Do you know that overweight people are more prone to experiencing bad breath problem? Researchers from the University of Tel Aviv have established that having an overweight physique can contribute significantly to the cause of oral malodor
However it doesn't matter whether you're a skinny, overweight or muscular person, bad breath can and will occur if you fail to exercise basic oral hygiene care. Furthermore certain foods can tremendously worsen your breath. This article will explore some natural cures for bad breath that you can initiate immediately to produce positive results, otherwise your problem will worsen overtime.
The first thing you should do is drink more water. This may sound like nothing and some bad breath sufferers would say: "Oh I drink water everyday, but my breath still smells." Then you need to ask this question: Do you really drink ENOUGH PLAIN water?
If your answer is no, then that's one of the reasons why you still have it. You need to drink more plain water because it hydrates you and keep your saliva production flowing which is essential for decreasing the reproduction of bad breath bacteria.
Remember, the keyword here is plain water. Other drinks such as citrus juice or coffee should be avoided or at the very least you should reduce consumption of these two beverages. This is because they have high acidic content which often becomes "fuel" for bacteria to generate more waste by-products that can worsen your breath. No other natural cures for bad breath can help you as much as a drinking several glasses of plain water. Try drinking approximately 8 to 10 glasses a day.
Apart from reducing consumption of those beverages, you should also decrease your consumption of high protein foods. The combination of various amino acids leads to the formation of protein and two of these amino acids are actually rich with sulfur compounds. These compounds are practically food for oral bacteria ingestion after which odorous waste-by products are released from your mouth and intermixed with your breath to become what is medically referred to as halitosis.
Instead, I recommend that you increase leafy fibrous vegetable intake to ensure lower occurrence of bad breath. Furthermore, fibrous vegetables contain plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to improve your overall health. And here's the bonus part, if you're an overweight person with bad breath, you're practically killing two birds with one stone with this approach. By consuming adequate amount of fibrous vegetables each day, you're not only able to reduce your excess body weight; you also stand to gain full control of your smelly breath problem.
And here's my final tip which I believe is one of the best natural cures for bad breath. Try to eat natural foods that are known to decrease halitosis levels. I'm referring to foods such as sugarless yogurt or parsley.
Sugarless yogurts are good for bad breath sufferers because they have been established by a Dr. Kenichi Hojo of Tsurumi University to have "good" bacterial properties to combat oral malodor compounds like Hydrogen Sulfide. This is sulfur compound responsible for producing the "rotten egg" breath. Parsley on the other hand, is rich with chlorophyll and this green pigment is an excellent ingredient for diluting unpleasant breath.
Bad Breath CuresAside from following the above natural cures for bad breath tips, you should also embark on a good oral hygiene program to ensure your bad breath problem is kept at bay.
I've systematized a very effective process to get rid of bad breath in the simplest and fastest way possible. Please give my system a chance to help you take control of your bad breath problem. Just go to now, then download the system and use it to chase your bad breath away!