Read through Bad Breath Cures - 3 Tips to Keep You Confident When You Open Your Mouth a lot more

Bad Breath Cures

The last thing you want to see when you open your mouth to talk to someone is them wrinkling their nose in disgust at your breath. It's mortifying and can do a big number on your confidence and self esteem. Because of that bad breath cures are essential!

If you have been to the doctor or dentist and they have ruled out an underlying medical condition for your bad breath here are a few tips to keep in mind to keep your breath from wrinkling noses.

Water is Your Friend

You may think that since your mouth tends to be moist (saliva anyone?) that it can't get dehydrated. That is not the case. When your mouth gets on the dry side this allows bacteria to build up fast - and this bacteria causes bad breath. This is actually why morning breath is an issue. While you sleep your mouth gets drier than normal and the bacteria that causes bad breath has hours to build up. So just drink water throughout the day. Not only will you keep your mouth hydrated but drinking water helps to clear out food particles from your meals.


Yeah, it's not fun to do at all. But it helps enormously in keeping your mouth healthy. The better health your gums and teeth are in the better your breath will be as well. Diseased teeth and gums are not going to put out a minty fresh aroma. Also in the short term, flossing gets rid of food particles that brushing can't reach. If you're leaving food particles in your teeth, in time you end up with rotting food in your mouth. Do you really want your mouth smelling like a dumpster full of rotten food? I'm guessing no - so make flossing a habit!

Chewing Gum and Mouthwash

Keeping chewing gum and mouthwash handy are good bad breath cures. They may not fix chronic problems but they will blast away food related bad breath issues quickly. Also gum helps to keep your mouth from getting too dry, so it does double duty in giving instant minty-ness and hydration. Mouthwash can also eliminate the bacteria that will pop up during the day or blast away the evidence of a garlic-y lunch. You don't have to lug around the big bottle of mouthwash either - get a travel sized bottle and you're good to go.

The above three tips can get you through the day without offending the noses of others. They're easy but effective as bad breath cures.

If you want more powerful and long lasting bad breath cures go to for information on how to completely cure your bad breath fast and with things you may already have around your house. As a bonus, these bad breath cures also help to improve the health and appearance of your gums and teeth.

Bad Breath Cures - 3 Tips to Keep You Confident When You Open Your Mouth