Examine Cure For Bad Breath - Freshen Up Naturally and Safely additional

If you are one of the unlucky people that suffer from bad breath, then you know how much it can cause embarrassment and low self esteem. Some severe cases have even been known to cause relationship problems and break-ups. Unfortunately many of the products on the market just don't seem to help and just 'cover up' the problem in the short term. Luckily you can probably find a cure for bad breath right in your cupboard at home as many natural remedies are completely safe and very effective.

There are many reasons for bad breath and it can often be a good idea to see your dentist to rule out tooth decay or gum disease which may be causing the problem. If the dentist finds nothing wrong then your next step is a visit to your local doctor to test for tonsillitis, liver or kidney problems which can also cause bad breath. But if both your doctor and dentist give the all clear, and your problem isn't caused by your health then the next obvious thing to look at is your diet.

Many people who have a diary intolerance notice particularly smelly breath after eating dairy foods so keep a food diary to see if you notice if certain foods trigger your worst symptoms. Other foods allergies may include meat and fish so a diary can be a good way to narrow down if that is your cause.

A study by the International Association for Dental Research found that eating plain yoghurt for 6 weeks could help freshen your breath as the good bacteria in the yoghurt was able to reduce harmful bacteria levels in both the mouth and throat. If you are not a yoghurt lover then taking a pro-biotic supplement can be beneficial to both your health and your breath.

Water can also help flush out toxins in your body that could be producing smelly gas so make sure that you drink plenty of water during the day to keep your body running smoothly and eliminating wastes efficiently.

Finally swap your regular mouthwash for a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon added. The lemon acts as a healthy bacteria buster and is much better for you than commercial mouthwashes.

Bad Breath Cure

For reviews of the best bad breath remedies online visit http://www.bad-breath-remedies.info/

Cure For Bad Breath - Freshen Up Naturally and Safely