Go through Bad Breath Remedies much more

Bad Breath Remedies

Bad Breath

A few types of bad breath remedies have been around for a long time. It seemed to start with television ads about morning breath, and quickly progressed to talk of antibacterial ingredients that would kill harmful bacteria in the mouth and leave us all with fresh smelling breath. We've now progressed to acknowledging that, for many people, halitosis isn't just a morning problem, it's an all day problem, and it can be a social problem of personally devastating proportions.

We know a lot more about the causes of halitosis now as well, and the legions of bad breath remedies have divided into two main camps: the products that have a strong taste and odor that simply aim to overpower the halitosis, and the products that are specifically aimed at the bacteria that are causing the problem. The very best bad breath treatment will be a product that targets the bacteria responsible, while leaving all the other normal, protective microorganism in the mouth unscathed.

The additive chlorhexidine was probably the first antibacterial ingredient in bad breath remedies that had a significant impact on the odor-producing bacteria. These bacteria live in the oxygen-free environment at the back of the tongue and produce sulfur compounds as part of their regular activities. Chlorhexidine kills them. It never kills all of them however, and one must maintain regular rinses with a bad breath treatment containing chlorhexidine in order to stay ahead of the halitosis.

Today, a new trend in bad breath remedies is bringing us a collection of natural approaches to killing off halitosis bacteria. Some of these approaches deliver oxygen to the back of the mouth so that the anaerobic environment there is disrupted, and the bacteria are unable to live. Again, this bad breath treatment has to be maintained over the long term, but it is appealing in that it prevents the bacteria from growing in the first place, rather than killing them off after they are already there.

Another of the new bad breath remedies uses a two-step approach with an olive oil rinse that just mops up the bacteria and carries them off. This bad breath treatment is based on the interesting fact that the bacteria in question tend to adhere to oil droplets - and that olive oil is undoubtedly safe and probably even beneficial to health.

One last intriguing approach to bad breath treatment uses the idea of probiotics: where there are harmful or undesirable bacteria, the introduction of beneficial friendly bacteria may crowd the undesirables out. For an example of how this works, imagine how the sudden introduction of some new species into an area (say, gray squirrels where only red squirrels are living) can push the native species out and even make them extinct in that ecological area. The mouth is an ecological area as well, and a little healthy competition can be a great addition to the world of bad breath remedies.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Remedies, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Go through Alternative Medicine for Bad Breath additional

Alternative Medicine for Bad Breath

Bad Breath Cures

Bad Breath Cures

Like other applications of alternative health care, alternative medicine for bad breath aims to get rid of the problem by identifying the cause and correcting it without drugs. While this approach may require more effort, including significant lifestyle changes, it is probably more likely to yield real and long-lasting results than the long term use of breath fresheners and antibacterial preparations.

Alternative bad breath cures address the source of the odor-bacteria in the mouth that are breaking down proteins and sugars and releasing rotten smelling compounds as a byproduct. What causes most cases is the presence, in the mouth, of bits of food and cellular debris, along with the bacteria capable of using that material for food. Alternative medicine for bad breath addresses both the debris and the bacteria.

Obviously, keeping the mouth clean and healthy is the first step. Alternative bad breath cures start with a thorough professional dental cleaning and a regular routine of self care that includes bushing the teeth several times each day, flossing daily, brushing the tongue, and regularly scheduled checkups at the dentist. Theories of alternative medicine for it hold that most cases of halitosis will be cured with this approach. Where tooth decay and gum disease are present, these conditions may have to be cleared up before this will completely disappear.

Once the mouth is clean and healthy, there's very little material left for bacteria to use for food, and this alone, according to the wisdom of alternative medicine, should cut down on their numbers. Brushing the back of the tongue is particularly important because it physically removes debris that is lodged there, the thick layer of protective mucus that coats bacteria living deep in the crevices, and the bacteria themselves. Alternative bad breath cures, as well as conventional medicine, believe that the back of the tongue is the main place that these bacteria are found.

Some people find that certain foods are a particular problem for causing halitosis, even when oral hygiene is good-preventing this may require avoiding the food altogether, or using alternative bad breath cures such as rinsing with a little peppermint oil, chewing a sprig of parsley, or sipping an herbal tea until the offensive odor fades.

Clearly, some cases of bad breath are an indication of a more serious medical problem that alternative medicine for it cannot resolve. In cases of persistent or worsening halitosis, it's important to consult a qualified medical professional.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Alternative Medicine for Bad Breath at Bad Breath Remedies, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Read How to Cure Bad Breath far more

Hey! have you got a dead mouse in your mouth! That's disgusting! But your breath may be disgusting to, unless you do something about it, your love life may remain on hold forever, and your friends may hold you at arms -- or football field -- length until you take action.

It's What You Ate

Most often, bad breath (or halitosis) is merely caused by the foods you just ate. Garlic is a prime example, because it can stay with you for over 24 hours after you ate it, no matter how often you brush. Other sources of food-caused halitosis include certain fish products, like anchovies, tuna. or herring; strong cheeses like blue or Camembert; and spicy salami, pepperoni, or pastrami meats. If you need to make a good impression today, avoid these foods.

It Could Be A Sign

If you have consistent bad breath, you should consult your physician, because bad breath may be a sign of much more serious medical problems. These problems might range from sinus and gum infections to tuberculosis, cancer, or zinc deficiency. Occasionally, you might be prescribed a drug, such as lithium, which might give you bad breath.

Brush You Breath

Practicing good oral hygiene to beat bad breath. Brush and floss after each meal, if possible. You might even carry a toothbrush with you wherever you go. When cleaning your mouth, don't forget to give the tongue a good brushing. The surface of your tongue can harbor halitosis-producing food particles if not properly cleaned.

If you cannot brush, at least rinse your mouth with a bacteria-fighting mouthwash, which can help your breath for up to three hours. When you cannot leave your table, quietly swirl some water in your mouth to rinse away leftover food particles, and then swallow.

Bad Breath Cure

Looking to Cure Bad Breath [http://www.feelfitblog.com]? Visit [http://www.feelfitblog.com] to see how you can keep your breath as fresh as possible.

How to Cure Bad Breath

Read Searching For a Chronic Bad Breath Cure? extra

Bad Breath Cure

If you're searching for a chronic bad breath cure, take heart in knowing that you're not alone. Chances are that there are more people concerned about their breath - and rightly so - than you might realize. And getting rid of your odorous breath for a few hours is good, but being able to cure it permanently, or as permanently as possible, is even better. So if there is help for "not so fresh" breath, what is it?

It Starts With Hygiene

It may be a simplistic statement, but most every so-called "cure" can and should start with good hygiene. Bad breath is usually the result of germs and bacteria clinging to the inside of your mouth. Think of how bad your trash smells when it's a day old. This is the same thing that's going on inside your mouth - decaying food particles that are a breeding ground for bacteria which in turn releases foul odors. As a matter of fact, there is probably not a chronic bad breath cure that is going to work properly if you don't follow good oral hygiene habits and practices. Flossing is one such practice that many people ignore or neglect, and yet these food particles typically rest between the teeth and are only removed by flossing.

Hydration is Important

Having a dry mouth is another cause of this particular and common issue, and unfortunately remedies that some people think are going to be a help in their situation very often can actually make the condition worse by drying out the mouth. Using a mouthwash that contains alcohol is one such culprit. If you do rinse, use an alcohol free mouthwash or at the very least rinse your mouth with water after the mouthwash. While rinsing regularly can be part of a chronic bad breath cure, you must do so with a product that will not make the situation even worse.

The Cure for You

The real cure for a truly chronic problem is going to be whatever addresses your specific reason for chronic bad breath. Sometimes this means seeing a dentist or doctor that can examine your mouth and your teeth. Cavities may need to be filled, or gum disease needs to be addressed and treated.

Your doctor can also determine if there is another cause that is hindering your road to normalcy from the problem, such as an internal infection or gastrointestinal disease. If you have a health condition that is as serious as this, there is really not much you can for a chronic bad breath cure before you address this condition itself.

Everyone suffers from bad breath. Check out another of the author's websites at his Sony LCD TV [http://www.sonylcdtv.net/] site at [http://www.sonylcdtv.net/].

Searching For a Chronic Bad Breath Cure?

Go through Bad Mouth Breath - Cheap and Effective Cures in Minutes more

Bad Mouth Breath - Cheap and Effective Cures in Minutes

Bad Breath Cures

If you have been suffering from bad mouth breath, you may be having a serious dent in your social life as well as having success in your career. Even so, there should not be a big concern as it can be easily treated with home remedies that can show results in just a matter of minutes.

The main concern for those who suffer from bad breath is the fact that most of them will not know they have it in the first place. Therefore, it is always best to have some test in order to determine whether you suffer from bad mouth breath.

If your mouth is constantly dry, have white coating on your tongue or even have thick saliva, then you are most likely to suffer from having bad mouth breath. Even regular smoking or eating foods like garlic or onions will also cause you to have it. The worst part is that your friends will tend not to tell you about this and most will rather just avoid you.

Now, there are a couple of effective home remedies that can cure your bad mouth breath and will not burn a hole in your pocket. One of this is pepper mint oil. Just place a few drops in your tongue for three times a day. This will not only kill the bacteria which emit the foul breath but also give you a pleasant breath.

Next, there are also the fennel seeds, cloves or parsley. Chew on these to freshen your breath. You can also carry these in small sealed container which makes them very convenient.

Another effective way is to avoid consuming coffee which can cause the dryness of the mouth. Those who are taking blood pressure pills will also cause dryness of the mouth and should be taken in the least quantity possible.

There is also the simplest method which is to have thorough oral hygiene by brushing the teeth, tongue after each meal, floss regularly and using the right mouth wash. Use a moist toothbrush and a tongue scraper to scrap off the bacteria on the back of the tongue.

Following these simple steps that is both affordable and effective can cure your bad mouth breath shortly. Before we can treat the breath in the mouth, it is crucial to understand what causes it as there are some that will go away by itself while some will require medical treatment. It is also advisable to check out the bad mouth breath remedies which are available before seeking for professional advice.

Are you one of the many who suffer from bad breath? If you are suffering from any form of bad mouth breath, you will be glad to know that this can be easily cured using simple and affordable home remedies.

Check out bad mouth breath [http://badmouthbreath.net/] to no longer have any fear of bad breath whenever you approach people in the public.

Click here to visit bad mouth breath [http://badmouthbreath.net/] website now!

Read Bad Breath Cure - Best Cure For Bad Breath a lot more

Having bad breath is humiliating. It's embarrassing when you know people are talking about it and making jokes about it. It's also frustrating when you don't know to get rid of your smelly breath. So, what I'm going to do is share with you a bad breath cure.

That way, you can have fresh breath and more confidence.

The best cures for bad breath are:

1. The first bad breath cure is brushing your teeth. Be sure to brush your teeth after every meal. This will help you clean your teeth and get rid of foods that could cause your breath to stink. You should also brush your tongue. This will help get rid of the bacteria that cause stinky breath.

2. Another bad breath cure is to floss everyday. Flossing will get rid of plaque, food, and bacteria that's between your teeth. If you haven't flossed your teeth in a while, you should notice a difference the next time you floss.

3. Gargling with baking soda and warm water is another bad breath cure. Mix baking soda with warm water and gargle with it once a day.

4. Another cure for bad breath is yogurt. Eating low carb or sugarless yogurt will help you get rid of your smelly breath. You should eat yogurt two times a day for at least six weeks.

These are the bad breath cures. If your breath stinks, you need to do something about it now. Don't hesitate on stopping it. If you wait too long, you might be at risk of infection. Also, your breath could get worse.

Bad Breath

Don't be embarrassed by your bad breath anymore. To learn how to naturally cure your bad breath the easy way, go to http://www.cure-bad-breath-naturally.blogspot.com

Bad Breath Cure - Best Cure For Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read Bad Breath in Toddlers extra

Something that people find quite hard to believe is that bad breath affects toddlers too. While the cases of bad breath in toddlers are significantly lower than adults, it is still a disease that needs to be taken seriously. Some of the tips to reduce the likelihood of bad breath in toddlers include:

Less sugar - toddlers are notorious for eating huge amounts of sugar, be it in solid or liquid form. Candy and sugary drinks are on top of the list of culprits that promotes yeast growth and coat the mouth and tongue with a whitish film, which anaerobic bacteria then turns into volatile sulfur compounds (VSC). Processed sugar can also coat the teeth and eventually cause cavities. A good way to avoid this is to give your toddler fruit snacks or cereal if he starts craving for sweets. Use honey to sweeten drinks instead of relying on white sugar.

More good bacteria - there has been a study done about introducing good bacteria, known as probiotics, into a toddler's diet to combat breath problems. This includes yogurt, kefir, and some milk based products. Check the labels to see if these contain probiotics that can help balance the bacteria level in your toddler's mouth to promote sweeter breath.

Green is good - chlorophyll is a natural breath freshener and can be found in green leafy vegetables. To reduce the chance of bad breath in toddlers, start adding more greens to their diet. Blanch them and cut them into little pieces to preserve the vitamins and make it easier for your toddler to eat. Vegetable shakes are also healthy, but it may be harder to get your toddler to drink these..

Water or Tea - having your toddler drink water or tea throughout the day will help him flush out the toxins in his body. It also keeps his oral cavity moist, which is the best way to combat bad breath in toddlers.

Fruits - fruits are a good way to cleanse his palate and offer vitamin C. Some fruits also inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth by stimulating the production of saliva. Examples include citrus fruits, guava, and apples.

Keeping your toddler's diet simple is the key to making sure he stays healthy and his breath sweet smelling. If these do not help, it may be time to turn to a pediatric dentist to see if there are any serious underlying causes to your toddler's disease. Make sure to bring your toddler in for an appointment twice a year to ensure that his oral cavity is healthy. This is another surefire way to avoid bad breath in toddlers.

Bad Breath

Gillian is a bad breath expert and co-creator of the new web-site: http://bad-breath-begone.com. Get lots more info there on Bad Breath and Toddlers and also check out her Free 10-part Mini-eCourse, "Naturally Remove the Bad Breath Blues", it might be all you'll ever need (and did I mention it was free!)

Bad Breath in Toddlers

Bad Breath

Study 5 Tips to Combat Bad Breath additional

Bad breath is a common problem that many people suffer. Though it is usually attributed to poor dental hygiene there are other problems that may cause it. Even brushing your teeth two or three times a day will not necessarily alleviate the odor that ruminates from your mouth. The food we eat and the habits we partake in can play a very big part in bad breath. For instance onion, garlic, tobacco and alcohol all have a negative effect on the smell of our breath. As food is digested certain substances from the food stuff are released into our bloodstream which in turn travels to the lungs. This means that by eating onions or garlic we are breathing them in and out all day.

1- Don't just brush your teeth. Use dental floss to get rid of the bacteria that collects between your teeth and use a tongue scraper to get right to the back of the tongue. A special tongue scraper is better than the back of a special toothbrush because of the ease of use. A toothbrush is cumbersome in comparison to these items and unless you give your teeth and mouth the whole works you are unlikely to get rid of bad breath.

2- Consider changing your diet. If you regularly eat garlic or onions then your breath is likely to smell regardless of whether you brush and floss regularly or not. Eating sweet foods will produce cavities and other problems where bacteria can hide and rot giving bad breath.

3- If you have a health problem that is the cause of your bad breath then you should consult your doctor and not your dentist. Obviously, your dentist will be able to tell you if your bad breath is caused by your mouth or by another problem and is your likely first port of call.

4- Drinking water is another good way of combating bad breath. A dry mouth is a veritable banquet for bacteria as they can become firmly lodged inside your mouth and wreak absolute havoc.

5- Chewing gum only really serves to mask the smell of bad breath and not fix it, despite adverts to the contrary. The sugar in gum causes cavities and these cavities are like little shelters for bacteria. If you eat gum with sugar replacements you may find that your body reacts badly to them and you end up with digestion problems that can also cause bad breath.

Bad Breath

John Mancini has been writing about Bad Breath online and offline for a long time. Visit [http://bad-breath-expert.com] or [http://bad-breath-treatments.info] to read more about matters like bad breath remedies and bad breath home remedies.

5 Tips to Combat Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Understand Managing Bad Breath more

Bad breath is one of the most common global problems, although (naturally) no one speaks openly about this subject. In fact, you could say this has became a social issue, because it can jeopardize relationships with those around you. There are many causes leading to bad breath, luckily, most are easy to detect.

Whatever the factors that cause bad breath, first mentioned that the remedy should be considered universally valid, ie mouthwash, is as ineffective as it is harmful. It is found in its composition a considerable percentage of alcohol. Consequently, some children who swallowed mouthwash needed emergency medical attention.

Indeed, mouthwash kills bacteria. On the other hand, however, they will recover quite quickly and in an aggressive manner, as mouthwash treats only the effect, not cause. Meanwhile, long-term use mouthwash causes the appearance of irritation to gums, palate mouth. Moreover, in some cases can cause various types of malignancies (risk is even greater if people who use mouthwash often, smoke or consume alcoholic beverages).

So what can you do? Here is a first recommendation. Put a few drops of peppermint oil (available in drugstores) in a glass of water and rinse yourself (not eat).

The remedy is not only recommended as a quick solution when you need to go to a meeting or to socialize. Bad breath is caused by many factors, of which the most common is improper dental hygiene. If you don't brush your teeth at least twice a day, or do more superficial, food debris will be disposed between the teeth and gradually begin to break down, causing an odor.

Therefore you need to brush carefully, focusing on areas less accessible. Besides, not neglect brushing the tongue - is one of the easiest ways to fight halitosis, because on the tongue surface are found millions of bacteria. Not necessary nor advisable to brush too intense, because irritation can occur. Movements should be smooth and circular.An accessory that you should not miss is floss. This helps eliminate food debris and is recommended to use at least once a day, preferably before brushing.

Do not omit to change your toothbrush regularly (every two months is recommended). Not only will be more effective brushing and breath fresh, but will prevent accumulation of bacteria that are submitted in time.

Also wash your teeth after every meal. Yes, it would be ideal, but often we can not do this. In this case, eat an apple (good to clean teeth) or mint drops. Some other foods to help you refresh your breath are: fresh carrots, parsley or mint, oranges, kiwi fruit, green leafy vegetables.

Apart from inadequate dental hygiene, there are other reasons that can cause halitosis. For example, some food. Of course you are first tempted to think of garlic and onions, but besides these, the list also includes others such as paprika, sweets, spicy preparations such as pastrami, pepperoni or chicory. Among drinks that can cause damage like this can find beer, wine, coffee and whiskey.

Bad Breath

Take care of your health and you won't get this Worlds Biggest Zit [http://worldsbiggest.net/zit/]

Managing Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Examine How to Stop Bad Breath? - Must Follow Tips to Cure Bad Breath additional

Bad breath is known as halitosis medically. We all may have suffered from this ailment time and again, but some people seem to have a chronic case of this condition. The following tips will make you aware of how to stop bad breath.

Before looking at the tips to cure this condition you must be aware of why or how your breath is emitting foul smells.

Many causes of bad breath are due to chronic gastro intestinal disorders like diarrhea, chronic constipation etc. Another cause could be if you are suffering from chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis or sinusitis which causes a discharge at the back of the throat.

But the most common cause for bad breath is diseased gums. You must follow a clean and healthy oral hygiene to avoid it. Dental decay will cause the growth of the bacteria responsible for bad breath. Go for a through dental check up every six months.

Let not any residue of food particles remain in the mouth. After every meal swish your mouth with water. Take out the remains of the meat particles from your teeth with the help of tooth pick, if necessary.

Brushing the teeth after meals will relieve you from the bad breath. There are few traditional ways available to get rid of this condition. Chewing unripe guava or even the leaves of this plant, helps in stopping bad breath.

It has been proven that eating yogurt helps in fighting this condition as the yeast bacteria (good bacteria) present in yogurt helps to fight and stop the growth of bacteria producing foul smells.

Another easy way of getting rid of this ailment is to drink fruit and vegetable juices as they are beneficial in fighting halitosis.

Persons suffering from halitosis should always have a well balanced diet. Sometimes it has been seen that deficiency of some vitamins and minerals give rise to this condition.

Have at least 8-10 glasses of water daily, if not more, to prevent your body from becoming dehydrated as this gives way to bad breath.

Bad Breath Cure

If you are ready to come out your embarrassing condition the fastest way, then it's time to take the next step. For guaranteed result, check out a wonderful program on http://badbreathcure.ax90.com and learn how to stop bad breath in the quickest possible time.

How to Stop Bad Breath? - Must Follow Tips to Cure Bad Breath

Bad Breath Cure

Study Does Your Dog Have Bad Breath? additional

Your cute little pooch is the joy of your life, you love to be around him.... Until you get too close!

Bad breath in dogs can be a common problem and while easily taken care of, it can be detrimental to their health if left unattended.

Bad breath can be blamed on a number of culprits. A couple of the most common are dental or periodontal disease. This can all be associated to your dog not properly chewing his food (i.e. not allowing saliva to do its job), having a broken tooth or dental plaque and tartar. Also, your dog could be suffering an internal problem that is causing his bad breath. He could be having problems with kidney or liver function. The best thing to do in extreme cases is to consult with your vet.

The first tool in battling bad breath in dogs is a toothbrush and some enzymatic toothpaste. Yep, that's right, fido needs his teeth brushed regularly. Almost 80% of dogs over 3 years old have periodontal disease. This is very serious and is causes a buildup on the teeth and gums that results in deterioration of the gums, teeth and bones. Not only does it cause bad breath, but the bacteria can get into the bloodstream and threaten the health of your dogs vital organs. In fact, proper dental care may help your dog live up to 5 years longer!

You should brush your dogs teeth every day. At first this may really be a struggle, but after a while it will become routine and eventually you and your dog may even enjoy this time together. There are two types of brushes - one looks pretty much like a regular toothbrush and one is a rubber "finger" with little rubber bristles that you place over your finger. You may need to experiment to see which one is best for your dog.

Never use human toothpaste on your dog - it can hurt him! You should use special enzymatic toothpaste that will help kill the bacteria. Plus it comes in flavors dogs like like chicken (I know my dog loved that taste of it).

Anther way to insure your dogs breath smells sweet as well as his overall health is to make sure that you are meeting your dog's nutritional needs. Do not feed your dog table scraps--ever. And, never feed your puppy or dog candy or especially chocolate. Give your dog the best food designed for his body type and breed.

Finally, you'll want to be sure to have your dog's teeth brushed and professionally treated by a veterinarian every six to twenty-four months. After your first consultation, ask your vet what schedule he believes is best. It can vary dependent upon breed and lifestyle. You dog will have to undergo a general anesthesia in the vet's office before the brushing. For older dogs, talk to your vet, especially if it's been awhile (up to a few years) since your dog's last cleaning. Some vets will not put older dogs under anesthesia for regular cleanings.

If you haven't tended to your pets dental needs in a while, you may find he needs a dental cleaning and scaling right away. He may even need to have some teeth removed. Once you have this taken car of, however you can start on a routine of daily brushing and he may never need to get a dental from the vet again.

Once you take care of any buildup and start on your brushing routine, your dogs breath should be sweet in no time!

Lee Dobbins is an avid dog lover and writes for many pet related sites. Find out more about dog care at the webs Pet Center or learn about the loveable pug at The Pug Pages [http://www.pug-pages.com]

Does Your Dog Have Bad Breath?

Bad Breath

Go through Chronic Bad Breath Cure - Follow This Five-Step Sequence far more

Chronic Bad Breath Cure - Follow This Five-Step Sequence

Bad Breath Cure

Bad Breath Cure

Chronic bad breath is scientifically known as halitosis. This is an embarrassing condition that many individuals suffer from a majority of the time. You are probably seeking a chronic malodorous breath cure if you find it difficult to participate in some standard social situations due to your condition that turns people away from you. For the best chronic bad breath cure, follow this sequence of five steps.

Ƃ· Discover the cause of your halitosis. There is more than one reason why you could be a sufferer of chronic smelly breath. The most common reasons are poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, air passage or mouth diseases, or other conditions throughout your body that lead to halitosis. Your situation could be caused by one or a combination of these causes.

Ƃ· Begin to make changes in your life. Based on the cause you determine to be the problem, you can alter your lifestyle a little. For example, improving oral hygiene could make a huge difference. Also, if you smoke and your habit has led to the development of throat disease, you can cure your breath issues and improve your overall health if you choose to quit smoking.

Ƃ· Determine what chronic bad breath cure is the most effective for you. With multiple causes, there could be multiple cures, but some may be more effective than others. Some cures are temporary, but the best are those that are more permanent. Returning to the smoking example, you will find that quitting your habit and seeking medical attention for your disease will prove to be a highly effective cure for your halitosis.

Ƃ· Weigh the costs of the cure. Some cures are more worth it than others because they cost you less monetarily and in terms of effort. These costs vary from buying a new toothbrush and mouthwash to undergoing throat surgery and discontinuing a habit that can be incredibly hard to drop. It is up to you to decide what is worth it to get rid of your halitosis and improve your overall health.

Ƃ· Understand what must be done to prevent your odorous breath from reemerging. Most of the time a chronic halitosis cure will require you to make a continual change rather than a onetime effort. Once your smelly breath is cured, it could easily return unless you know what to do to keep it at bay for many years into the future.

JP Ray runs the informational website Bad--Breath.Net as an online resource for those who want a proactive solution to bad breath. You can get rid of bad breath -- check out the site to learn more about bad breath cures now!

Read through Bad Breath Cures - 3 Tips to Keep You Confident When You Open Your Mouth a lot more

Bad Breath Cures

The last thing you want to see when you open your mouth to talk to someone is them wrinkling their nose in disgust at your breath. It's mortifying and can do a big number on your confidence and self esteem. Because of that bad breath cures are essential!

If you have been to the doctor or dentist and they have ruled out an underlying medical condition for your bad breath here are a few tips to keep in mind to keep your breath from wrinkling noses.

Water is Your Friend

You may think that since your mouth tends to be moist (saliva anyone?) that it can't get dehydrated. That is not the case. When your mouth gets on the dry side this allows bacteria to build up fast - and this bacteria causes bad breath. This is actually why morning breath is an issue. While you sleep your mouth gets drier than normal and the bacteria that causes bad breath has hours to build up. So just drink water throughout the day. Not only will you keep your mouth hydrated but drinking water helps to clear out food particles from your meals.


Yeah, it's not fun to do at all. But it helps enormously in keeping your mouth healthy. The better health your gums and teeth are in the better your breath will be as well. Diseased teeth and gums are not going to put out a minty fresh aroma. Also in the short term, flossing gets rid of food particles that brushing can't reach. If you're leaving food particles in your teeth, in time you end up with rotting food in your mouth. Do you really want your mouth smelling like a dumpster full of rotten food? I'm guessing no - so make flossing a habit!

Chewing Gum and Mouthwash

Keeping chewing gum and mouthwash handy are good bad breath cures. They may not fix chronic problems but they will blast away food related bad breath issues quickly. Also gum helps to keep your mouth from getting too dry, so it does double duty in giving instant minty-ness and hydration. Mouthwash can also eliminate the bacteria that will pop up during the day or blast away the evidence of a garlic-y lunch. You don't have to lug around the big bottle of mouthwash either - get a travel sized bottle and you're good to go.

The above three tips can get you through the day without offending the noses of others. They're easy but effective as bad breath cures.

If you want more powerful and long lasting bad breath cures go to http://www.squidoo.com/best-bad-breath-cures for information on how to completely cure your bad breath fast and with things you may already have around your house. As a bonus, these bad breath cures also help to improve the health and appearance of your gums and teeth.

Bad Breath Cures - 3 Tips to Keep You Confident When You Open Your Mouth

Read through Bad Breath Tonsils far more

Bad Breath Tonsils

Bad Breath

Many people don't realize that when you have bad breath tonsils may have something to do with it. Your tonsils, located in the back of the mouth at the top of the throat, are not only a frequent site of infection, they can also accumulate debris and harbor bacteria. Tonsils and tonsillar crypts provide a moist sheltered airless environment where many species of bacteria do well. Although most of the bacteria that live in the mouth and throat are harmless, and many are even beneficial, invasion by the wrong kind of bacteria can cause problems.

A first step in bad breath prevention is to keep the tissues in your mouth and throat healthy, including your tonsils. Seek medical attention immediately if you suspect you have tonsillitis and have sinus problems assessed as well. See your dentist at least once a year and practice good dental hygiene between dental cleanings. Regular medical checkups are a good way to keep a close eye on your general health and avoid bad breath tonsils and other health problems as you get older.

To deal with bad breath tonsils, first rule out bacterial infection. The organism to worry about is streptococcus, the cause of strept throat. This is an acute infection that usually clears up fairly quickly and is routinely treated with antibiotics. Because there is destruction of healthy tissue in the throat, strept throat often results in a foul odor on the breath. The odor problem resolves with the infection, fortunately, so if this is what's causing your halitosis, treatment for the strept will also be effective bad breath prevention.

If the breath problem is more of a chronic issue, bad breath prevention may be more difficult. The odor may be coming from tonsiloliths, small accumulations of dead cells and other debris that lodge and grow around the tonsils. Tonsiloliths are often associated with sinusitis or post nasal drip, where there is a constant flow of sinus drainage down the back of the throat. Dead cells and other tiny particles get caught up in the tonsil area forming tiny aggregates like stones - the aggregates grow larger as they catch more and more debris. Your tonsils become bad breath tonsils when oral bacteria start proliferating in and on the tonsiloliths, deriving nutrients from the proteins and other molecules there.

When it comes to bad breath prevention, tonsiloliths can be difficult to get rid of. Each individual tonsilolith is eventually dislodged and swallowed, carrying away its load of odor producing bacteria

- but another tonsilolith soon takes its place. The best approach to bad breath tonsils caused by tonsiloliths is to gargle regularly with a good breath freshening product designed to reduce bacterial growth in the mouth.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Tonsils, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Go through Causes of Bad Breath (Halitosis) more

Very few people wake up in the morning looking like a soap opera star--eyes bright, hair perfect and mouth kiss ably fresh. Although a quick wash and brush of the teeth usually make us feel clean and presentable, sometimes a nagging worry about breath odor remains. Is it just normal morning staleness? Or is it halitosis, the medical term for bad breath? Would your friends tell you? Could you tell a friend?

We all know certain factors can make breath smell worse than usual--smoking, alcohol, onions, garlic and spicy foods are notorious offenders--but a little time and good dental hygiene soon eliminate these problems. With true bad breath, however, normal cleaning of the teeth and mouth are not enough to restore freshness. In some instances persistent bad breath can even signal a serious medical problem.

Poor oral health leading to the proliferation of certain types of bacteria is responsible for halitosis 90 percent of the time. If teeth and gums are not cleaned properly the remaining food particles and debris will ferment, releasing malodorous volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs). Extensive tooth decay, gum disease, oral infections, abscesses and cancers all cause bad breath, and by favoring the growth of bacteria sinus congestion, allergies and nasal polyps can be culprits as well. Once these problems are treated, reduced or eliminated, the bad breath will often disappear.

Dry mouth (xerostomia) can make the breath go from bad to worse. Normally, saliva will help flush away bacteria, food bits and cellular waste, and when the flow of saliva decreases this material tends to accumulate. The VSCs produced as it decomposes will also evaporate faster than normal and produce more odors in the drier environment. Some common causes of dry mouth are dehydration, alcohol-based mouth rinses, acute infection and certain medicines, including decongestant, antidepressants and blood pressure medication.

Bad breath occasionally has a more serious medical origin. Diabetes can produce an acetone-like or fruity smell; kidney disease an ammonia odor; liver and lung problems, sinus and tonsil infections.... The list goes on and on. A doctor will consider the nature of bad breath as a significant symptom in seeking a diagnosis.

But surely if you have halitosis you will have a bad taste in the mouth? Wrong. The two are not necessarily related. Dry mouth, for example, can cause a bitter or metallic taste even before odor can be detected.

Seeing your dentist regularly is both the first line of defense against halitosis and the first step to a cure. If the problem persists after establishing good oral hygiene, the next step is a visit to a doctor to rule out an underlying medical disorder. What NOT to do includes relying on breath fresheners or mints to mask the problem (they are not effective for long), depending on alcohol-based mouthwashes that dry the mouth or antiseptic mouthwashes that disturb the natural balance of bacteria, and obsessively brushing teeth and gums, which not only dries the mouth but can actually damage tissues and encourage bacterial growth.

A number of commercial ventures claim dramatic halitosis relief through following their particular program. We know of one in San Francisco that even includes the use of special instruments claiming to be more accurate, objective and sensitive than a human nose. These are used to measure the precise concentration of VSC's in the breath and to scan the gums for their potential sources. While we don't doubt their success, few of us can afford an extended stay away from home to take such a high-tech "cure." Start with your more affordable local dentist!

Fortunately there are some natural remedies to use while sorting out the cause of your problem. Simply enjoying an after-dinner cup of jasmine tea can help clear and sweeten the breath, especially if your meal was rich in garlic or oil. Tokyo herbalist Lindsay Nojiri recommends a mouthwash prepared by simmering three cloves, 1 gram of ginger root and 2 grams of licorice root in 400 milliliters of filtered water. After 10 or 15 minutes, pour this over 2 grams each of parsley leaves, red clover flowers and camomile flowers. Let stand for 10 minutes. A simpler approach, says Lindsay, is to chew several whole cloves (they are hard--be careful!), brew up your own "tea" of parsley or alfalfa, or take extra vitamin C either as tablets or in natural sources.

Interestingly, quite often the people most concerned about bad breath don't have it and those badly affected don't know. It is not an easy task to tell a friend or colleague about bad breath, but if it occurs often, not just after a binge of spicy food, cigarettes and alcohol, mentioning the problem is an act of kindness.

Bad Breath

My passion is research and writing. For more information or to learn more on Bad Breath (Halitosis), please visit my blog

Causes of Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad Breath

Go through Natural Cures For Bad Breath - These Methods May Benefit Overweight People Too much more

Do you know that overweight people are more prone to experiencing bad breath problem? Researchers from the University of Tel Aviv have established that having an overweight physique can contribute significantly to the cause of oral malodor

However it doesn't matter whether you're a skinny, overweight or muscular person, bad breath can and will occur if you fail to exercise basic oral hygiene care. Furthermore certain foods can tremendously worsen your breath. This article will explore some natural cures for bad breath that you can initiate immediately to produce positive results, otherwise your problem will worsen overtime.

The first thing you should do is drink more water. This may sound like nothing and some bad breath sufferers would say: "Oh I drink water everyday, but my breath still smells." Then you need to ask this question: Do you really drink ENOUGH PLAIN water?

If your answer is no, then that's one of the reasons why you still have it. You need to drink more plain water because it hydrates you and keep your saliva production flowing which is essential for decreasing the reproduction of bad breath bacteria.

Remember, the keyword here is plain water. Other drinks such as citrus juice or coffee should be avoided or at the very least you should reduce consumption of these two beverages. This is because they have high acidic content which often becomes "fuel" for bacteria to generate more waste by-products that can worsen your breath. No other natural cures for bad breath can help you as much as a drinking several glasses of plain water. Try drinking approximately 8 to 10 glasses a day.

Apart from reducing consumption of those beverages, you should also decrease your consumption of high protein foods. The combination of various amino acids leads to the formation of protein and two of these amino acids are actually rich with sulfur compounds. These compounds are practically food for oral bacteria ingestion after which odorous waste-by products are released from your mouth and intermixed with your breath to become what is medically referred to as halitosis.

Instead, I recommend that you increase leafy fibrous vegetable intake to ensure lower occurrence of bad breath. Furthermore, fibrous vegetables contain plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to improve your overall health. And here's the bonus part, if you're an overweight person with bad breath, you're practically killing two birds with one stone with this approach. By consuming adequate amount of fibrous vegetables each day, you're not only able to reduce your excess body weight; you also stand to gain full control of your smelly breath problem.

And here's my final tip which I believe is one of the best natural cures for bad breath. Try to eat natural foods that are known to decrease halitosis levels. I'm referring to foods such as sugarless yogurt or parsley.

Sugarless yogurts are good for bad breath sufferers because they have been established by a Dr. Kenichi Hojo of Tsurumi University to have "good" bacterial properties to combat oral malodor compounds like Hydrogen Sulfide. This is sulfur compound responsible for producing the "rotten egg" breath. Parsley on the other hand, is rich with chlorophyll and this green pigment is an excellent ingredient for diluting unpleasant breath.

Bad Breath Cures

Aside from following the above natural cures for bad breath tips, you should also embark on a good oral hygiene program to ensure your bad breath problem is kept at bay.

I've systematized a very effective process to get rid of bad breath in the simplest and fastest way possible. Please give my system a chance to help you take control of your bad breath problem. Just go to http://www.badbreathsolutionsystem.com now, then download the system and use it to chase your bad breath away!

Natural Cures For Bad Breath - These Methods May Benefit Overweight People Too

Bad Breath Cures

Understand Cure For Bad Breath - Tips For an Effective Bad Breath Treatment extra

Are you one of the many people who have halitosis? If you are, then you would find an effective cure for bad breath a welcome relief since you are most likely embarrassed by the disgusting odor coming from your mouth. In order to spare yourself this humiliation, I am certain that you have tried desperately to find a halitosis treatment. I understand that finding a way to get rid of halitosis can be frustrating and time-consuming. To save you some time, I will provide some effective tips for a cure for halitosis over the next several paragraphs.

One of the causes of bad breath are the bacteria that feed on the leftover food particles in your mouth. This will result in the release of disgusting smelling volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) which can make your breath smell rank. Therefore, one way to get rid of bad breath is to practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing after every meal. Doing this will reduce the amount of food remnants the bacteria can feast on. There might also be some food left on your tongue so using a tongue scraper to remove it would also be useful.

One cure for smelly breath is to cut sugar out of your diet. This means that you should not consume any types of gums, mints, or candies that has any sugar in them. The reason for this is that the bacteria in your mouth can use sugar to reproduce and this will increase the production of foul smelling VSCs.

Another cure for halitosis is to not consume anything that contains a high level of acid. Highly acidic foods or drinks can make the bacteria in your mouth reproduce at a faster rate which will leave a bitter aftertaste and cause your breath to smell disgusting. Items to avoid include caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee, oranges, pineapples, grapefruits, and tomatoes. Instead of coffee, you can always drink some tea which is less acidic.

Dry mouth is one of the causes of bad breath. It can cause bacteria to reproduce more quickly. If you do not drink enough water, then dry mouth is probably the reason for your disgusting breath. A bad breath treatment for this situation is to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Water will flush out any remaining food particles and keep your mouth moist.

I know many people will want to use a commercial mouthwash as a halitosis treatment. Surprisingly, most commercial mouthwashes may actually make your breath smell even worse. This is because they contain alcohol which can cause your mouth to dry up. You can make a mouthwash at home that would be a more effective cure for bad breath. You can do this by pouring some salt into a glass of warm water and gargling with this mixture.

Bad Breath Cure

If you want to download a FREE bad breath ebook or get some more FREE information about the various natural cure for bad breath options that are available, then please click on this link: cure for bad breath

Cure For Bad Breath - Tips For an Effective Bad Breath Treatment

Bad Breath Cure

Go through Bad Breath - Dental Problems Often Cause Bad Breath more

Bad Breath - Dental Problems Often Cause Bad Breath

Bad Breath

There is a direct link between bacterial plaque, bad breath and dental problems.

Bad breath or halitosis, dental decay, periodontal disease and gingivitis are all caused by the anaerobic bacteria that live in the mouth. Anaerobic means living in the absence of air. These types of bacteria are mostly pathological.

· Bad breath is the odor produced by bacteria living off food particles, each other and dying tissue. Bad breath can also be caused by other more serious health issues. An example of this is diabetes that can cause acidosis which in turn causes bad breath.

· Dental decay is actually caused by the acidic excrement from the bacteria. The tooth is literally being dissolved by chronically being bathed in this acid.

· Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums caused by your own body trying to fight off the invasion of the bacteria.

· Periodontal disease (perio = around, and dontal = tooth) is the loss of bone and tissue attachment around the tooth. It is caused by a microbial invasion around the tooth by anaerobic bacteria.

Odors and acids are produced in the film of plaque that resides between teeth, along the gum line and on the surface of the tongue. The plaque is produced by the bacteria. Poor oral hygiene can not keep the population of bacteria under control, resulting in bad breath. Cleaning teeth twice daily is the minimum requirement for reducing the population of bacteria. However, meticulous cleaning is difficult. Tooth brushing does not access in between teeth and often causes ridges and grooves along the gum line. Oral irrigating does not cut through the sticky greasy barrier the plaque produces.

Infections from dental decay, gingivitis, or periodontal disease also cause bad breath. Again, poor oral hygiene is the biggest factor in these infections. Improper flossing will take an infection from one part of the mouth and inoculate a health part. The infections also produce dead tissue, which add to the smorgasbord feeding the bacteria. The gasses given off is what you smell.

There are other factors that feed the bacteria besides food and infection. Smoking, mouth breathing, alcohol based mouth washes and certain medications also increase dry mouth. Reduced saliva does not allow your mouth to remove the bacteria that cause the odor.

Finally, the bad breath odor may be from sources other than the oral cavity. Some medical conditions cause bad breath. Infections in the lungs, nasal cavity or sinuses can cause odor that is associated with bad breath. Bad breath in diabetics is a rather common occurrence. And finally, less likely, but still possible, bad breath can be associated with certain conditions related to malfunctioning kidneys and some cancers.

Want to learn more on how to reduce bad breath, have a white, healthy smile and manage periodontal disease? I have designed and developed a home dental cleaning system that uses the technology of the professional Prophy-Jet to power wash between your teeth and around the gum line.

I invite you to sign up for my articles at http://dentalairforce.com.

From P., Piero DDS a practicing dentist and inventor of Dental Air ForceƂ® and "Baci The Dental Dog".

Follow ppierodds on Twitter at http://twitter.com/ppierodds.

Read Chronic Bad Breath extra

Chronic Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as Halitosis, is an unpleasant smell that emanates from the mouth. Sometimes an individual is completely unaware of the problem until informed by a member of the family or a friend. Suffering from chronic bad breath can be a cause of embarrassment.

Bad breath is caused by the breakdown of protein by bacteria in the mouth. When the bacteria feed on food and breakdown the proteins they produce a byproduct known as volatile sulfur compounds (VSC). Volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) include gases such as hydrogen sulphide and mercaptan mix. When these gases mix with the mouth air, they create unpleasant or bad odor.

Halitosis or chronic bad breath is caused by the kind of food that is eaten. Certain foods like garlic, ginger and onions are absorbed in the bloodstream and passed on to the lungs, from where they are excreted, and because they are strong smelling they cause bad breath.

Periodontal (gum) disease or tooth decay leads to accumulation of sticky, colorless bacteria on the teeth and gums. The bacteria irritate the gums and creates bad odor. Dry mouth or xerostomia is another cause for chronic bad breath. Saliva acts as a natural mouthwash which cleanses the mouth of bacteria that creates bad smell. Prolonged dryness of mouth does not wash the bacteria from the mouth and leads to bad breath.

Alcohol and medications when exhaled through lungs mix with the air in the mouth and creates a foul smell. Poor digestion and stomach ailments have also been noted as a reason of chronic bad breath. Prolonged dieting or fasting is another cause of bad breath. The body begins to breakdown fat and protein when starved for too long and this metabolism produces bad odor.

Other reasons leading to chronic bad breath include throat infections, sinusitis, gastritis, bronchitis, liver and kidney ailments, hormonal changes, stagnation of food in the stomach and poor oral hygiene.

Bad Breath [http://www.WetPluto.com/Bad-Breath.html] provides detailed information on Bad Breath, Bad Breath Cure, Cause Of Bad Breath, Stop Bad Breath and more. Bad Breath is affiliated with Clear Braces [http://www.i-Braces.com].

Go through Bad Breath Cure additional

Bad Breath Cure

Bad Breath Cures

Bad Breath is one of the most embarrassing problems that anybody could have, it interferes with every aspect of your life, from your social and sex life, to work and business life.

It's estimated that anywhere upwards of 90% of people will suffer from it at some point in their life, whether it be true halitosis or just the dreaded morning Breath. Bad Breath can be responsible for severe depression, and even end relationships with your friends, family or business associates.

We all worry about our breath at some point, as it is difficult smell your own breath, and people don't normally tell you about your problem. So why not try licking your wrist, then allow the saliva to air dry, and smell it yourself.

Or you can try scraping your tongue with a spoon, allow the residue to dry, and smell that, if the smell isn't too bad then you should feel pretty safe about your breath. However, as we do come accustomed to our own breath, you can always ask your partner, or trusted friend to smell your breath and be honest with you.

There are also home tests, that involve taking a swab of your tongue to determine the amount of sulfur compounds on there, you may have to take several tests at different times of the day to get an average, but they can be accurate. You can also use the portable halimeter, go to one of the new breath clinics popping up everywhere, or consult your doctor for an opinion. They should be able to take a swab, and determine how bad the sulfur compounds are.

So what causes bad breath :

While many people believe that Bad Breath originates from the stomach, 85 to 90% actually originates from the mouth, and the majority of that is from a small triangle area on the back of your tongue.

Your tongue contains anaerobic bacteria who's function is to break down proteins in your mouth, from food, mucus, and damaged tissue, the results of which creates odorous by-products such as volatile sulfur compounds like Hydrogen Sulphide, comparable to rotten eggs, Cadaverine comparable to corpses, Putrescine comparable to rotten meat and many more. You will always have some level of these VSCs, but you can decrease them so they are not detectable by the human nose.

These anaerobic bacteria live between tiny fibers called Papillae located on your tongue, this is because anaerobic means without oxygen, so they cannot survive on the surface of the tongue, they must bury between the Papillae. The reason the majority of them are located at the back of the tongue, is the front of the tongue is self cleaning, and often rubs against your teeth, and the roof of your mouth.

Things to do before treatment that can cut out bad breath :

Before treatment of bad breath certain things should be done to help combat it. The majority of bad breath is caused by a dry mouth, as your saliva contains oxygen to fight off the bad bacteria. Some things that are responsible for a dry mouth are listed below.

o The biggest cause of bad breath and dry mouth, is not drinking enough water, our bodies constantly need water and if our mouth is dry, then we are already dehydrated.

o The next is alcohol, and alcohol based mouthwashes, as these dry out the mouth. Even antiseptic mouthwash wears off in three hours allowing the bacteria to grow back in abundance worse than before. These mouthwashes only mask the problem not deal with the underlying cause, and can worsen the condition in the long run.

o Poor diet and smoking can also cause a dry mouth. Highly processed food, and food with high protein content, make the perfect food for the bacteria to break down and cause them smells as well.

o Certain medications such as cold remedies, blood pressure pills, antidepressants, and antihistamines, also have a drying effect. Talk with your doctor to see if they are really necessary, don't just stop taking them without your doctor's permission.

o Coffee has a high acid content, whether it contains caffeine or not. Bacteria thrive the more acidic your mouth is. PH below 7 is acidic and above is alkaline, your normal mouth is 6.5, so you want to push it towards 7.

o While chewing gum actually increases saliva, which is good to combat bad breath, the sugar content will actually do more harm than good, so make sure if you chew gum that it is sugarless.

Never use antibiotics to kill off the bacteria on your tongue, as most people have Candida on their tongue, which is kept in check by the helper bacteria, once the bacteria is wiped out the Candida is set free and can cause thrush or worse, you also run the risk of creating resistant strains of bacteria if you don't kill off all the bacteria.

Luke Lister was a former Candida sufferer who developed an all natural Candida Cleanse click the link to visit his site or go to http://www.naturalcandidacleanse.com