A simple trip to the dentist can help identify the cause of bad breath. If the cause is poor dental hygiene, the dentist will recommend a proper cleaning regimen, which will include regular brushing, rinsing and flossing. Treatment may also include repairing or removing infected cavities, which can be rather unpleasant. No wonder the saying, 'Prevention is better than cure' has become so common!
Fortunately, most treatments are not painful. Brushing and flossing are essential to fight bad odor. Brushing helps by dislodging food particles from the teeth, gums, and tongue, thereby preventing the buildup of bacteria. Most bacteria in the mouth are anaerobic, surviving without oxygen. They survive in the mouth by living under a protective layer of mucus and proteins, which can be eliminated by thorough brushing.
Some people consider flossing to be irrelevant to oral hygiene. Floss reaches areas behind and between the teeth which are inaccessible by brushing, thereby making flossing as pertinent to oral hygiene as brushing. For those who are too lazy to floss, it is advisable to use triangular or anatomical toothpicks. However, toothpicks cannot be used to clean behind the last teeth, the wisdom teeth. They are only a reasonable substitute.
Dryness in the mouth makes it hospitable to odor-causing bacteria. Dryness can be caused by use of prescription medications, excessive talking, exercising, dieting and excessive drinking and smoking. Drinking water washes away food particles and stimulates saliva flow, which results in elimination of odor causing bacteria. It is therefore recommended to regularly consume adequate amounts of water.
A regular dental checkup will allow the dentist to check for other common causes of bad breath such as periodontal disease, better known as gum disease, and allow him to prescribe a better antibacterial mouthwash, which will help fight bacterial infection.
Bad Breath CuresBad Breath [http://www.WetPluto.com/Bad-Breath.html] provides detailed information on Bad Breath, Bad Breath Cure, Cause Of Bad Breath, Stop Bad Breath and more. Bad Breath is affiliated with Clear Braces [http://www.i-Braces.com].