Up to 90 percent of all bad breath is believed to originate within the mouth. The intensity or how bad it can be can vary during the day depending on the dryness of the mouth, the foods eaten, smoking and consumption of alcohol.
By some estimates chronic bad breath also known as halitosis, can affect up to 25 percent of the population. It can affect our personal, social, and professional relationships. Perhaps the only relationship it will not affect is that with our dog or cat.
It can lead to embarrassment, stress, and even self esteem problems.
Some types of bad breath are from the food consumed such as garlic, onions, and alcohol.
The cause is in many cases the result of the metabolic activity of some types of oral bacteria as they work on proteins that fail to leave the mouth on completion of a meal. That means the bad breath solution or halitosis cure is within the reach of many afflicted with this problem.
Here are Six Tips to avoid bad breath and work toward better breath.
Eat The Right Foods
When it comes to bad breath, there are two types of food culprits. Foods that help eliminate bad breath and those that contribute to bad breath.
Good food choices would include rough foods that would clean the tongue. Top of the breath freshening list would be apples. An apple is perhaps the simplest bad breath cure when brushing is not possible.
Foods to avoid would include garlic, onions, meats, fish, and cheeses. Protein rich foods are one of the big culprits and if you will be in front of people it might be best to avoid them.
Clean the Tongue
Clean the tongue with a tongue scraper or tongue brush. Use it gently.
Increase Salivation Naturally
Increase salivation by chewing sugarless gum. Saliva has antibacterial properties so the more you create the more you suppress the bacterial growth.
Home remedies include fennel seeds, cinnamon sticks, mastic gum and fresh parsley.
Choose Mouth Wash Carefully
Gargling can reduce morning breath but with a bad side effect. Mouthwashes containing alcohol tend to dry out the mouth which means less saliva. Less saliva promotes bad breath.
Hydrogen peroxide is a common home remedy. It can be dangerous if incorrectly mixed. Be warned that mistaken mixes can cause internal bleeding if swallowed. It can destroy beneficial bacteria and is an irritant to both the eyes, lungs and mucous membranes.
Mouthwashes include both chemical and natural types with varying benefits and risks. Some even include oils that have been found to be effective.
Maintain Proper Hydration
Drink several glasses of water a day to maintain proper hydration. A squeeze of raw lemon juice will help the taste and the body.
Oral Hygiene
Maintain proper oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing is basic. If it is not convenient to brush, an apple can work as an instant breath freshener. There are some products that can be used in the absence of brushing.
Follow any or all of these suggestions for the best breath you can have.
The Seventh Way to Eliminate Bad Breath
How do you eliminate bad breath when it is a coworker or dear friend?
One suggestion that has survived the test of time is to print an article such as this and discreetly leave it for the offender. Perhaps even fold it and type on the words, "From a Friend."
Before you leave it anonymously however, think how you would feel if someone did the same to you about some problem. Kindness could mean to be courageous and give it to them personally.
To soften the embarrassment, include a compliment about some outstanding quality or what they do to contribute to everyone's benefit.
If the person is not aware, they will probably be grateful to know. Be warned, there will be those who will be very embarrassed by the revelation. Use sensitivity before you take this step.
Finally the most important reason for the seventh step. It could save someone their life. Remember the 10% of bad breath that is not from the mouth. Well, it could result from serious health problems.
Your attention to this could potentially save a life.
Bad BreathJonathan Steele, RN is an artist, webmaster, public speaking coach and teaches public speaking to nurses and doctors.
If you would like to learn more about a related subject, how he remained ten years sore throat free and how you can too then go to the Public Speakers Sore Throat Treatment
A second related topic, on Public Speaking Health can be found at Speechmastery.com, your public speaking resource.
This article is (c) 2007 Jonathan Steele