Are you dreading the forthcoming meeting which you have to attend because your breath smells? No need to worry, now you can count on some home remedy for bad breath.
For many people stomach is an area which causes bad breath problems. Poor digestion, chronic constipation or poor bowel movements are the main culprits in this respect.
To overcome this problem, eat healthy and nutritious food. Your diet should include green vegetables, fruits and all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Increase your water intake. It should not include your liquid intake of colas or teas etc.
Dehydrated body is another main cause of bad breath emanating.
Dental problems like cavities in the teeth or carries, and bleeding gums are a breeding ground for bacteria which causes bad odor. So start to practice a good oral hygiene.
Brush your teeth and tongue after every meal. Try to scrape your tongue with a tongue cleaner. Every week brush your teeth with baking soda.
Gargling with salt water after meal will help to get rid of the residues of food and drink stuck on the tonsils and at the back of the throat. This method is an effective remedy to stop bad breath.
Get yourself checked by the dentist on a regular basis. Cavities should be filled up as early as possible. Cavities and plaque are congenial for bacterial growth which emits foul smell from the mouth.
Avoid eating candies and gums as the bacteria at the back of the throat feeds on these sugary foods to emit bad breath.
Another good home remedy for getting rid of halitosis is to eat yogurt in your daily diet. It helps in fighting the bacterial growth in the mouth.
Eating many of the herbs too, will make you free from this ailment. Having aniseed, fennel or cloves will mask your breath as well as kill the bad bacteria of your mouth.
Chewing basil, rosemary, thyme, wintergreen too, will mitigate bad breath.
So if you are ready to take steps towards leading a normal social life without having to making excuses then check out some of the most effective home remedy for bad breath at