Understand Eight Bad Breath Cures - Curing Bad Breath With These Home Remedies far more

Eight Bad Breath Cures - Curing Bad Breath With These Home Remedies

Bad Breath Cures

Bad Breath Cures

You brush your teeth twice a day, floss well and rinse with a minty mouth wash. But your breath is so stinky it can knock someone down with a single hello. Chronic bad breath is an embarrassing health problem. But you don't need to suffer from smelly breath forever. Here are eight popular and effective bad breath cures you can try at home.

1. Create your own toothpaste from baking soda and water: mix a little baking soda and water to create a paste. If you want it to taste better, you can add a little good quality natural toothpaste. Baking soda alters the pH mix in your mouth making it harder for bacteria to thrive. Don't use the familiar commercial toothpastes as they contain lots of chemicals including artificial colorants. Give your teeth a good brush as you would normally. Don't forget to brush the tongue too.

2. Drink Unsweetened Brewed Green Tea: it is said that the polyphenols in tea act as a natural antioxidant which can slow the growth of bacteria. Drink a couple of times a day.

3. Gargle with warm water with a little salt. Salt is a well known natural disinfectant.

4. Munch a raw apple or guava after meals

5. Change your toothbrush. Bacteria can build up on your toothbrush so if you're using an old germ-ridden toothbrush, you're potentially putting back bacteria between your teeth just as you're supposed to be cleaning them.

6. Chew fresh parsley. The chlorophyll kills the bad bacteria that can thrive in the mouth especially on the surfaces of your teeth.

7. Lemons can offer a quick solution for bad breath. Sprinkle a lemon wedge with some salt and then suck it.

8. Drink more water. And drink less coffee, sugary drinks and alcohol. It might sound overly simple but it's more effective than you think

Bad breath can be caused by internal problems such as tonsil stones, bacteria in your gut, indigestion, acid reflux...if problems persist go see your doctor and/or dentist.

Raja Tebben is a health writer/researcher on the subject of bad breath solutions.

You can find more bad breath remedies including a long term solution solution made up of ingredients that are probably in your home right now at http://www.badbreathcuresnow.net