Alternative Medicine for Bad Breath
Bad Breath CuresLike other applications of alternative health care, alternative medicine for bad breath aims to get rid of the problem by identifying the cause and correcting it without drugs. While this approach may require more effort, including significant lifestyle changes, it is probably more likely to yield real and long-lasting results than the long term use of breath fresheners and antibacterial preparations.
Alternative bad breath cures address the source of the odor-bacteria in the mouth that are breaking down proteins and sugars and releasing rotten smelling compounds as a byproduct. What causes most cases is the presence, in the mouth, of bits of food and cellular debris, along with the bacteria capable of using that material for food. Alternative medicine for bad breath addresses both the debris and the bacteria.
Obviously, keeping the mouth clean and healthy is the first step. Alternative bad breath cures start with a thorough professional dental cleaning and a regular routine of self care that includes bushing the teeth several times each day, flossing daily, brushing the tongue, and regularly scheduled checkups at the dentist. Theories of alternative medicine for it hold that most cases of halitosis will be cured with this approach. Where tooth decay and gum disease are present, these conditions may have to be cleared up before this will completely disappear.
Once the mouth is clean and healthy, there's very little material left for bacteria to use for food, and this alone, according to the wisdom of alternative medicine, should cut down on their numbers. Brushing the back of the tongue is particularly important because it physically removes debris that is lodged there, the thick layer of protective mucus that coats bacteria living deep in the crevices, and the bacteria themselves. Alternative bad breath cures, as well as conventional medicine, believe that the back of the tongue is the main place that these bacteria are found.
Some people find that certain foods are a particular problem for causing halitosis, even when oral hygiene is good-preventing this may require avoiding the food altogether, or using alternative bad breath cures such as rinsing with a little peppermint oil, chewing a sprig of parsley, or sipping an herbal tea until the offensive odor fades.
Clearly, some cases of bad breath are an indication of a more serious medical problem that alternative medicine for it cannot resolve. In cases of persistent or worsening halitosis, it's important to consult a qualified medical professional.
R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Alternative Medicine for Bad Breath at Bad Breath Remedies, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.