Amazing Halitosis Cures and Home Remedies Take Less Than 10 Minutes a Day
Bad Breath CuresDid you know that most bad breath problems can be solved in less than 10 minutes? I have done extensive research into the bad breath phenomenon and have found some great bad breath home remedies that work so well you'll wonder why you didn't know about them before. Take baking soda for instance. If you bush your teeth with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of baking soda and just enough hydrogen peroxide to make a paste, you will not only kill the odor causing bacteria in your mouth but you will be whitening your teeth at the same time.The key is to gain control of your bad breath naturally.
Gargling with salt water help you wash out any leftover food particles from your mouth and especially the back of the throat and around the tonsils. The salt also makes for a harsh environment for the bacteria. You can also make a mouthwash by taking 2 cups of fresh clean water and bring to a slow boil. Add a few mint leaves, a few parsley leaves, and 3 whole cloves or 1/4 teaspoon of clove powder. Clove is a strong antiseptic and works to numb sore teeth and gums. This mouth wash can be used everyday but, should defiantly be used if your mouth is sore. This mouth wash is a great example of saving money with these simple halitosis cures you can do at home.
Chlorophyll tablets or liquid chlorophyll have a deodorizing effect and you can purchase it your local pharmacy. Chlorophyll has been used in a great deal of products for the purpose freshening breath. It is the main ingredient in a very popular green breath gum. You can also get chlorophyll from spirulina. It can be taken in ca capsule or as a loose powder. Either way you will need about 500 mg three times daily.
Chewing on herb leaves can be a tremendous help with your bad breath. Try chewing on sage it has antibacterial properties within its oil. As you chew the oil kills odor causing bacteria. Chewing mint leaves or parsley leaves after you eat releases the chlorophyll from the leaves and also helps you bodies own natural defenses by promoting saliva production. These two plants also seem to slow down the production of intestinal fluids. So after chewing these leaves up swallow them and they will continue to work in your intestines. If you're having trouble with gas as well take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before your meals and your food will digest better and your breath will be fresher.
Green tea can be a big help in your quest for clean fresh smelling breath. If you drink two cups of green tea per day you will lower the bacteria in your mouth by as much as 50% after just two weeks. White tea works also but, to a lesser extent. Fenugreek and peppermint both make good tea. There oils that are released from the tea leaves work to sooth the stomach and relieves gas. Sugar free gum that contains the essential oils from spearmint or peppermint can help to cure your halitosis by stimulating saliva production. As well as wiping out the bacteria as you chew.
These are just a few of the amazingly simple and inexpensive bad breath home remedies and halitosis cures that I have uncovered through my research. I ask you to use good judgment and if you try these simple remedies and your breath does not get better then please by all means see your dentist. There are cases where bad breath can be a sign of an underlying medical problem. An example of this is that is well known that the onset to diabetes can make your breath smell sickly sweet. While an infection in the sinus cavity can bring about the smell of rotting flesh, like something crawled into your mouth and died. Not Good! So if you feel that you should than see your dentist or doctor and make sure there is no major problem.
Next you should check out [] discover some of the most interesting bad breath cures and remedies [] that will help you to have the peace of mind to never worry about your breath again!