Understand How to Cure Bad Breath With Good Remedies much more

How to Cure Bad Breath With Good Remedies

Bad Breath Cures

There are many ways to cure bad breath with good remedies. It is not necessary that you should use harsh mouth rinses in order to achieve fresh breath for longer periods of time. A few good home remedies can keep your breath fresh and clean every day.

Top Cures for Bad Breath

Regular brushing and flossing
Although this is not a home remedy, this is perhaps the best thing you can do to keep the number of bacteria in your mouth at a minimum. Brushing removes the sugars and food particles that are left behind after you eat, which would otherwise serve as food for the bacteria in your mouth. Flossing is also important since it removes food remnants that are located in between the teeth.

Dental visits
Visits to the dentist is important since the dentist can check your teeth for decay, give your teeth their monthly cleaning, and ensure that there are no signs of potential dental disease. Your dentist also has the equipment to give your mouth a more thorough cleaning than simple brushing and flossing can give.

Use baking soda as toothpaste
You can use baking soda alone or use it with toothpaste. Baking soda has abrasive properties, which helps remove the film of bacteria that form on the surface of teeth. You can use baking soda at least once a day.

Chew breath mints.
Breath mints are a good idea if you are going out to eat. Small and effective, you can pop one before meeting a date, or after a spicy meal. You can also find breath mints formulated to contain antibacterial properties to keep bacteria numbers down as it freshens your breath.

Chew fragrant herbs like cardamom, fennel, or cinnamon sticks.
These are aromatic spices, which you can find in your local grocery stores. These are widely used in Asia and the Middle East to combat stale and foul breath. There are also some spices, which are prized for their seeds that have the ability to remove bad odors from the mouth as well.

Use the right toothpaste.
Another important factor is your choice of toothpaste. Most toothpastes now are infused with teeth strengthening and whitening properties as well as anti-bacterial properties that will help keep odor-causing bacteria in small numbers. A good example is clean mint toothpaste with extra whitening powers that strengthens teeth as it keeps your breath clean and fresh.

Bad breath is not a pleasant experience, for you or the people around you. Fortunately, regular brushing and chewing on mints and even fresh spices can freshen your breath in a matter of minutes. Avoid the embarrassment by using these naturally-easy remedies to keep your breath fresh and clean.

The author has spent a lot of time learning about cure bad breath and other related topics. Read more about Clean Mint toothpaste at the author's website.

Read through Food That Can Neutralize Bad Breath additional

Bad breath affects millions of people around the globe and it's not very uncommon anymore that you will encounter one or two people with this condition every single day. While poor hygienic habits can often be blamed, there are some factors too that can contribute to bad breath like the food that we eat. We all know that garlic and onions give us that nasty dragon breath so if you are on a date, avoid ordering foods with a lot of garlic or onions otherwise there's no chance that you will get a smooch from your special someone.

Aside from breath mints, there are foods that can help neutralize bad breath and one of which is yogurt. Yogurt contains probiotics that are effective in balancing the bacteria in both the stomach and the mouth. Recent studies confirm that a serving of yogurt a day reduces the level of odor-causing hydrogen sulfide in the mouth. Make sure to get the kind of yogurt with active cultures and steer clear from those with too much sugars and flavorings. You'll learn to like it trust me!

Parsley is probably the most popular herb that you can chew on to combat dragon breath but recently people developed a liking on other herbs like tarragon, spearmint, coriander, rosemary, cardamom and eucalyptus (herb used in Vick's). These are all wonderful in having instant relief from bad breath. You can either chew on a fresh herb or make a tea out of it.

You can also choose foods which have the tendency to increase the saliva production in the mouth like apple, celery or carrot. If you want to suck on some breath mints, make sure it does not contain any sugar because sugar can worsen bad breath. It will help temporarily mask the odor but it cannot eliminate it at all. Don't you hate the smell of sugary mint and dragon breath? Yes that's how it smells like if you keep on sucking on sugary mints. If your bad breath is accompanied by bleeding gums then it's time for you to pack on Vitamin-C rich fruits like berries, oranges, melons, grapes and other citrus fruits. Aside from being beneficial to our health, they also help minimize odor-causing bacteria in our mouth.

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Food That Can Neutralize Bad Breath

Examine Natural Cures For Bad Breath more

Bad Breath Cures

Anyone looking for a natural cure for bad breath which can, of course, prove quite embarrassing - particularly for a sensitive person - will, I am sure, be relieved to know that there are, fortunately a number of ways that this unpleasant intruder can be tackled and overcome.

First and foremost, brushing your teeth and flossing between your teeth on a daily basis is an imperative part of curing the many causes of bad breath now and in the future. It is important to make sure that you thoroughly clean your mouth and remove any excess food particles and anything else out of the mouth. Brush your teeth after every meal if you can. If not, brush at least twice a day.

Additionally, saliva will keep your mouth acidic and moist which will prevent bacteria from breeding. This is why many people call saliva the body's natural mouthwash. Saliva helps in digesting food enzymes as well as neutralizing acids. This keeps your teeth healthy.

Eating citrus fruit can intensify the production of saliva. This is good for your breath for the reason that the saliva contains enzymes and antiseptic that will remove the bacteria. Eating a well-balanced diet, with plenty of fresh vegetables and eating smaller amounts on more frequent occasions can all help to improve system functions, de-stress the digestive process and hence, reduce halitosis. You should also aim to cut out sugary snacks and other refined carbs but DO NOT drop complex carbohydrates with plenty of natural fibre.

Listerine is an antiseptic mouthwash that is a combination of natural oils and extracts and this mouthwash has been used for a long time now to cure halitosis and mouth bacteria. Listerine contains extracts from four different plants that are very beneficial to your mouth and eliminate odor, and it keeps your mouth clean and feeling great. Listerine is an excellent mouthwash for rinsing and gargling after you brush and floss, because it contains several different natural anti bacterial ingredients which will eliminate bacteria and bad breath.

Fennel is an excellent digestive tonic. It also helps to relieve gas. Fennel will settle these problems in your stomach and therefore address your bad breath.

Another option is to simply place some baking soda onto your toothbrush, brush with it, and then rinse with water. Alternatively, purchase toothpastes that already contain a small amount of baking soda.

Should you be unfortunate enough to suffer from this embarrassing condition and are, therefore, seeking remedies for bad breath [http://www.remedies4badbreath.info], you will find plenty of information, help and guidance at [http://www.remedies4badbreath.info].

Natural Cures For Bad Breath

Read Bad Breath Symptoms extra

Bad Breath

Bad breath is caused by the oral bacteria that are present in your mouth. Common bad breath symptoms that Halitosis sufferers experienced, include a white or yellow film on the tongue, dry mouth, bitter/sour/metallic tastes, post nasal drainage, white nodules on the tonsils, brushing and dental flossing have no effect.

People with bad breath usually observe a white or yellow film on the tongue. This is caused by the accumulation of bacteria and nasal mucous and tends to be heaviest in the later areas of the tongue. For most patients, simply removing this film does not completely eliminate bad breath. The anaerobic bacteria that are responsible for the odorous smell of your mouth are found throughout the entire mouth and in the saliva.

Dry mouth is a common bad breath symptom and is the main causes of halitosis. Chronic dry mouth or xerostomia causes several changes to occur in the mouth. For one, the bacteria become more concentrated in the saliva and tend to evaporate sooner into the air. If this happens, bad breath becomes stronger and more obvious at greater distance. The drying of the mouth alters the pH or acid/base balance of the mouth providing an environment conducive to the oral bacterial growth. Dry mouth usually results in a metallic taste or bitter taste in the mouth.

It is common for people with bad breath to complain bad tastes in their mouths. Familiar descriptions are sour tastes, bitter or metallic taste. These tastes are usually the result of drainage from the sinus, medications being taken, dry mouth conditions, dental infections, leaking dental restorations, and certain oral bacteria. The reduction of salivary flow can result in bad breath condition.

Post nasal drainage is frequently a result of sinus conditions and allergies. It is a thick mucous that drips in the posterior region of the throat from the sinus regions, resulting to a frequent clearing of throat for people with bad breath condition. A person may not be aware that mild form of allergies can result in a mild drainage of mucous. Mucous typically contains large amount of bacteria and proteins from the sinus. These proteins are broken down to amino acids that anaerobic bacteria feed upon and in turn produce foul smelling wastes.

White nodules that are secreted from the tonsils are one of bad breath symptom. Usually, most people do not know about these because they are swallowed not knowingly. Due to the bad odor of these nodules, they tend to assumed as the reasons of their bad breaths.

If brushing and dental flossing your teeth make no difference in reducing halitosis, this can be a sigh of bad breath condition. Loss of self confidence and self esteem can also be a sign that you have bad breath. Most of the patients complained about their insecurities due to their halitosis condition.

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of Bad Breath Blog. Visit now to find out all you wanted to know about Bad Breath - and much more.

Bad Breath Symptoms

Read A Cure For Bad Breath - Will You Seek Professional Help? much more

Bad Breath Cures

Who seeks a cure for bad breath? About 30% of the
population feels they never suffer from bad breath, except
after eating a meal abundant in onions or garlic. Another
35% suffer from bad breath, but do not seek professional
help when over-the-counter products fail. Only 35% of the
population is so fed up with their bad breath problem that
they seek professional help for a cure.

What? Professional help? Aren't the only bad breath cures
available on the shelves of the local grocery store?
Mistakenly, that is what many people believe. When the
"fresh breath" toothpastes and "bacteria fighting"
mouthwashes fail many people give up and accept their bad
breath as a way of life. This can affect a person's
self-esteem and quality of life. The problem is that
halitosis creates embarrassment for those who suffer from
it, making it a condition people hide from, not openly
discuss. Many people who suffer from bad breath bury their
heads under the sand, throw in the towel, and suffer.

The first step is not to feel ashamed or embarrassed about
bad breath or halitosis and in doing so, you are opening up
yourself to communicating about your situation and finding
a cure. And you don't have to spend the money in seeking
professional help to find that cure. As more and more
people are demanding a cure that works, companies are
performing research to develop the products that deliver
the cure.

How to Cure Bad Breath?

Since bad breath is caused by excessive oral bacteria, to
cure bad breath you must use products that bring the
bacteria back to levels that don't cause bad breath. One
way to start the process is to cut off the food source from
these bacteria, eliminating factors that lead to bacterial
growth, and promote a healthy oral environment. A good
start is to lay off the high-protein diets, eliminate dry
mouth, cease smoking, stop drinking alcohol and reduce your
usage of oral products and foods with alcohol in them.

But most people swear by their high-protein diets, refuse
to stop smoking, and enjoy drinking in moderation. Also, if
you are diabetic, suffer from sinus problems or take
medications that cause dry mouth or bad breath, these
suggestions may be a mute point. Which brings us to the
question, without making any changes, how can a person cure
bad breath. This cannot be done with mouthwashes or mints.
These give your mouth a strong taste, which then leads you
to believe if your mouth tastes "medicated" or minty, then
your breath must smell good. More importantly, technology
and medical research on the causes of bad breath have made
breath mints and minty mouth washes archaic forms of bad
breath cures.

The problem goes back to embarrassment. Despite the new
information and product development, people are too
embarrassed about their bad breath to seek out new
solutions, which is probably why you are reading this
article online!

While searching for new products developed using the new
research that bacteria causes bad breath, we came across
Dr. Katz, who has helped more people in the nation cure
their bad breath. A reliable source, we thought, who uses
the following products on his patients who want to cure bad

1. AktivOxigen tablets were created based on research
performed by leading bacterial experts. By dissolving the
ActivOxigen tablets into water you are creating a safe wash
that you swallow at night to destroy bad breath on contact
and eliminate morning breath.

2. Millions of people suffer from sinus problems, a cause
of bad breath. Nasal-Sinus drops in conjunction with the
ActivOxigen tablets can cure the bad breath.

3. Did you know that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) has been
proven to be linked to canker sores which also create bath
breath? SLS is found in toothpaste and mouthwash as the
ingredient that creates foaming. In our research we only
came across one group of oral products that claims to fight
bad breath and does not contain harmful SLS or Saccharin
and that is TheraBreath.

There you have it, the cure for bad breath. You can make
permanent changes in your diet and lifestyle for the
better, and/or adopt the latest solutions in oral care that
do not "cover up" but rather cure bad breath. Either way,
remember there is no shame in your condition and do not be
afraid to seek help.

Whozylee Aris has created a website on the topic of bad breath. Find the real causes and cures for bad breath by visiting http://www.bad-breath-resource.com. View this article online at http://www.bad-breath-resource.com/article-3-cure-bad-breath.html

A Cure For Bad Breath - Will You Seek Professional Help?

Go through Bad Breath Treatment Tips a lot more

Bad breath is a problem that many people suffer from. Most people already know that they have bad breath because of the disgusted look that others give them while they are talking to each other. This condition can cause anyone to become desperate looking for a bad breath treatment that will be their salvation. As long as the bad breath or halitosis did not result from a medical problem, you should not have too much difficulty finding the proper way to get rid of your halitosis. Some of the easier ways of curing bad breath include adjusting your diet and following a healthy oral hygiene routine on a regular basis.

Sometimes it is easier to understand how to get rid of a problem such as bad breath if you know what causes it in the first place. The most common cause of halitosis is the bacteria in your mouth. If food gets stuck between your teeth after you are finished with a meal, the oral bacteria will feed on this leftover food which will cause the release of sulfur which is responsible for the bad smell in your mouth.

Food that is high in protein is dense with sulfur. This is why many people who are on a high protein diet are unfortunately burdened with disgusting breath. However, people who eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables are less likely to get this condition because this diet will help increase the flow of saliva. The saliva will help wash away the food and bacteria that is causing you problems and leave you with much fresher breath.

If your bad breath does not result from gastric disorders or any other medical condition, then you will not have a hard time finding the correct way to eliminate your condition. A simple bad breath treatment that might work is to follow the rules for proper oral hygiene on a regular basis.

You can start by buying a good toothbrush and dental floss. To get rid of any food remnants and bacteria, you will have to brush your teeth and floss after every meal. You should also consider purchasing a good mouthwash. The mouthwash will be effective in removing some of the odor-causing bacteria. However, you should be careful to not purchase a mouthwash that contains alcohol because it can dry your mouth out which will result in the production of even more sulfur-producing bacteria.

The bacteria that feeds on the leftover food found between your teeth can also be found on your tongue. This is why you should also brush your tongue regularly. This will help eliminate some of the leftover food and bacteria found on your tongue which will go a long way towards freshening your breath up.

Smoking can cause you to have dry mouth. Having a dry mouth means that you will produce less saliva which is vital in removing bacteria and leftover food. This is why many people recommend quitting smoking if you have disgusting breath. This is much cheaper than having to pay for a commercial bad breath treatment. Smoking can not only wreck your breath it can also make your clothes and hair smell pretty bad as well. You can do yourself and your family and friends a big favor by giving up smoking.

Consuming large amounts of alcohol can also result in halitosis. The alcohol can cause you to have dry mouth. Even if you follow a proper daily dental routine and use commercial breath fresheners to mask the odor, drinking too much alcohol can negate all of the positive effects of any precautions you may take.

Bad Breath

If you want to download a FREE bad breath ebook or get some more FREE information about the best natural bad breath treatment that is available, then please click on this link: bad breath treatment

Bad Breath Treatment Tips

Bad Breath

Read The Best Cures For Bad Breath Are Those That Remove Underlying Causes extra

The best cures for bad breath are those that act on the root causes of it. It is well known that in approximately eighty to ninety percent of bad breath cases, the cause is something that is in the mouth. One such cause is plaque that is mostly a film of invisible bacteria that will continuously form in the mouth and this is what then causes it. Cavities as well as gum diseases are other causes.

One of the best cures for this is to ensure keeping the mouth as clean as possible which in turn requires having to brush the teeth twice each day and by also doing regular flossing, you can cure it easily.

It is also equally important to ensure keeping the tongue clean which in turn requires regular cleaning that will ensure that all bacteria from the tongue can be removed. A tongue containing bacteria is a major cause of it. So, while brushing your teeth, be sure to also brush the tongue and keep it clean.

Dry mouths give rise to bad breath and so in order to cure this problem it makes sense to keep the mouth wet because saliva is one of the easiest and most effective ways of cleaning the mouth and it also helps in washing out particles of food. In fact, early morning bad breath usually occurs because of low saliva levels in the mouth.

Rinsing the mouth with clean and plain water after eating a meal is another way to cure bad breath. By simply swishing some water in the mouth it is easy to remove particles of food from the mouth and this in turn will prevent this problems.

Eating some parsley is another way to get rid of it. The more one munches on some spearmint or parsley, the easier it becomes to prevent it though it will not cure the problem. The best that you can expect is to mask the foul breath in your mouth temporarily.

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The Best Cures For Bad Breath Are Those That Remove Underlying Causes

Study Bad Breath Cures - 5 Tips For Curing Bad Breath more

Bad Breath Cures - 5 Tips For Curing Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad breath cures are not something many people talk about, in fact save for hurtful comments made behind the back of someone with bad breath, there is rarely any real discussion on this all too common personal problem.

With that said, for those of that know the pain, embarrassment and frustration of trying to hide a breath problem we often do not want to talk about it, we just want to cure it as fast as possible. This article hopes to help people in just that situation by offering some advice on the best ways to treat and cure bad breath.

Malodorous breath is most often caused by an excessive amount of anaerobic bacteria living in the mouth. Usually these bacteria concentrate on the back of the tongue where they can live between the taste buds but they can also grow on the gum line and cheeks.

As these organisms respire they excrete waste products that contain foul smelling sulfur compounds that evaporate easily at room temperature and are therefore noticed on the breath. Therefore the primary way to cure bad breath is to attempt to limit or reduce the growth of these bacteria.

Fortunately there are a number of ways we can do this. The first is to limit the supply of food to these bacteria by flossing and brushing away particles of food that they could potentially feed on.

The second is to attack them directly by cleaning the area they colonize. The back of the tongue is the ideal breeding ground for the bacteria and they will multiply rapidly if left unchecked. We can evict these unwanted tenants by using a tongue scraper to clean the area thoroughly.

The third way to limit the bacterial growth is to keep the mouth moist. Unfortunately saliva secretion is just one of those things that decreases with age and the fact that most adults do not drink the recommended 2 liters of water per day and in fact often drink diuretic drinks like tea and coffee mean we are often dehydrated. Starting the day with a tall glass of water is not only good for our general health but one of the most effective bad breath cures.

The fourth way to fight a breath problem is to keep the mouth neutral. An acidic environment is the perfect condition for these bacteria to thrive and therefore something we want to avoid. Avoiding acidic foods and drinks like orange juice and sugary foods. You can reduce the acidity of the mouth by using regular baking soda as either a paste brushed on the teeth and tongue or as a solution mixed with water and gargled and swished about the mouth.

Although some people may tell you they have instant bad breath cures getting rid of the bacteria will take a little while. A quick but temporary solution to bad breath is to use mints or gum. If you do choose sugar free gum as it will prevent the mouth becoming acidic whilst also helping the flow of saliva.

Who else wants to know the bad breath cures that really work? Get them now.

If you found this found information useful and you twitter why not tweet this article because many people suffer from bad breath at some point but as few of us ever openly talk about this problem, most do not know how to deal with it.

This information will be useful to your followers also and they will thank you for sharing it!:)

Read through Cures For Bad Breath Using Oxygen a lot more

Nobody likes to imagine their mouth is a breeding ground for bad bacteria. In particular, a breeding ground for bacteria that causes the breath to smell bad. It is a fact that we all have bacteria in the mouth. It is when the level of the bad bacteria increases that others start to notice we have bad breath. This is a very sensitive subject and this is why so many of us are seeking cures for smelly breath. Foul breath is also known as halitosis.

There are some experts who have gained a reputation through exceptional products. Products that are reputable are the ones that work and the ones that are safe to use. It is very important for products used inside the mouth to be safe even if you should swallow them by mistake. There is a package of products that have been created to get rid of bad breath and the main ingredient is Oxygen. The use of oxygen to fight terrible smelling breath by targeting bad bacteria is so effective this method has been patented.

It makes sense to use oxygen to combat halitosis because bad bacteria thrive in areas where there is no oxygen. The result of no oxygen results in the bacteria producing sulfur and it manifests as odorous breath. The effect of oxygen on bacteria is not a theory. This is a method that has been proved in laboratories by experts. It makes sense to look for cures for bad breath that contain the patented Oxy-8 method.

It's not hard to imagine bacteria spreading inside the mouth because it is damp and closed to any flow of oxygen. The bacteria thrive under the tongue and in the throat. You can see that simply brushing and flossing is not going to help. You need oxygen boosted products.

Bad Breath Cures

Desperate for cures for bad breath? JP Ray can help! JP Ray is a halitosis expert and the director of Bad--Breath.net. He provides honest information and advice on bad breath remedies and more. Get free tips when you visit the website today!

Cures For Bad Breath Using Oxygen

Read through Natural Bad Breath Cure additional

A natural bad breath cure is something most of us could use. If there isn't less attractive then a person with bad breath? Nobody wants to kiss a person who smells like they just licked the bottom of the garbage can. There are a few ways to cure bad breath like brushing your teeth more often, chewing gum, and using mouthwash but those are really natural bad breath cures. This problem can stem form an unclean mouth so go to the dentist if you have to make sure there are not more serious dental problems.

Some of the natural bad breath cures would include yogurt, mint leaves, baking soda with warm water, tea, parsley, fenugreek seeds, cloves, fennel, guava, cardamom, and fresh fruits. So there are plenty of natural choices to help you get rid of bad breath. I prefer the fesh herbs when it comes to keeping my fresh breath in tact. Guava is also good not just for your problem but your overall health because it contain many essential vitamins and minerals they we should have to become and stay healthy.

You can find these items at a health food store and even some regular grocery store should have these herbs so I recommend you start searching for them if you do have this problem. Obviously how a person looks make them attractive but smells of a person also play a role in making a person even more attractive to another. If your body and breath smell good you become even more appealing to the opposite sex so getting a natural bad breath cure if you do suffer from it is very easy.

Bad Breath Cures

For the best Natural Bad Breath Cure online CLICK HERE

Natural Bad Breath Cure

Bad Breath Cures

Read through Cure For Bad Breath - 5 Tips to Cure Your Bad Breath additional

Bad Breath Cures

Having bad breath can be embarrassing. Trying to get rid of it can be a hassle and frustrating. Especially, when you know people are talking about your breath behind your back. So, what I'm going to do is share with you a cure for bad breath.

That way, your breath will smell fresh and you will have more confidence.

The tips to cure your bad breath are:

1. Drinking unsweetened tea is one way to cure bad breath. You should drink one cup of green tea daily for best results.

2. Another cure for bad breath is to brush and floss daily. Make sure you brush your teeth after every meal. Also, make sure you floss daily. You have plaque and food that get stuck between your teeth that cause you to have smelly breath. By flossing daily, you will be able to stop your breath from stinking.

Also, be sure to brush your tongue. There's a lot of bacteria on your tongue that cause your breath to smell bad.

3. Rinsing your mouth out with baking soda mixed with water is another cure for bad breath. Mix a cup of warm water with baking soda and gargle with it. This is help kill the bacteria in your mouth that causes your breath to stink.

4. Another cure for bad breath is to eat low carb or sugarless yogurt twice a day for at least six weeks. Yogurt has bacteria cultures in it that helps with stop the bacteria in your mouth that causes your breath to stink.

5. Drinking plenty of water is another cure for bad breath. When your mouth dries, your breath tends to smell bad. So, be sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This will help keep your mouth salivated and wet.

This is the cure for bad breath. If your breath stinks, you need to do something about it now. If you don't do something about it now, it could get worse. Also, your mouth might be at risk of an infection.

Don't be embarrassed by your bad breath anymore. To learn how to naturally cure your bad breath the easy way, go to http://www.cure-bad-breath-naturally.blogspot.com

Cure For Bad Breath - 5 Tips to Cure Your Bad Breath

Bad Breath Cures

Read through Cure For Bad Breath more

Cure For Bad Breath

Bad Breath Cures

Bad odor from the mouth in the early morning is seen in almost all individuals. This can be controlled by maintaining oral hygiene. Even after cleaning the mouth some individuals may suffer from bad breath due to some problem in the mouth or in the nearby areas. Some general disease condition can also produce bad breath. Exact cause has to be identified and should be treated accordingly. Some common measures to cure or reduce bad breath are discussed here.

1) Oral hygiene:

Mouth should be kept clean every time to reduce the bacterial action. After food gargling with lukewarm water is very essential. Even after small food articles like snacks, sweets, buscuits cleaning with water is needed. Brushing should be done twice daily. It is said that early morning brushing is for beauty and bed time brushing is for good health.

2) Brushing techniques:

Normal brushing technique should be followed for better result. Many people brush vigorously causing damage to the gums. Brushing after every food and drink can damage the enamel. Bristles of the tooth brush should be smooth but hard enough to remove the food particles from the gaps. The direction of brushing is the most important thing.The upper teeth should be brushed in a downward direction and the lower in upward direction. This is applicable to both inner and outer surfaces. Next comes the crown of the teeth; here brushing is done in anterior and posterior direction keeping the brush in same direction. This applicable to both upper and lower set of teeth.

3) Tongue cleaning:

White or yellowish coating on the tongue can cause bad breath. This is more well marked in the morning and should be removed twice daily with the help of a tongue cleaner. Tongue cleaner must be used gently without damaging the taste buds on the tongue.

4) Tooth pick:

Tooth pick is a small strip of wood or plastic with a pointed end.This is used to remove food particles lodged between the gaps. Very useful after eating meat and fish. Should be used gently to avoid damage to gums.

5) Gargling:

After every meal gargling with lukewarm water is useful. For better result little common salt is dissolved in the lukewarm water. Different types of mouth wash is available in the market in different trade names. Gargling with mouth wash can also reduce bad breath.

6) Food habits:

Protein containing food articles are known to produce bad breath. Example; meat, milk, fish, egg etc. If these food articles are taken proper cleaning is essential. Some food articles are known to produce particular smell which may be unpleasent for others. Raw onion is the best example. It is said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away and a raw onion a day keep every body away. Small food articles taken in between can also cause bad smell (nuts,fried items etc). Maintaining regularity in food timing is the most important thing.

7) Water intake:

Dryness in the mouth can make a favourable condition for the bacterial activity resulting in bad odor. Saliva is needed to keep the mouth moist and to reduce the bacterial proliferation. Production of saliva is closely related with water balance of the body and hence sufficient quantity of water should be taken to maintain the production of saliva.

8) Mouth freshners:

Natural and artificial mouth freshners can reduce the intensity of bad breath to some extent. Spicy articles are commonly used for this purpose. Chewing spices like clove, cumin seed, cardomom, cinnamon, ginger, etc., are useful. All citrus fruits can reduce bad odor. Mouth freshners and chewing gums are available in the market. These products are also helpful, but some may cause damage hence should be used with caution.

If the above things doesn't work then what to do?

Consider the following:

1) Remove the cause:

Bad breath is common in some general and systemic diseases like diabetes, fevers, gastric disorders, liver diseases and etc. By removing or reducing the primary cause the bad breath will go automatically.

2) Modern medicine:

If bad breath is due to any infection suitable antibiotics,anti fungal or anti viral medicines will help. If it is due to any autoimmune or chronic inflamatory conditions steroids may also be used. Saliva producing tablets can also be used.

3) Dental cleaning:

Dental cleaning done by a dentist can remove the dental plaques and tartar. This can reduce the severity of bad breath. Visit your dentist at least once in a year.

4) Filling of caries:

Since caries are one of the main cause for bad breath it should be filled by a dentist. Earlier silver amalgam was used, nowadays it is replaced by synthetic materials. If the pulp cavity is affected by the caries root canal treatment can be done.

5) Tooth extraction:

If caries are deep with destruction of teeth with bad smell extraction is the better choice and a dental implant can be kept in the gap.

6) Tonsillectomy:

Patients with recurrent tonsillitis can have bad breath due to offenssive discharges and release of pasty materials from the crypts of tonsils. Such patients get great relief after tonsillectomy (removal of tonsils).

7) Psychological counselling:

Those who suffer from bad breath may be very much depressed and they be away from the public. This isolation hampers their daytoday activities.Such people should understand the fact that all humanbeings are having bad breath, but with slight differences in intensities. Mostly all people control it by taking personal care. Every human body has got it's own smell,that may or may not be tolerable for others. They should be advised to do all hygienic meashures to reduce the intensity of smell. Improving the quality of life by all possible means can also help. Moral support from friends and family members are needed for such people.

Some individuals visit the doctor for bad breath without any real problem. It is included under somatisation disorder. They usually complain about pain, breathlessness, abdominal discomfort, bad smell, etc. Proper diagnosis is needed to rule out any real causes. These patients should be managed with a psychological approach.

8) Homoeopathy:

In Homoeopathy medicines are selected on the basis of physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of the diseased person. Considering the whole aspects a constitutional homoeopathic medicine is selected and given in suitable potency and dose. By this all health related problems including bad breath will be solved. On the basis of coating on the tongue, type of smell, cause for bad breath, and other associated complaints a medicine can be given to get relief from bad breath. In the homoeopathic medical repertory by Dr Robin Murphy there are 140 homoeopathic drugs mentioned for bad breath. On the basis of signs and symptoms of the individual a suitable medicine is given. Commonly used drugs are arnica, antim crud, pulsatilla, sulphur, psorinum, nux vomica, ars alb, merc sol, kreosot, hekla lava, silicea, asafoitida, graphites, kali bich, acid nitric etc.

Homoeopathic mother tinctures like cinnamon Q,kreosot Q,zingiber Q,rhus glabra Q,menthol Q and etc can be used for gargling after diluting in water.


Peter Bishop manages the health info portal at [http://www.spiritualhome.info] and researches alternative ways of life for years.