halitosis cure is within the reach of many afflicted with this problem.

Here are Six Tips to avoid bad breath and work toward better breath.

Eat The Right Foods

When it comes to bad breath, there are two types of food culprits. Foods that help eliminate bad breath and those that contribute to bad breath.

Good food choices would include rough foods that would clean the tongue. Top of the breath freshening list would be apples. An apple is perhaps the simplest bad breath cure when brushing is not possible.

Foods to avoid would include garlic, onions, meats, fish, and cheeses. Protein rich foods are one of the big culprits and if you will be in front of people it might be best to avoid them.

Clean the Tongue

Clean the tongue with a tongue scraper or tongue brush. Use it gently.

Increase Salivation Naturally

Increase salivation by chewing sugarless gum. Saliva has antibacterial properties so the more you create the more you suppress the bacterial growth.

Home remedies include fennel seeds, cinnamon sticks, mastic gum and fresh parsley.

Choose Mouth Wash Carefully

Gargling can reduce morning breath but with a bad side effect. Mouthwashes containing alcohol tend to dry out the mouth which means less saliva. Less saliva promotes bad breath.

Hydrogen peroxide is a common home remedy. It can be dangerous if incorrectly mixed. Be warned that mistaken mixes can cause internal bleeding if swallowed. It can destroy beneficial bacteria and is an irritant to both the eyes, lungs and mucous membranes.

Mouthwashes include both chemical and natural types with varying benefits and risks. Some even include oils that have been found to be effective.

Maintain Proper Hydration

Drink several glasses of water a day to maintain proper hydration. A squeeze of raw lemon juice will help the taste and the body.

Oral Hygiene

Maintain proper oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing is basic. If it is not convenient to brush, an apple can work as an instant breath freshener. There are some products that can be used in the absence of brushing.

Follow any or all of these suggestions for the best breath you can have.

The Seventh Way to Eliminate Bad Breath

How do you eliminate bad breath when it is a coworker or dear friend?

One suggestion that has survived the test of time is to print an article such as this and discreetly leave it for the offender. Perhaps even fold it and type on the words, "From a Friend."

Before you leave it anonymously however, think how you would feel if someone did the same to you about some problem. Kindness could mean to be courageous and give it to them personally.

To soften the embarrassment, include a compliment about some outstanding quality or what they do to contribute to everyone's benefit.

If the person is not aware, they will probably be grateful to know. Be warned, there will be those who will be very embarrassed by the revelation. Use sensitivity before you take this step.

Finally the most important reason for the seventh step. It could save someone their life. Remember the 10% of bad breath that is not from the mouth. Well, it could result from serious health problems.

Your attention to this could potentially save a life.

Bad Breath

Jonathan Steele, RN is an artist, webmaster, public speaking coach and teaches public speaking to nurses and doctors.

If you would like to learn more about a related subject, how he remained ten years sore throat free and how you can too then go to the Public Speakers Sore Throat Treatment

A second related topic, on Public Speaking Health can be found at Speechmastery.com, your public speaking resource.

This article is (c) 2007 Jonathan Steele

Bad Breath - Seven Tips to Help Eliminate It

Bad Breath

Understand Bad Breath and Stomach Problems far more

Foul breath caused by stomach problems is not common with the general population, but there have been documented causes when this breath condition comes from the stomach. There are several factors involved in nasty breath caused by stomach problems. Knowing what these factors are can help you identify the underlying issue and what steps you need to take to get rid of bad breath from stomach problems.

The stomach is where all food ends up to be processed into nutrients that the body can use. Along with food, the stomach also contains bacteria that assist in breaking down the food. However, not all bacteria can be classified as "good". It's the bad bacteria that can be harmful and produce foul breath from stomach problems.

Some sources of bad breath from stomach bacteria include:

Helicobacter Pylori are bacteria that cause the common stomach ulcer. This produces the stench, especially when you belch.
Skipping a meal can cause the stomach to send the acids normally used for digestion to the throat, which causes foul breath.
Imbalance of bacteria can also cause bad breath from stomach problems. As mentioned earlier, your stomach has a balance of good and bad bacteria. If more bad bacteria is produced or stays in the stomach, this can be a cause of not so nice breath. An easy way to cure this is to take a daily probiotic supplement either in tablet form or through ingestion of yogurt. This is rich in good bacteria to help restore balance in your stomach.
Other causes of bad breath from stomach problems can originate from your digestive system. It can be caused by the following instances:

Eating hard to digest food. Food that remain largely undigested go straight to the liver and putrefy there, causing the foul breath due to stomach problems. Sometimes, it also causes an overproduction of stomach acids, which emanate and cause bad breath.
Heartburn is normally due to acid in the stomach flowing up into the throat. This is similar to acid reflux and can be triggered by caffeinated soft drinks or coffee. Foul breath from stomach acid is distinctive.
Nausea can be caused by bad bacteria in the stomach. It is a sign that your stomach may not like something you've recently eaten.A foul breath normally accompanies the nausea and may be a signal that you are about to regurgitate your stomach contents.
These are some common causes of bad breath from stomach acids or bacteria. The best way to avoid these is to watch what you eat to make sure your stomach stays healthy.

Bad Breath

Gillian is a bad breath expert and co-creator of the new web-site: http://bad-breath-begone.com. Get lots more info there on Bad Breath and Stomach Problems and also check out her Free 10-part Mini-eCourse, "Naturally Remove the Bad Breath Blues", it might be all you'll ever need (and did I mention it was free!!)

Bad Breath and Stomach Problems

Bad Breath

Read Bad Breath Cure - Can I Smell My Bad Breath? extra

Bad breath is something we can all have at any time. This can happen because of our taste for spicy food for example. The difficulty is we are not always aware when we are suffering from the problem. When that happens, we carry on with our day to day activities, completely blind to the fact that our breath smells.

Either someone will have the courage to tell you, or other people will just accept it and say nothing. Doing nothing might mean they stand down wind of catching a direct whiff of your breath.

Foul smelling breath can begin as soon as you wake up in the morning and stay with you during the day. So it is likely your loved one will catch the first aroma of it. Wherever you go during the day, the bad smell on your breath goes everywhere with you. You start to pick on the signs that people are turning their heads away from you as you talk to them.

Slowly the penny starts to drop and you begin to wonder what can be wrong. Then when you finally realize your breath smells, you want to get to the bathroom as quickly as you can and find an immediate remedy. But what is the cure for a smelly breath?

The first thing is to try and mask the odour as much as possible by taking something strong to fight the stench, like a minty mouth wash or toothpaste. That acts as a short term solution, but the real cure is in proper oral hygiene.

Bad Breath Cures

For more about how to stop bad breath visit: http://howtopreventbadbreath.co.uk

Bad Breath Cure - Can I Smell My Bad Breath?

Bad Breath Cures

Go through Home Remedy For Bad Breath - Cure Bad Breath at Home a lot more

Bad Breath Cure

Are you dreading the forthcoming meeting which you have to attend because your breath smells? No need to worry, now you can count on some home remedy for bad breath.

For many people stomach is an area which causes bad breath problems. Poor digestion, chronic constipation or poor bowel movements are the main culprits in this respect.

To overcome this problem, eat healthy and nutritious food. Your diet should include green vegetables, fruits and all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Increase your water intake. It should not include your liquid intake of colas or teas etc.

Dehydrated body is another main cause of bad breath emanating.

Dental problems like cavities in the teeth or carries, and bleeding gums are a breeding ground for bacteria which causes bad odor. So start to practice a good oral hygiene.

Brush your teeth and tongue after every meal. Try to scrape your tongue with a tongue cleaner. Every week brush your teeth with baking soda.

Gargling with salt water after meal will help to get rid of the residues of food and drink stuck on the tonsils and at the back of the throat. This method is an effective remedy to stop bad breath.

Get yourself checked by the dentist on a regular basis. Cavities should be filled up as early as possible. Cavities and plaque are congenial for bacterial growth which emits foul smell from the mouth.

Avoid eating candies and gums as the bacteria at the back of the throat feeds on these sugary foods to emit bad breath.

Another good home remedy for getting rid of halitosis is to eat yogurt in your daily diet. It helps in fighting the bacterial growth in the mouth.

Eating many of the herbs too, will make you free from this ailment. Having aniseed, fennel or cloves will mask your breath as well as kill the bad bacteria of your mouth.

Chewing basil, rosemary, thyme, wintergreen too, will mitigate bad breath.

So if you are ready to take steps towards leading a normal social life without having to making excuses then check out some of the most effective home remedy for bad breath at http://badbreathcure.ax90.com

Home Remedy For Bad Breath - Cure Bad Breath at Home

Bad Breath Cure

Read through 10 Great Tips to a Bad Breath Cure far more

Are you looking for a cure for bad breath? Well, in order to find a cure for the odor, you need to educate yourself and learn about the causes of this disgusting condition, such as oral bacteria. Bad breath is not incurable. It can be stopped if you are willing to make the effort to cure it. Once you find the causes and learn how to treat and prevent them, you have found a cure for bad breath.

A large number of people suffered from bad breath and they are not realizing it themselves until someone pointed it up to them. It is an embarrassing problem to suffer from bad breath or halitosis. Not only will it lowers your confidence, it will also make those around you cautious to get too close. Halitosis can cause tremendous social embarrassment for you. It is certainly a handicap in many social situations. If you have stinky breath, people will never remember you by what you say, only by the bad smell that comes from your mouth.

Below are 10 Great Tips to Bad Breath Cure:

1. Brush Your Teeth Regularly

The best way to help your breath is to get rid of the bacteria on your gum lines, on your teeth and your tongue by regular brushing of your teeth daily. The minimum standard is to brush at least two or three times everyday and you must brush or scrape your tongue as well. Your tongue, especially the back of your tongue contains more bacteria that you can think of!

Use a good tongue scraper to get rid of those disgusting bacteria on your tongue. Your tongue is the place where the bad odor originates because of the bacteria that live in the texture of your tongue. You need to make sure that your tongue is free of such bacteria which causes halitosis. Unless you dislodge the bacteria, any mouthwash or gum you chew will only mask the breath caused by bacteria.

2. Rinse Your Teeth After Eating

After you eat, make sure to rinse out left over food particles in your mouth. Not only does rinsing your mouth helps to clear your mouth of any food particles that are stuck in your teeth, you can also rinse away the odor of the food that you've just eaten.

If you can, do invest in a good rinse product to help you fight bad breath. Rinsing is a very important part of combating bad breath. I recommend TheraBreath Oral Rinse to help you achieve a fresher and cleaner breath. Use this refreshing Oral Rinse after brushing with TheraBreath Toothpaste. The rinse uses the odor-obliterating power of OXYD-8 to fight halitosis and sour/bitter/metallic tastes.

3. Avoid Sodium Lauryl Sulfate In Toothpastes

Many toothpaste products include this product, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, so try and find one that doesn't contain this chemical. You should also avoid mouth wash products that contain alcohol as it will only make your bad breath worse than ever. Invest in good toothpastes like the TheraBreath PLUS Toothpaste (Extra Strength). This exceptional toothpaste is proven to get rid of any bacteria in your mouth and is extremely effective in battling bad breath.

4. Avoid Breath Mints and/or Gum That Contain Sugar

While sucking a mint can help to temporarily relieve your symptoms, mints that contain sugar can make the problem worse. This is because bacteria loves sugar and it is sugar that they thrive on. If you consume such mints, you're actually helping these bad-breath-causing bacteria to multiply considerably. Your breath condition will become worse if you continue to suck on mints or gums that contain sugar.

If you really want to use mints, TheraBreath's ZOX Mints are the best mints that you should use to get rid of bad breath. TheraBreath's ZOX Mints are the first 'breath mint' to actually neutralize VSC's rather than mask them. Containing the same zinc/oxygen/xylitol formula used in TheraBreath products, ZOX will stimulate saliva flow and eliminate bad breath and taste for hours. No Sugar, All-Natural, and only 5 calories!

5. Eat Less Meat And More Vegetables & Fruits

Eating less meat and more fiber such as vegetables and fruits help fight halitosis effectively. If you want to cure your disgusting breath condition, snack on fresh raw vegetables and fruits such as parsley, celery, carrot apple and pear.

Parsley is particularly effective in combating halitosis because it contains chlorophyll, a chemical found in plants that is considered to be a natural breath freshener and can stop bad breath.

6. Drink Plenty Of Water When Taking Prescription Medications

Medications can make your mouth dry and cause Halitosis. Drinking plenty of water is especially important to you if you have to take long-term medication. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily and make sure that it is pure drinking water and not juices or soft drinks. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep your mouth hydrated, as saliva is a natural antibacterial and helps flush down food particles in your mouth.

7. Stop Smoking

Nicotine in cigarettes is one of the biggest culprits of bad breath. Prolong exposure to cigarettes' smoke will not only give you a stale and disgusting breath, it will also harm your health in the long-term. You'll be much healthier if you quit now.

8. Keep Calm And Avoid Stress

Stress can actually make your breath worse so avoid stressful situations where possible. Learn to relax your mind, body and soul by listening to soothing and relaxation music and exercise frequently. Learn to think positively and adopt an optimistic and cheerful approach to life. Take life easy and enjoy life. By being stress-free, not only will you stop bad breath, your health will be much better off in the long-term.

9. Blow Your Nose Often To Get Rid Of Mucus

If you have a cold or allergies that result in post-nasal drip then your breath will get worse. Stops bad breath production beyond the sinus/throat area by using TheraBreath PLUS Nasal-Sinus Drops. This nasal-sinus drops by TheraBreath is extremely effective in removing the bacteria in your mucus which contributes to bad breath. By eliminating these disgusting bacteria in your sinus and throat area, your breath will become fresher and cleaner.

10. Eat More Yogurt

Eating food rich in acidophilus such as yogurt helps to balance the bacteria in the intestine to a healthy level and thus reduce halitosis. Yogurt is proven scientifically to be able to balance the good and bad bacteria in your intestine and hence contributes to curing halitosis. Your halitosis condition will improve and you will eventually cure bad breath naturally.

The above 10 bad breath cure tips are proven to effectively cure bad breath or halitosis. Nonetheless, you must do your part in combating bad breath by practicing good oral hygiene. You should also eat well, sleep well and have regular exercises to keep your body healthy and fit. By doing all these, you will be able to maintain a fresh and clean breath and get rid of bad breath permanently.

Bad Breath Cures

Zayden Mah is a freelance writer on chronic bad breath and halitosis. He aims to help those who are suffering from bad breath by giving the best tips and guide on how to cure bad breath. Zayden Mah is persistent in the mission to offer only the best bad breath remedies, bad breath cure and bad breath treatment on helping man and woman to get rid of his or her bad breath. For more information on what to do about bad breath, go to => http://www.killerbadbreath.com. We genuine hope that your life will improve with a cleaner, nicer and fresher breath.

10 Great Tips to a Bad Breath Cure

Go through Bad Breath - How to Lose Weight Without Getting Bad Breath extra

Many people in the past few years have found great weight loss success by following the low-carb, high-protein diet plans such as Atkins, South Beach, and many more. There is a lot of scientific basis for this- carbs break down as sugar in your system and are often stored as excess fat. However, these plans left people wondering how to lose weight without getting bad breath, since this seemed to be a common side effect of these programs.

To really understand how to lose weight without getting bad breath, you need to understand what is happening on these diet programs to cause it in the first place. When the body has excessive protein in the system, it finds it very hard to break down and digest. This is actually one of the reasons that these high-protein plans worked- the body feels fuller longer when eating protein because it's working harder to digest it. Breaking down this protein is one of the reasons that there is usually bad breath, as the digestive system is often reflected in the breath. Think of when you eat onions or garlic- can you not tell that on your breath for hours afterward? However, just knowing that this is what is happening does not tell you how to lose weight without getting bad breath! Let's explore that a bit further.

If you are following a high-protein diet, there may not be much you can actually do to stop that chemical process from happening and from being reflected in your breath. However, in order to consider how to lose weight without getting bad breath, you may consider some steps you can take to help eliminate the resultant odor. Many people have found that chewing peppermint leaves and parsley help to cut down on the odor coming from their mouths during digestion. Making sure you get plenty of water also helps, as this aids in digestion and keeps your mouth moist.

Another key in how to lose weight without getting this is to take care of your oral hygiene. Make sure you are flossing to get the food particles out from between your teeth, and rinse well with a good mouthwash. Keep some gum on hand at all times. You can learn how to lose weight without getting bad breath, if you are willing to take these few extra steps to take care of your mouth along the way.

Discover why your efforts to fight bad breath may not work and learn how you can cure bad breath when all else fail with our bad breath resource site.

Bad Breath - How to Lose Weight Without Getting Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read Cure For Bad Breath additional

Bad odor from the mouth in the early morning is seen in almost all individuals. This can be controlled by maintaining oral hygiene. Even after cleaning the mouth some individuals may suffer from bad breath due to some problem in the mouth or in the nearby areas. Some general disease condition can also produce bad breath. Exact cause has to be identified and should be treated accordingly. Some common measures to cure or reduce bad breath are discussed here.

1) Oral hygiene:

Mouth should be kept clean every time to reduce the bacterial action. After food gargling with lukewarm water is very essential. Even after small food articles like snacks, sweets, buscuits cleaning with water is needed. Brushing should be done twice daily. It is said that early morning brushing is for beauty and bed time brushing is for good health.

2) Brushing techniques:

Normal brushing technique should be followed for better result. Many people brush vigorously causing damage to the gums. Brushing after every food and drink can damage the enamel. Bristles of the tooth brush should be smooth but hard enough to remove the food particles from the gaps. The direction of brushing is the most important thing.The upper teeth should be brushed in a downward direction and the lower in upward direction. This is applicable to both inner and outer surfaces. Next comes the crown of the teeth; here brushing is done in anterior and posterior direction keeping the brush in same direction. This applicable to both upper and lower set of teeth.

3) Tongue cleaning:

White or yellowish coating on the tongue can cause bad breath. This is more well marked in the morning and should be removed twice daily with the help of a tongue cleaner. Tongue cleaner must be used gently without damaging the taste buds on the tongue.

4) Tooth pick:

Tooth pick is a small strip of wood or plastic with a pointed end.This is used to remove food particles lodged between the gaps. Very useful after eating meat and fish. Should be used gently to avoid damage to gums.

5) Gargling:

After every meal gargling with lukewarm water is useful. For better result little common salt is dissolved in the lukewarm water. Different types of mouth wash is available in the market in different trade names. Gargling with mouth wash can also reduce bad breath.

6) Food habits:

Protein containing food articles are known to produce bad breath. Example; meat, milk, fish, egg etc. If these food articles are taken proper cleaning is essential. Some food articles are known to produce particular smell which may be unpleasent for others. Raw onion is the best example. It is said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away and a raw onion a day keep every body away. Small food articles taken in between can also cause bad smell (nuts,fried items etc). Maintaining regularity in food timing is the most important thing.

7) Water intake:

Dryness in the mouth can make a favourable condition for the bacterial activity resulting in bad odor. Saliva is needed to keep the mouth moist and to reduce the bacterial proliferation. Production of saliva is closely related with water balance of the body and hence sufficient quantity of water should be taken to maintain the production of saliva.

8) Mouth freshners:

Natural and artificial mouth freshners can reduce the intensity of bad breath to some extent. Spicy articles are commonly used for this purpose. Chewing spices like clove, cumin seed, cardomom, cinnamon, ginger, etc., are useful. All citrus fruits can reduce bad odor. Mouth freshners and chewing gums are available in the market. These products are also helpful, but some may cause damage hence should be used with caution.

If the above things doesn't work then what to do?

Consider the following:

1) Remove the cause:

Bad breath is common in some general and systemic diseases like diabetes, fevers, gastric disorders, liver diseases and etc. By removing or reducing the primary cause the bad breath will go automatically.

2) Modern medicine:

If bad breath is due to any infection suitable antibiotics,anti fungal or anti viral medicines will help. If it is due to any autoimmune or chronic inflamatory conditions steroids may also be used. Saliva producing tablets can also be used.

3) Dental cleaning:

Dental cleaning done by a dentist can remove the dental plaques and tartar. This can reduce the severity of bad breath. Visit your dentist at least once in a year.

4) Filling of caries:

Since caries are one of the main cause for bad breath it should be filled by a dentist. Earlier silver amalgam was used, nowadays it is replaced by synthetic materials. If the pulp cavity is affected by the caries root canal treatment can be done.

5) Tooth extraction:

If caries are deep with destruction of teeth with bad smell extraction is the better choice and a dental implant can be kept in the gap.

6) Tonsillectomy:

Patients with recurrent tonsillitis can have bad breath due to offenssive discharges and release of pasty materials from the crypts of tonsils. Such patients get great relief after tonsillectomy (removal of tonsils).

7) Psychological counselling:

Those who suffer from bad breath may be very much depressed and they be away from the public. This isolation hampers their daytoday activities.Such people should understand the fact that all humanbeings are having bad breath, but with slight differences in intensities. Mostly all people control it by taking personal care. Every human body has got it's own smell,that may or may not be tolerable for others. They should be advised to do all hygienic meashures to reduce the intensity of smell. Improving the quality of life by all possible means can also help. Moral support from friends and family members are needed for such people.

Some individuals visit the doctor for bad breath without any real problem. It is included under somatisation disorder. They usually complain about pain, breathlessness, abdominal discomfort, bad smell, etc. Proper diagnosis is needed to rule out any real causes. These patients should be managed with a psychological approach.

8) Homoeopathy:

In Homoeopathy medicines are selected on the basis of physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of the diseased person. Considering the whole aspects a constitutional homoeopathic medicine is selected and given in suitable potency and dose. By this all health related problems including bad breath will be solved. On the basis of coating on the tongue, type of smell, cause for bad breath, and other associated complaints a medicine can be given to get relief from bad breath. In the homoeopathic medical repertory by Dr Robin Murphy there are 140 homoeopathic drugs mentioned for bad breath. On the basis of signs and symptoms of the individual a suitable medicine is given. Commonly used drugs are arnica, antim crud, pulsatilla, sulphur, psorinum, nux vomica, ars alb, merc sol, kreosot, hekla lava, silicea, asafoitida, graphites, kali bich, acid nitric etc.

Homoeopathic mother tinctures like cinnamon Q,kreosot Q,zingiber Q,rhus glabra Q,menthol Q and etc can be used for gargling after diluting in water.


Bad Breath Cures

Peter Bishop manages the health info portal at [http://www.spiritualhome.info] and researches alternative ways of life for years.

Cure For Bad Breath

Bad Breath Cures

Read How To Cure Bad Breath In Dogs a lot more

It has happened to most dog owners. There you are sitting on the floor minding your own business. You are not bothering anyone. Then you are aromatically assaulted by a horrific smell. You slowly turn your head to obtain a clear view of the source. That source ends up being 70 pounds of pure hound breathing in your face. Sure, you love that four legged thing. The fact is that there is only so much your nose can stand.

What causes bad breath in dogs?

There is a tremendously dynamic range of possibilities for the causes of the bad breath our dogs can have. It can be cause by gastrointestinal organs, gum disease, and/or in the respiratory system. Keep in mind that sometimes that bad breath can be a sign of a much more serious health issue. Your Vet will always be the best place to start especially if your dog seems to have a chronic case of bad breath.

The fact remains that your dogs assault on the aromatic quality of your home could just be from diet. After checking with your Vet to be sure there is not a major health issue with your pet, it may be time to make some other adjustments in your dogs diet. Paying attention to these three things will help insure that your dog is healthier and smells their best.

Do not buy the cheap stuff

What kind of food are you feeding your dog? In today's economy we are always tempted to save a dime, or a dollar, any way we can. In regard to dog food it is best to spend an extra couple of bucks to upgrade the food we are feeding them. All dog foods are NOT created equal. Making a dog food choice based on the lowest price is a choice that says we do not really care what our dogs eat. There is a reason why that food costs so little. It is because the ingredients in that food are of the lowest quality and nutritional value. In some cases even cause an allergic reaction. Just spending a couple more dollars will assure that your dog is going to be in much better health.

Stay consistent

Pick a dog food that is within your budget and stick with it. Sure, dogs have been known to eat some really disgusting things. The fact is that they need a consistent diet. Switching dog foods each week can be a shock to their digestive systems. So, pick the healthiest food you can afford and stick with it. If you do make a change, make a change that you can stick with for a few months at least.

Use a simple and organic supplement

Organic is always going to be the choice for my dog. It is affordable as well. In fact, my wife will actually make her own all natural dog food. It is very healthy, cheap to make, and they love it. That will be another article though. What I do recommend is an organic rinse that will help your dog to smell their best. It will also help soften the build up that gets on their teeth so that they stay cleaner longer. Not to mention that it can help reduce the number of times that you need to have your dogs teeth cleaned. The organic product we recommend is below this article. It is highly rated by those who have used it.

Remember that bad breath can be a sign of some very serious internal issues with our dogs. See a Vet first. Then get that diet consistent and healthy. Loving paws deserve loving owners.

To keep bad breath away from my dog I use this Organic Rince

Loving dog owners should visit my blog at Best Breeds Of Dogs

How To Cure Bad Breath In Dogs

Bad Breath Cure

Read 4 Best Cures For Bad Breath Revealed much more

You may not feel happy with your life if you have a bad breath problem. You always try to find the best cure for bad breath that can totally eliminate your awful smell coming from your mouth. Do not worry though because you have come to the right place. I have listed here 4 ways to cure your bad breath.

1) Brushing And Flossing Your Teeth

This is the best cure for bad breath you should not live about. Brushing your teeth can make your teeth and tongue clean altogether. There are many good and branded toothpaste on the market you can buy with a cheap price. Make sure to use a toothbrush that is suitable for your teeth and mouth size.

Flossing between teeth is a good way to remove any food particles that get stuck on it. Brushing alone might not be good enough, that is why flossing your teeth is a good additional step to take care of your mouth. If you have a mouthwash, by all means, use it.

2) Cut Down Your Protein

Protein has been proven to make your breath smell bad. Even worse, it is hard to totally cure your bad breath problem if you eat too much meat, steak and chicken. The reason is because the bad smell actually comes from inside your body and not from your mouth.

The only way to cure this is by controlling on what you eat.

3) Do Not Smoke

The best cure for bad breath for smokers is not to smoke anymore cigarettes. Even if you cut down your smoking, you still going to suffer from bad breath. Let me point out by saying nothing good comes from smoking. Not only it will effect the smokers, it is also going to effect everybody around him.

You can chew some gums or mint to temporary eliminate the bad smell. However, after several minutes, the awful smell will appear once more. If you are serious to cure your bad breath, you really need to consider quitting smoking.

4) Drink More Water

Dry mouth can contribute to bad breath as well. When your mouth is dry, there is not enough moisture inside your mouth to remove the bacteria. It is very important for you to drink a lot of plain water to overcome this. I am sure you have heard an advice saying that you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday, so you better drink enough water from now on.

If you follow the above steps, I am pretty sure you will have no problem dealing with other people because now you have all the confidence in the world to talk to other people knowing that you have a fresh breath. Actually, the best cure for bad breath starts from you. You need to do something about it and do not take this matter lightly.

Bad Breath Cures

If you are looking for one top secret to cure for bad breath, then look no further.

Finally, there is a breakthrough in solving your bad breath problem quickly and permanently.

Check out http://badbreathcenter.blogspot.com for more information and details.

4 Best Cures For Bad Breath Revealed

Bad Breath Cures

Read through How to Cure Bad Breath Naturally - Natural Cures For Bad Breath additional

Bad Breath Cures

Having bad breath turns people off. No one likes a person that has breath that stinks. It's embarrassing and humiliating. And it can be frustrating when trying to figure out how to get rid of stinky breath. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some tips on how to cure bad breath naturally.

That way, you will have more confidence, increase your self-esteem, and fresh breath.

The natural cures for bad breath are:

1. Drinking water is one way to cure bad breath naturally. By drinking water, you will be able to keep your mouth moist and wet, which allows you to keep your mouth from stinking. If your mouth gets too dry your breath will stink.

2. Another way to cure bad breath naturally is eating yogurt. You should eat sugar-free yogurt two times a day for six weeks. This will allow the bacteria that are in the yogurt to help get rid of the bacteria in your mouth that causes it to stink.

3. Brushing and flossing your teeth is another way to cure bad breath naturally. You should brush you teeth after every meal. Also, floss at least once a day. By flossing, you can get rid of the bacteria, food, and plaque that are between your teeth.

4. Another way to cure your bad breath naturally is to gargle with baking soda and warm water. Mix baking soda with one cup of warm water and gargle with it for one minute.

These are some tips on how to cure bad breath naturally. If you have bad breath, you need to do something about it. If you don't, you could be at risk of your breath getting worse or possibly at risk of getting an infection.

Tired of having bad breath? Sick of being embarrassed and humiliated from having bad breath? Go to http://www.cure-bad-breath-naturally.blogspot.com to learn how thousands of people, who are just like you, got rid of their bad breath.

How to Cure Bad Breath Naturally - Natural Cures For Bad Breath

Read through Curative Effects of Bad Breath Remedies extra

Curative Effects of Bad Breath Remedies

Bad Breath Cures

The first known bad breath aversion dates back to the Roman period. It is said that Romans were in the habit of constantly chewing on parsley leaves to obscure the smell of alcoholic beverages that they used to consume on a regular basis. Chronic foul odor or 'Halitosis' is a foul odor that emanates from the mouth. This is related directly or indirectly to activities of odor-producing microbes that tend to survive in there. Acute streptococcal tonsillitis associated with an off-white yellowish coating on the tongue invariably reeks of Halitosis. It is factual that all of us have bacterial microbes present in our mouth. Repulsive mouth odors have dogged mankind through the ages. It is the diet that you eat and the remnants of food left behind between the gums and teeth that are the main culprits in catalyzing the unstoppable growth of these obnoxious-smelling germs. Initially, these are sleeper cells. Only when activated by factors such as decaying food particles in the mouth do these cells activate themselves. There is marked transformation in that foul odors are produced by leaps and bounds. Chemical reaction takes place at great speed because the bacteria, per se, are anaerobic by nature and generate hydrogen sulfide, which normally smells like rotting eggs.

Society in general looks down upon people having a bad breath. Although not told at face value, its repulsive nature makes you feel down-trodden and eliminated from the mainstream of life. However, a large number of people ignorantly live with bad breath. Perhaps, they care two hoots for those preaching the 'Be Thou Far From Me' parable. Bad breath is an issue that needs immediate attention and rectification on a war footing. You have to get rid of it at all costs.

Presently, a host of cures are sold over the counters of medical shops and drug stores. Most remedies are instantaneously curative with the foul-smelling odor done away with in a jiffy. However, be it known that almost all of these odor-removing medications have natural environmental-friendly products as their base. Age old curative therapies are put into new bottles and sold under popular brand names.

Natural cures are totally safe and simple to use. They act with great speed and remove every trace of foul odor that tends to linger in the oral cavity. These eco friendly pleasant-smelling therapies have no side effects. They are made from natural products and do not contain any kind of chemicals or chemical formulae. Instances of natural home remedies are brine solution, charcoal and baking soda. The simple process of gargling with moderate hot water and salt gives instant relief from foul mouth odor. Similarly, brushing your teeth with baking soda or ingesting tiny quantities of charcoal surprisingly eliminates bad breath from your mouth. What more can you ask for? These are just a few of bad breath remedies widely used across the globe, especially in remote, rural and far-flung regions. Alfalfa green tea, spirulina, chlorophyll, fennel, mint, cardamom, cloves, myrrh and filberts are fantastic mouth fresheners. As an alternative lemon wedges could be chewed to remove repulsive odors from the mouth. There are more. A plethora of natural bad breath remedies are still waiting to be explored and used.

Using natural herbs for doing away with bad breath is highly recommended. Take full advantage of these eco friendly cures right away and watch the results. You will find your long-lost love beckoning you with that come-hither look! Oh! How much I missed YOU! How nice you smell. Mmmmm...

To know more about natural bad breath remedies please visit our website at www.RemoveBadBreath.com which allows you superb insights into how to permanently do away with it.

Understand Cure Bad Breath For Good far more

Cure Bad Breath For Good

Bad Breath Cure

Anyone who has bad breath or knows anyone who has it understands how embarrassing it can be. How do you tell a friend, partner, husband, wife or etc... that their breath stinks without offending them? If you or a loved one suffers from halitosis you can find a cure and be able to enjoy your life without having to wonder what people are saying or thinking while you are talking to them. This article is geared towards giving you some vital tips that you can begin applying today that are sure to cure bad breath for good. If you still do not want to admit you have bad breath then ask a friend to give you their honest opinion. There is nothing wrong with having this problem; because there are ways you can begin to correct it.

Scrape Your Tongue: If your tongue begins to accumulate some white bacterial looking material on the top of it; that is a sure sign that your breath does smell bad. You can begin by scraping your tongue with either a soft tooth brush or a tongue scraping tool; if you do not have one check your local drug store for one.

Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day: We all know when we were kids that we were taught to brush and floss. However as adults we get lazy and most of us do not take the time to floss our teeth. Flossing is extremely important because it cleans inside the gaps of your teeth that your toothbrush can not reach. If you begin flossing everyday this will help reduce the odor in your mouth.

Eat Foods That Make Your Breath Smell Good: Yes there are foods that you can begin eating today that will freshen your breath like; ginger, cilantro and parsley. When you do eat these types of food make sure you eat them raw because they will help restore the natural balance of colon bacteria; which can ultimately give you the fresh breath that you seek. Stay away from foods that can worsen the problem like: tuna, fish, liver and etc..

Visit Your Dentist: Every six months you should see your dentist to have a periodic check up and cleaning. This will reduce the germs and bacteria that grow in your mouth. It will also give your dentist a chance to fix any periodontal disease or cavities that required attention. Your dentist would be able to prescribe the right kind of toothpaste or mouthwash that may assist your in curing your problem.

Even if you have tried everything in the past from chewing gum, breath mints, or whatever you should be open to trying new methods. You do not have to live with bad breath; and if you follow these tips you can cure your bad breath for good. If you found these tips helpful then visit our website below for more valuable information that will help your breath smell clean and your teeth look pearly white. It will give you back the confidence that you once had.

With just 5 Minutes A Day. Get your love life back and your partner will want to kiss and hold you close again.

Do you know someone you can not stand to get close to because of their bad breath; This is life changing information

Study Dogs: Bad Breath extra

Have you ever wondered what is causing your dog's bad breath? It is probably caused by a buildup of tartar on his teeth, and possibly by advancing gum disease if the tartar has been building up, untreated, for a while. Throughout their lives, dogs get an accumulation of material called tartar on their teeth made up of mineral deposits, bacteria and tiny food particles. The bacteria break down the food particles and live on the rough surface of the mineral deposits.

When the bacteria break down protein molecules for nourishment, they cause dog bad breath by releasing sulfur compounds into the air. This is essentially the same process that happens in human mouths and causes bad breath, except that, in humans, the bacteria generally live on the tongue. Your dogs bad breath can be avoided by preventing the buildup of tartar on the teeth, or removing the tartar if it gets too bad.

Bad breath in dogs can be quite offensive: in serious cases, the sulfur odor is detectable throughout the house, and it is quite difficult to be near the dog. Dogs usually like a lot of attention, however, so it's equally difficult to stay away! Left untreated your dogs bad breath will destroy your relationship with her - it may even kill your dog. It may kill your dog because bacteria that are proliferating in the mouth can spread to other parts of the body or set up deep abscesses in the jaw area. Dog bad breath is a symptom of trouble brewing that you should not ignore. If it's serious and ongoing, take your dog to the vet.

Your veterinarian knows all about dog breath. He or she will probably be able to quickly examine the dog's teeth and tell you whether tartar is to blame. If the tartar is not too bad, the veterinarian may recommend a commercial product for tartar removal and treating dog bad breath. Or, it may be necessary to have the dog's teeth professionally cleaned. Sometimes tooth extraction is required, as bad breath in dogs is often accompanied by inflammation and infection of the gums, and loose teeth.

A word to the wise: if your dog is young, and you are just beginning to notice dog breath, start looking after your dog's teeth to avoid trouble later. Let him chew bones; buy her a toothbrush and get her used to you brushing, and keep a close eye on the teeth and gums.

Bad Breath

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Cure, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Dogs: Bad Breath

Examine 9 Useful Home Remedies for Bad Breath more

9 Useful Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Bad Breath Cures

Bad Breath Cures

This article is dedicated to the best Home Remedies for Bad Breath. First of all let me tell you what is Bad Breath?

Bad breath is the general name for the medical condition known as halitosis (means ha-luh-toe-sus). Bad breath often happens after eating strongly flavoured foods, such as onions and garlic. Bad breath that's of oral cavity source can be traced to a sulfur compound produced by bacteria.

Bad breath sufferers should feel confident to seek treatment because of the high achievement rate in managing the problem. It is obvious from this that there is no one easy bad breath cure, but, entertainingly, bad breath remedies used by our grandparents are still very popular and often work fairly well, usually by reducing the amount of bacteria in the mouth.

Bad breath can cause obscurity in both your private and professional lives. Bad breath can be very uncomfortable, but it is a general condition that affects millions of people. Bad breath can usually be eradicated with good dental hygiene. Bad breath is common and occasionally occurs in even the youngest children.

Bad breath causes

Bad breath can be linked with food, poor dental hygiene, tobacco use and certain medical situations. Bad breath can have systemic or oral basis. Poor oral hygiene leads to bad breath because when you leave food particles in you mouth, these pieces of food can rot and begin to smell. Sometimes sinus troubles, and seldom liver or kidney problems, can cause bad breath. Smoking is also a main cause of bad breath. Mouthwash only gets rid of bad breath momentarily.

A person's mouth can be a home for hundreds of dissimilar varieties of bacteria. And on going in our mouths at all times is a steady battle for living space between the types of bacteria which do generate misuse products that cause bad breath and those that don't. And it is the precise balance between the relative numbers of these kinds of bacteria that will finally determine the quality of a person's breath.

Here is a list of some best Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

1) Successful Home Remedy for Bad Breath is avocado, which is far superior to any mouth lotion or remedies for this state. It efficiently removes intestinal putrefaction which is one of the most significant causes of bad breath.

2) Unripe guava is helpful in halitosis. It is a good source of tannic, malic, oxalic, and phosphoric acids as well as calcium, oxalate, and manganese. Chewing it is a great tonic for the teeth and gums. It assists cure bleeding from gums and stops bad breath. Chewing tender leaves of guava tree also end bleeding from gums and bad breath.

3) Parsley is a precious Home Remedy for Bad Breath. Two cups of water should be boiled and a number of sprigs of parsley coarsely cut should be steeped in this water along with two or three whole cloves or a quarter teaspoon of ground cloves. This mixture should be stirred infrequently while cooling. It should then be strained and used as a mouthwash or gargle numerous times a day.

4) Chew a mint or some gum for bad bad breath cure. Like mouthwash, a breath mint or mint gum is just a cover-up, good for a short talk, a short ride in a compact car, or a very short date.

5) Spice is good. Many herbs and spices you keep in your kitchen are natural breath enhancers. Hold a tiny plastic bag of cloves, fennel, or anise seeds to chew after odorous meals.

6) Chew up peppermint or carnation for superior breath smell.

7) Consume one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal.

8) To lose the bad breath consume pumpkin every day

9) Effective Home Remedy for Bad Breath is to dissolve baking soda in water and wash the tongue with this.

Dr John Anne is an Ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Bad Breath at http://www.natural-homeremedies.org He has an exclusive website on Home Remedies for various diseases. You can also contribute to the Home remedies by visiting the website

Understand Vitamins for Bad Breath far more

Will taking vitamins for bad breath work? In the past, bad breath was attributed to poor oral hygiene - if you had it, people assumed that you did not brush your teeth regularly and have regular dental checkups to ensure that your gums were healthy and your teeth free of cavities. In short, it was your fault. More recently, we've realized that even a clean healthy mouth can generate a bad odor if the oral bacteria that produce that odor become too numerous. We've also realized that certain physical conditions, such as post nasal drip, sinus problems, and dry mouth can contribute to bad breath.

The idea that there may be a connection between nutrition and bad breath has grown out of the 21st century emphasis on healthy lifestyles and preventative medicine. Many health problems can be prevented, we now believe by eating a healthy diet and having an active lifestyle. This approach , successfully followed, might alleviate not only bad breath, but also the underlying problems, like post nasal drip, that contribute to it. Logically, then, vitamins for bad breath might make sense.

A few bad breath professionals have gone so far as to highlight the issue of nutrition and bad breath, and are recommending specific vitamins and minerals, or even marketing their own dietary supplement. Beyond advocating good nutrition, some are suggesting that the immune system plays a role in the causes of bad breath and that a strengthened immune system will help solve the problem. The perfect minerals and vitamins for bad breath, then, will include those involved in maintaining good oral health, and those that support the immune system, many of which are the same.

Vitamin C is an obvious choice: we've known for hundreds of years that people who don't eat fruits and vegetables get scurvy, a disease easily recognized by the destruction of the gums. Vitamin C is the nutrient that people with scurvy lack, and the destructive effect on the oral tissues sets up perfect conditions for the proliferation of odor causing bacteria. Even today, many people don't get enough Vitamin C. It could be that, for some people, this Vitamin C deficiency is the link between nutrition and bad breath.

Another obvious nutrient to go with vitamins for bad breath is the mineral zinc. The relationship between zinc and halitosis is so well established that many of the best mouthwashes and other oral care products for bad breath already contain this mineral. Zinc plays a role in many body functions, including taste and immunity. It's exact role in fighting the malodorous bacteria may also be complex, but there is little doubt that it does have a positive influence on nutrition and bad breath.

Other suggested nutrients for bad breath include vitamins E and D, and the B vitamin complex, and the mineral calcium. All of these vitamins and minerals play a well established role in human health, and many people already take them or ensure that there are adequate sources in the diet. Not surprisingly, the vitamin and mineral supplements aimed at bad breath are very similar to ordinary multivitamin and mineral supplements. Supplements linking immune status, nutrition and bad breath may contain herbal extracts typical of immunity boosters advocated by natural healing specialists. Whether or not these products provide the key to beating halitosis remains to be seen, but its doubtful that taking vitamins for bad breath will do any harm. To be safe, before taking any dietary supplement on a regular basis, discuss your concerns with your doctor.

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Vitamins for Bad Breath

Read through Cat Bad Breath - Know Its Causes and Treatments more

Your precious cat is starting to smell weird despite its usual cat odor. There is something wrong and you can't pinpoint what it is. When you tried kissing your cat, you are shocked! That's where the bad odor is coming from. Your cat has cat bad breath and it's really concerning you. Bad breath or Halitosis is caused by a variety of underlying medical conditions. If your cat has unhealthy gums and tooth decay, this is probably what is causing this. You must get to the root cause and treat it as soon as possible.

1. Dangers of Bad Breath in Cats

Cat's unpleasant breath may not be a big deal for some pet owners but what they do not know is that this can lead to other serious health conditions. If your cat is suffering from dental problems, it can lead to pain and infection in the mouth. Bacteria accumulate in the gums which can be easily transported through different organs in the body through its rich blood supply. Once bacteria reach the liver, heart or kidney, it can lead to your cat's organ damage or failure.

2. Causes of Bad Breath in Cats

Just like in humans, it can also be caused by several things ranging from mild to severe causes. What causes your it for your cat? It can be Gingivitis (gum problems), Stomatitis (stomach problems), tooth decay and abscess (infection), Diabetes, Liver or Kidney disease, mouth cancer or gastrointestinal problems. To make sure you determine what is causing this, it is essential that you consult a veterinarian so he can run some tests. He can perform an X-ray on the teeth, FIV tests or liver or kidney function tests.

3. Treatment for Bad Breath in Cats

The best way to treat this problem is to let the veterinarian handle it especially if it's a severe case. The veterinarian can remove calculus in your cat's teeth and polish it. He will remove any diseased teeth. He can also provide treatment to enable the kidney or liver to function better.

If your cat's bad breath is very mild. You can do something to remedy this at home. For one, brush his teeth regularly with cat toothbrush and toothpaste. There are special formulations to reduce formulation of tartar and plaque on cats. Second, always bring your cat to the veterinarian for his annual checkup. You can also get him checked twice a year. Lastly, some will recommend that you feed raw bones and necks from chicken to your cat. However, there are risks associated with this so better talk to your vet first.

We know how much you love your cat and you love to snuggle with him on the couch. But when your cat has cat bad breath, you better get him checked immediately before any other serious medical condition develops.

Bad Breath

Cat bad breath is not healthy for your pet and for the whole family especially if you let your children play with them. So, if your cat has bad breath, then go to http://catbadbreath.net and find out the ways on how to eliminate this problem.

Cat Bad Breath - Know Its Causes and Treatments

Bad Breath

Study Post Nasal Drip Bad Breath a lot more

Post Nasal Drip Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

The problem of post nasal drip bad breath is that post nasal drip, a chronic symptom that can be very difficult to correct, provides a constant food supply to bacteria that produce the bad odor we associate with bad breath (halitosis). The drip is a continual flow of mucus from the nasal passages and sinuses that contains proteins and other food supplies for bacteria. The bacteria that benefit from this are frequently those that live on the back of the tongue, many of them anaerobes that produce foul smelling sulfur compounds when they break down proteins.

Contributing to bad breath sinus discharge can also result in tonsiloliths, collections of dead cells and debris that lodge on the tonsils and in tonsillar crypts and grow into pale stone-like aggregates. These "tonsil stones," like the discharge, provide food for bacteria and a place for bacteria to live. Tonsiloliths are usually noticeably malodorous and though they are eventually dislodged, they tend to recur - another troublesome type of post nasal drip bad breath.

The best hope for relief of bad breath sinus trouble, of course, is to treat the sinus problem and hope that the flow of discharge can be decreased enough to cut down the populations of bacteria that are producing the odor. Sinus problems should be evaluated by a doctor and treated appropriately. While many people are able to lessen or get rid of a chronic sinus condition, post nasal drip bad breath will be an ongoing problem for others. It may require a long term commitment to treating the bad breath with a commercial product that fights the troublesome bacteria from a different angle.

Some commercial products directly address the problem of post nasal drip bad breath by producing sinus drops, which can be used in conjunction with an effective mouthwash. The best products for fighting bad breath are aimed at decreasing the populations of odor producing bacteria and then keeping their numbers so low that no odor is detectable on the breath. Bad breath sinus drops are a relatively new product on the market and are not available from every supplier. If you suspect that your bad breath is connected to post nasal drip, you might want to try this approach.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Post Nasal Drip Bad Breath, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Read through Bad Breath - Effective Home Remedies For Bad Alcohol Breath Caused By Mouthwashes far more

Bad Breath - Effective Home Remedies For Bad Alcohol Breath Caused By Mouthwashes

Bad Breath Cure

Bad alcohol breath is more common than what most people might think. Although, they usually happen to people who drink wine or beer, it can also come from people who do not consume alcohol. This is because there are many products on the market that now contain the substance and thus will have similar impact as alcoholic drinks. Believe it or not, there are more chances of getting bad alcohol breath from your mouthwash than from wine or beer.

How alcohol cause bad breath

Alcohol causes bad mouth odors because of the fact that it dries the mouth. This creates a perfect environment for anaerobic bacteria to multiply and thrive on leftovers found in your mouth. Hence, surprising as it may be, this only causes bad breath to worsen.

All you need to do is to take a look at the label. Most mouthwashes today contain a lot of alcohol, usually around 20 percent. Compared to beer which has around 5 percent alcohol and you will notice the difference. When you rinse your mouth with such mouthwash, you only cause your mouth to undergo the drying process.

What can be done about such situation?

While alcohol-based mouthwashes are very convenient because you get to have a very good breath for a certain period of time, they can eventually dry your mouth. The easiest way is to rectify the situation is to stop using such mouthwash. Instead, get mouthwashes that are alcohol free.

Alternatively, you can continue with the mouthwash that contains alcohol but you need to deal with the actual cause of the bad breath that is dry mouth. Drinking plenty of liquids is recommended. If you like, you can even pop in some sugar free chewing gum after using such mouthwash to help add moisture to your mouth.

These two simple remedies will effectively deal with the bad breath problem, unless it is caused by something else. In such a circumstance you should consult a doctor.

Discover how you can effectively use mouthwash to eliminate bad breath. Learn what are the bad breath remedies available with our free resources.

Understand 3 Remedies for Bad Breath that Work extra

Bad breath, or halitosis is what I like to call the sneaky disease. There are millions of people that have the problem, some of them dealing with it every day, but very few of them actually realize how bad the problem is. The reason is because having bad breath carries such a negative stigma that many of us just do not have the heart to tell the person that has halitosis that their breath stinks. Perhaps it is out of some feelings of pity, but telling them the truth could actually be the best thing that you have ever done for them. Once they know then they can go about solving the problem.

Perhaps that is why you are reading this article. Did someone tell you that you have a problem with bad breath? Then thank them, but only after you read this article. Now that you know you have a problem, here is how you can go about fixing the problem. Now the remedies for bad breath that I am going to give to you are considering that you actually have curable bad breath. If your halitosis is actually from another problem, such as a decaying tooth or a sinus infection, then you will need to seek some help from qualified professionals. That being said, here are my top 3 remedies for bad breath.

Sometimes the bad breath that you have is much deeper than an oral issue. It can be caused by a digesting problem. That is why I recommend that you up your water intake to see if this helps to cure the problem. Not only can additional water help you with your bad breath and digestive problems, but walking around dehydrated all the time is just plain old bad for your entire body.

If you drink a lot of milk then you might try kicking the cow for a while. An intolerance to milk and milk products can cause some people extreme digestive problems and this can cause bad breath. If you are concerned about calcium intake try supplementing it from another source while you check to see if the moo juice is the problem.

Perhaps your body is trying to tell you that you have some sort of a vitamin deficiency. Try taking such vitamins as zinc, vitamin c and b for a while to see if this clears up the problem.

Taking a natural approach to curing your bad breath will be much better for you in the long run than just trying to mask the problem with gum or mints. Hit the problem at the source and you will walk around with a fresh mouth for a very long time.

Bad Breath Cures
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3 Remedies for Bad Breath that Work