If you're searching for a chronic bad breath cure, take heart in knowing that you're not alone. Chances are that there are more people concerned about their breath - and rightly so - than you might realize. And getting rid of your odorous breath for a few hours is good, but being able to cure it permanently, or as permanently as possible, is even better. So if there is help for "not so fresh" breath, what is it?
It Starts With Hygiene
It may be a simplistic statement, but most every so-called "cure" can and should start with good hygiene. Bad breath is usually the result of germs and bacteria clinging to the inside of your mouth. Think of how bad your trash smells when it's a day old. This is the same thing that's going on inside your mouth - decaying food particles that are a breeding ground for bacteria which in turn releases foul odors. As a matter of fact, there is probably not a chronic bad breath cure that is going to work properly if you don't follow good oral hygiene habits and practices. Flossing is one such practice that many people ignore or neglect, and yet these food particles typically rest between the teeth and are only removed by flossing.
Hydration is Important
Having a dry mouth is another cause of this particular and common issue, and unfortunately remedies that some people think are going to be a help in their situation very often can actually make the condition worse by drying out the mouth. Using a mouthwash that contains alcohol is one such culprit. If you do rinse, use an alcohol free mouthwash or at the very least rinse your mouth with water after the mouthwash. While rinsing regularly can be part of a chronic bad breath cure, you must do so with a product that will not make the situation even worse.
The Cure for You
The real cure for a truly chronic problem is going to be whatever addresses your specific reason for chronic bad breath. Sometimes this means seeing a dentist or doctor that can examine your mouth and your teeth. Cavities may need to be filled, or gum disease needs to be addressed and treated.
Your doctor can also determine if there is another cause that is hindering your road to normalcy from the problem, such as an internal infection or gastrointestinal disease. If you have a health condition that is as serious as this, there is really not much you can for a chronic bad breath cure before you address this condition itself.
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