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Bad Breath

Bad breath is an oral condition that affects a large variety of people in different ways. It is a misconception that only an unlucky few of the population have smelly breath, but the truth is that everyone has bad breath - just that it is often more severe in a few cases and mostly undetectable for the rest.

For the few who suffer from halitosis, it can be a debilitating condition and social impediment because of the way it does not affect the person suffering from it as it affects the people from him. Imagine having people covering their noses and shooting you looks of disgust and annoyance every time you open your mouth to speak. There are no easy solutions to this problem but there are several steps that you can take to help eliminate bad breath.

Avoid Drinking Alcohol or CoffeeTaking in drinks like coffee or alcohol can worsen your breath condition because they contribute to making your mouth dry, which is what causes the bacteria that cause smelly breath to thrive and proliferate. Instead of drinking alcohol and coffee, switch to gulping down lots of water as it is a neutral substance and has the opposite effect of helping to add moisture to your mouth and can only make your breath worse.

Avoid SmokingSmoking has a similar effect to that of drinking alcohol or coffee as it dries the mouth and makes it a good place for bacteria to grow. Anyway, the odour of cigarettes and tobacco is not much of a better alternative to bad breath, and anyway it is medically proven to be harmful to your health so there are other good reasons to avoid smoking besides that it helps to eliminate bad breath.

Avoid Drinking Sugary and Fizzy DrinksDrinks like Coke and Sprite may be good thirst quencher s and taste good but they can be real culprits in causing bad breath. This is because the sugar content of these drinks is usually very high and this provides the bacteria in your mouth with food to grow. This very much contributes to worsening your breath and thus such drinks should be avoided if you want to eliminate bad breath.

Chew Sugarless GumMost chewing gum should be avoided because of their high sugar content but not all chewing gum is bad. Try to find gum that either has low or no sugar content because chewing gum helps to stimulate the saliva in your mouth. Saliva is a natural mouth wash because it moistens your mouth and helps to flush out unwanted particles and substances that could be the agents of smelly breath, so it greatly helps to eliminate the problem

Maintain Good Dental HygieneIt may sound like an obvious thing to say but one of the basic ways to keep your breath fresh is to maintain good dental hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing and rinsing, etc. This not only keeps your gums and teeth in good shape but also helps to eliminate bad breath.

Does the thought of trying to Eliminate Bad Breath [] make your head spin? Well it doesn't need to anymore, visit my bad breath Blog at [] for easy ways to take control of your smelly breath.

Plus, discover what you must know so you don't get scammed by bad breath solutions that does not work.

Eliminate Bad Breath

Bad Breath